
  • 网络Goaf treatment;disposition of mined-out area
  1. 应用三维有限元程序ANSYS和三维水力耦合分析程序EPSCA3D模拟了采空区处理过程。

    The numerical simulation on the process of disposing the abandoned stopes is carried out by use of two3-D codes , ANSYS and EPSCA3D .

  2. 地下矿山采空区处理方法的评价与优选

    Evaluation and optimization of disposal methods for gob in underground mine

  3. 采空区处理工程实录与分析

    The actual records and analysis of the goaf disposal engineering

  4. 地下转露天开采的采空区处理工艺

    Elimination of Mined-Out Areas when Mining Underground Transferred to Open Pit Operation

  5. 平阳矾矿采空区处理述评

    A review of the treatment of drawn stope in Pingyang Alunite Mine

  6. 岩金矿山采空区处理现状及对策

    The Status Quo and Countermeasures of Disposal of Hollow Areas of Gold Deposits

  7. 采空区处理矿井水的资源化利用

    Research on resource utilization of mine water in goaf

  8. 紫金山金矿采空区处理技术研究

    Technical research of goaf disposal in Zijinshan Gold Mine

  9. 采空区处理含悬浮物矿井水的效果研究

    Research of results on disposal of mine drainage containing suspended solids through goaf

  10. 平邑石膏矿房柱式开采大面积采空区处理方法研究

    Study on Disposition Method of Huge Goaf in Room-And-Pillar-Mining in Pingyi Gypsum Colliery

  11. 采空区处理不会影响后续安全生产。

    Subsequently , mining safety will not be affected by disposing abandoned stope .

  12. 文中简要讨论了国内外黄金矿山采空区处理的几种方法。

    In this paper , abandoned stope disposal methods in gold mines are reviewed .

  13. 铁山隧道采空区处理

    Worked out Area Treatment in Tie Hill Tunnel

  14. 模糊优选法是合理选择复杂条件下的采空区处理方法的重要工具。

    Fuzzy optimization method is an important tool for selecting the disposal method for gob .

  15. 由于水力耦合,采空区处理引起岩移量降低。

    Because of seepage-stress coupling , the rock movement resulted from disposal of abandoned stopes is allayed .

  16. 基于集对分析同一度的采空区处理方案研究

    Evaluation of the Alternatives for Mined-out Area Disposal Based on the Identical Degree of Set Pair Analysis

  17. 采空区处理的探讨和实践

    Mainly discusses the architecture and principle of the . Exploration Investigation And Practice of Abandoned Well Treatment

  18. 本文介绍数例岩金矿山采空区处理方法及效果,并对新型采空区处理技术作了简略介绍。

    The paper introduced the abandoned stope disposal methods in several gold mines and discussed relevant new techniques .

  19. 瓦斯隧道煤窑采空区处理施工技术

    The Techniques for the Treatment and Construction of the Coal Pit 's Workout Sections of the Gas Tunnel

  20. 东坪金矿地质灾害防治与采空区处理研究矿山废弃井巷采空区地质灾害调查与防治措施的建议

    Geological Disaster Prevention and the Disposal of Caved Stope in DongPing Gold Mine ; Geological hazards of the mine abandoned workings and controlling measures

  21. 模拟结果表明,采空区处理后,沉降量在建筑物允许沉降范围之内,为施工采取相应措施提供了理论依据。

    Simulation results show that the settlement is within the building settlement range after mined-out area disposed , and this provides a reference criterion for construction .

  22. 同时对缓冲垫层安全厚度的确定进行了研究,为类似矿山大型采空区处理提供了参考依据。

    Also , how to determine the safe thickness of the buffer cushion is researched , thus providing a reference for the similar large mined-out area .

  23. 纵观国内外采空区处理方法,并结合矿山目前存在的这两个问题和实际情况,选用全尾砂充填采空区作为解决问题的最佳方案。

    Referring to the current treatment methods of mined area and the conditions of the mine , the unclassified tailings filling is chosen to solve these problems .

  24. 采空区处理是井下生产过程中必然要面对的课题,解决此问题需要大量的人力、物力、财力,不仅影响到生产,而且危及安全。

    : Abandoned well treatment is a problem you are bound to encounter in the process of underground mining . To solve this problem needs lots of human resources ;

  25. 针对地下金属矿采空区处理的现状,客观地评价了当前几种主要的采空区处理方法;

    Some typical methods were evaluated , the critical factors and evaluating indicators effected the selection of disposal method for gob were analyzed based on the god disposal actuality in underground metal mines .

  26. 论述矿山常用几种采空区处理以及类框架结构支撑采空区的两种不同处理技术的技术要领、技术特点、应用条件和使用时的注意事项。

    This paper discusses several typical disposal methods of hollow areas , plus technical essentials and features , application precondition and precautions of two different disposal technologies of homologous framework structure supported hollow areas .

  27. 其次,本文还对新建公路下伏采空区处理宽度和深度的确定方法作了比较系统的论述,提出了以载荷影响深度与冒落裂隙带高度是否重合的方法来确定采空区处理深度。

    Secondly , the author systematically discussed the methods to define treatment width and depth of goaf underlying highway to be built , put forward a way to define the treatment depth according to make sure if the load affect depth and fallen fissured zone height are coincided .

  28. 750kV送电线路经过煤矿采空区的处理措施

    On treatment measures for 750 kV power transmission sequence through old coal-mine areas

  29. 高速公路采空区工程处理范围确定方法

    A method for determining engineering treatment scope of goaf under highway

  30. 灌浆法在采空区地基处理工程中的应用

    The application of grouting method in foundation treatment project in gob