
jiǔ jīnɡ jì
  • alcohol meter;alcoholometer
  1. 各种应用(app)从计步器、心率计量仪到酒精测定计和排卵期计算器为人们提供了大量个人健康信息。

    Apps ranging from step-counters and heart-rate meters to alcohol breathalyser kits and ovulation calculators already provide individuals with a wealth of personal health information .

  2. 该测试将在标准日常使用汽车中检查酒精测量计对于酒精浓度探测可靠性、功能及实用性。

    The tests will examine the alcohol-detection reliability and the functionality and practicality of the breathalyser in standard daily-operating vehicles .

  3. 譬如,这可能涉及让人们有权决定自己的心脏起搏器是否应该影响其跑鞋,或允许手机中的酒精测定计使汽车点火失灵。

    For instance , this might involve giving people the power to determine whether their cardiac pacemakers should be able to influence their running shoes or allowing the breathalyser in their mobile phone to disable their car 's ignition .