
  • 网络fire disaster;disastrous fire
  1. 重大火灾事故不仅危害了人民群众的生产生活,还影响到经济的发展和社会的稳定。

    The disastrous fire not only endangers the life of the people , but also the economy development and social stability .

  2. 从几起重大火灾事故谈石油库中存在的问题

    The Problems in Our Oil Storage Exposed in the Fire Accidents

  3. 某重大火灾隐患单位整改措施的确定性研究

    Study on Improving Measures for a Building with Major Fire Potential

  4. 以性能为基础的建筑重大火灾隐患判定及整改方法研究

    Major Fire Potential Judgment and Modification Based on Performance-Based Design

  5. 深圳市11.19重大火灾事故的法医学鉴定

    Medicolegal examination of Shenzhen " 11.19 " fire accident

  6. 近1.5万名消防员已经在全州范围内扑灭14起重大火灾。

    Nearly 15000 firefighters are already battling 14 major fires across the state .

  7. 损失最大的是主任.重大火灾损失的原因

    The person with the most to lose is the director . cause of large loss

  8. 重大火灾损失的原因

    Cause of large loss an inexplicable fire

  9. 煤矿带式输送机在矿井中的大量使用,是煤矿重大火灾隐患之一。

    A great many belt conveyors are used in coal mine , which are great fire hidden troubles .

  10. 然而,重大火灾产生的污染物激增,确实加重了温室效应。

    However , the immediate surge in burning pollution that accompanies a major fire does contribute to warming .

  11. 中国首都这个最繁忙的交通枢纽自建成以来从没发生过重大火灾。

    The busiest transportation hub in the Chinese capital , has never had a major fire since its foundation .

  12. 我们广州贸易公司的所有人员对贵公司遭受重大火灾表示慰问。

    All of us at Guangzhou Trading Company were sorry to hear about the extensive fire damage which your company has sustained .

  13. 重大火灾的发生是小概率事件,其历史数据属于小样本统计数据。

    The serious and extremely serious fires are events with low probabilities , and the statistics data of them are of small sample .

  14. 对重大火灾隐患的危害、成因及其对策分析

    Studying on the hazards , formulation reasons and antidotes of the higher hiding fire risk that was supervised by the government of Qinghai province

  15. 基于信息扩散的结果,计算了以年为周期的重大火灾发生次数的超越概率分布,建立了一种重大火灾频度估算方法。

    Based on information diffusion , a method of great fire risk prediction is raised up ; exceeding probability of the number of great fire annual in Japan was calculated .

  16. 本文通过分析近年在中国城区中发生的重大火灾伤亡事故,发现人们在顾及防盗需求时忽略消防安全的现象普遍存在。

    Through analyzing the violent fire taken place in China recent years , it 's found that people always neglect the security against fire control while taking the theft-proof requirement into account .

  17. 现代化大生产以能量巨大输入为突出特征,生产过程中潜伏着重大火灾、爆炸、毒物泄漏等危险。

    It is distinctly characteristic of a modern mass production to input tremendous energy . There exist such dangerous sources as big fire , explosion and toxic matter leak in the production process .

  18. 在现代工业尤其是化学工业过程中,某一单元发生重大火灾、爆炸事故可能会导致邻近的单元发生二级或更高级的事故,这种现象即为重大事故的多米诺效应。

    The fire or explosion of one unit can cause a secondary accident in a nearby unit which in turn may trigger a tertiary accident in the modern industry , especially chemical industry .

  19. 结果表明:冬、春季气温偏高、降水偏少,持续数月干旱是甘肃南部发生重大火灾的主要气候背景。

    The result shows that higher air temperature and fewer precipitation in winter and spring , and long-term drought are the primary climate background of the fatal forest fire in the south of Gansu .

  20. 认知、评估和防范转型期的城市重大火灾风险是实现现代化的迫切需要,具有重大社会现实意义。

    It is urgent necessary for realizing modernization to take cognizance of the risk of urban major fire , to assess it , and to guard against it during the socioeconomic transition period in China .

  21. 当前以变暖为主要特征的气候变化已对全球林火的发生产生重要影响,林火发生频率加快,重大火灾发生的可能性增加。

    Warming as the main feature of climate change has an important impact on the occurrence of global forest fire , so the frequency of forest fire and the likelihood of a major fire occurring has increased .

  22. 随着现代化生产的发展,其规模日趋扩大,生产过程中巨大能量潜在着危险源,尤其是重大火灾、爆炸、毒物泄漏事故危害极大。

    With the development of modern production , its scale is larger and larger and the tremendous energy is a latent hazard sources , especially the accidents of fire , explosion and poison leak have tremendous harm .

  23. 对此,论文初步采用了可用于消防战略规划的安全优化模型,为探索和研究转型期的城市区域重大火灾风险理论建立了实践论依据。

    Confronting this , the paper has adopted the security-optimization model which can be elementary used to fire-prevention planning . This has established the practical basis for explorations and researches of the theory on the risk of urban major fire .

  24. 同时腐蚀产物会对成品油质量造成不良影响;一旦油罐腐蚀穿孔导致原油外泄,不仅会造成环境污染,而且可能酿成重大火灾及爆炸事故。

    This may shortened its life and corrosion products would adversely affect the quality of the refined oil . Once the tank corrosion perforate , the crude oil will disclosure . This will not only cause environmental pollution , but also may lead to a major fire and explosion .

  25. 特别是重大恶性火灾的频繁发生,给油田企业消防通信指挥工作提出了许多新课题和更高的要求。

    In particular , conflagration occurred frequently brings a lot of new issues and a higher requirement to the fire communication and command system of oil companies .

  26. 本文回顾近年国外重大隧道火灾事故,并进一步检视国道雪山隧道发生火灾时,不同車辆事故可能引发之火势规模、用路人避难行为特性等。

    This article focuses on the tunnel fire and discusses the situation and the time limit of evacuation , moreover , the impact of fire that could happen in Snow Mountain Tunnel .

  27. 近年来发生的几起重大隧道火灾事故警示人们,隧道在给人们带来交通便利的同时,其火灾安全形势也越来越严峻,隧道火灾如不能得到有效的控制,很有可能带来灾难性的后果。

    The occurrence of several fatal tunnel fires in recent years warns people of the severe situation of tunnel fire safety while they enjoy the convenience brought by tunnels . Tunnel fire would cause disastrous consequences if it is not well controlled .

  28. 比较分析了适用于重大危险源火灾、爆炸事故后果、毒物泄漏事故后果风险程度分析采用的模型,并对典型多晶硅生产企业进行了模拟分析计算。

    It is also studied that the better model which is applied to analysis the consequence of fire , explosion and toxic leak risk . And the simulation of polycrystalline silicon technology is calculated .

  29. 黑龙江省煤矿通风安全隐患分析与重大瓦斯煤尘和火灾事故预防对策

    Ventilation hiden trouble analysis and preventive countermeasures of gas coal dust and fire of Heilongjiang Prov . Coal Mine

  30. 第三步,在前人研究的基础上,对重大危险源的火灾、爆炸事故建立数学模型,将这些数学模型按火灾、爆炸事故的不同形态加以分类,提出计算方法;

    Third , on the basis of previous research , we established mathematic model about fire explosion accidents , and offered calculation method ;