
chónɡ zhì chénɡ běn
  • Replacement cost;cost of replacement;cost of reproduction
  1. 同时还介绍了企业无形资产评估中常用的三种方法,分别为收益现值法、现行市价法以及重置成本法。

    Meanwhile , the article introduces three methods of intangible asset estimation , which are present earning value method , current market price method and cost of replacement .

  2. 最后,以改进的重置成本法为理论基础,运用面向对象的高级程序语言VISUALBASIC6.0设计开发了一套旧机动车鉴定估价信息系统。

    Finally , according to the improved Production Costs Method , designs an appraisal and assessment system of the used motor vehicles by Visual Basic 6.0 .

  3. q值是某只股票(或整个股市)的价值与净资产重置成本的比率。

    Q is the ratio of the value of an individual stock ( or of the stock market as a whole ) to net assets , at replacement cost .

  4. 基于重置成本法的分别比估计在机器设备评估中的应用

    Application of Separate Ratio Estimator to Appraisal of Machinery and Equipment

  5. 改进的重置成本法评估旧机动车价值IT的价值

    Improvement for used motor vehicle value assessment with production costs method

  6. 我国实行重置成本会计的基础

    The Basic Conditions of Applying the Replacement Cost Accounting in China

  7. 对房屋建筑物采用重置成本法评估的思考

    Food for Thought Replacement Cost Approach for Plants Buildings Valuation

  8. 包括任何保险索赔的重置成本。

    Include the replacement cost in any insurance claim .

  9. 论资产评估中的重置成本

    A Discussion about the Replacement Cost in Assets Valuation

  10. 对探矿权评估方法中重置成本法的思考

    Study for reproduce cost method that belongs to evaluation method of prospecting right

  11. 你仍然能以低于重置成本的价钱买进。

    You can still buy under the replacement cost .

  12. 重置成本法中各种贬值的确定;

    Ascertain of every depreciation by replacement cost ;

  13. 谈重置成本会计计量模式下的成本补偿问题

    On the Cost Recovery of Replacement Cost Accounting

  14. 企业账面资产重置成本加和的评估值并不能解除他们对这些企业是否物有所值的疑虑。

    The sum of Replacement Cost of ledger assets cannot dispel the concerns of investors .

  15. 确定指标权重;②重置成本法;

    Confirm the weigh of the index ; ( 2 ) the reset cost method ;

  16. 历史成本,公允价值,重置成本,可变现净值,现值。

    Historical cost , fair value , replacement cost , net realizable value , present value .

  17. 创新点之三:改进了对科研设计单位无形资产评估的重置成本法。

    The third new point : The replacement cost of invisible assets evaluation has been improved .

  18. 要注意更新重置成本的选择与功能性贬值的量化;

    Attention should be paid on selection of renewed replacement cost and quantification of functional devaluation .

  19. 关于建立交通运输重置成本会计的构想

    Establishing the Transportation Replacement Cost Accounting

  20. 定量分析包括:重置成本法、杠杆分析法、概率分析法。

    Quantitative analysis methods include recount cost methods and lever analysis methods and possibility analysis methods .

  21. 重置成本法;

    The reset cost method ;

  22. 重置成本会计探索

    Probing into Replacement Cost Accounting

  23. 其中本章有关重置成本、经济寿命计算是讨论重点。

    Those about the reconfiguration cost , the calculation of theeconomic life are emphases in this chapter .

  24. 重置成本法折旧。

    Depreciation by replacement method .

  25. 最后利用重置成本法确定了固定资产的价值。

    The value of the fixed assets is figured out by dint of the replacement cost method .

  26. 在改进后的重置成本法中,将车辆购置附加税计入重置成本全价;

    In the improved theory , considers the vehicle purchase tax as the part of production costs ;

  27. 投标人为其设备投保的金额应不少于全部重置成本。

    The bidder shall insure the bidder 's equipment for not less than the full replacement value .

  28. 所谓成本法是指以资产的重置成本和企业的净资产来计量企业或资产的公允价值的方。

    The cost approach is concerned with the amount needed to replace the service capacity of the asset ;

  29. 折旧后现行重置成本

    Depreciated current replacement cost

  30. 然后,通过具体的实例说明了改进后的重置成本法的有效性。

    Then , a real application shows that the improvement Production Costs Method is very useful and effective .