
Measurement of the GPS passing through the zone in two times is undergoing extension in NW-SE . Features of the crustal and mantle structure support that the zone belongs to a boundary of thermodynamics and gravity isostatic adjustment .
The isostasy and crustal density structure of Panzhihua-Xichang region in southwestern China
Preliminary study on the state of isostatic equilibrium in the Northeast China
Gravity isostatic anomaly and prediction of the primary diamond deposits in Hunan
Isostatic Gravity study of Ordos block and its geodynamic implications
Preliminary study on the isostatic gravity anomaly in Ningxia and its neighboring regions
Gravity isostatic anomalies and primary diamond deposits
Gravity isostasy and mass isostasy
The late stage of subsidence was featured by a large-scale and whole motion , indicating the isostatic compensation mechanism at depth became dominant .
The main factors of the basin formation are the after effects of thrusting , invading crust of abnormal mantle , temperature elastic effect , shear spread and gravitational equilibrium .
Asthenosphere uplift indicates the deep adjustment process during the interaction of plates , and also shows the adjusting process of gravitational equilibrium between upper layer of crust and mantle .
The uplift is a compressing uplift event resulted from the pulse ( A type ) inner continent subduction of Indian Plate rather than an extending uplift event resulted from the gravity equilibrium .
The difference of seismicity in each segment can be regarded as a result of gravity and its isostatic adjustment .
In this transitional zone , hot water activity is very strong and the gravity field is not in isostatic equilibrium .
With this system one can compute the values of free-air gravity anomaly , Bouguer gravity anomaly and isostatic gravity anomaly .
We have calculated crustal thickness by use of gravity data , and then researched further the linear fracture system on the ground surface and the display of present crustal movement in Three-Gorge region , western Hubei province .
A comparison of the magnetotelluric data with gravity data shows that both gravity lows and negative isostasy gravity anomalies correspond to all the main electrical gradient zones .
It is known from the 1 ∶ 1 000 000 10 ′× 15 ′ average isostatic gravity map that the northwestern Hunan area assumes gravity high , and the other vast areas are basically characterized by zero isostatic anomaly if the local gravity low corresponding to granite is eliminated .