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  1. 它主要以名贵的鹰嘴龟和土茯苓为原料,再配生地等药物精制而成。

    It mainly rare turtles and Smilax glabra olecranon as raw materials , matched with drugs such as refining habitat .

  2. 适配于多种地学仪器的数据采集系统

    Data acquisition system matching with manifold geodetic instruments

  3. 优良的粗骨科级配可显著地降低水泥用量。

    With good gradation of coarse aggregate , the cement consumed may be reduced remarkably .

  4. 利用串联谐振法测量发电机直配系统接地电容电流

    Measurement of Earthing Capacitive Current of Generator Direct - Distribution System by Series Oscillation Method

  5. 高量有机肥与无机肥配施可比休闲地土壤微生物生物量碳含量提高1.96~2.75倍;长期耕种与施肥对土壤微生物生物量碳含量产生衰减影响;

    The assorted usage of high amount of organic and inorganic fertilizer can increase 1.96 ~ 2.75 times than that of fallow ;

  6. 当然。也少不了顶着巨大的花苞穗,长满茂密花儿的强壮粉红兰花,兰花那巨大的花苞穗如同饱满地麦穗一样,配上耀眼地紫色,让人觉得完美无缺。

    Also there are the huge bud-spikes of the stout , thick-flowering pink orchid , huge buds like fat ears of wheat , hard-purple and splendid .

  7. 由于界面层材料性质失配,不可避免地存在残余应力、应力集中和初始缺陷,在大变形时不可避免地在界面层处首先发生损伤和开裂。

    Because interface layer material characters mismatch , residual stress , stress concentration and initial defects exist inevitably and damage and crack occur initially with large deformation .

  8. 如果你要求宾客们着正装出席,应选择雍容的宫廷椅,搭配华贵的丝质椅套并配以同质地的椅背缎带。

    If you ask the guests to dress to attend , should choose the Regal palace chair , with luxurious silk coverings and with different back ribbon .

  9. 供水量为250~450mm条件下,氮磷合理配施改善了地上部生物学性状,促进了地下部根系发育;

    Under amounts of water supply 250 ~ 450mm , the concerted use of nitrogen and phosphate fertilizer could improve biological characteristics of aerial part , and promote root system development of subsurface part .

  10. 锡矿的开发使这半岛城市搞得坑坑洼洼,配似月球坑地。

    Tin mining had left the peninsula rather like the craters of the moon .

  11. 氮钾锌肥配施对玉米地上部分养分的积累与分配的影响

    Effects of Combined N and K and Zn Fertilizers on the Nutrition Accumulation and Distribution in Corn Shoot

  12. 一般线性规划方法得到的配矿方案单纯地考虑了成本因素,所需澳矿数量超出了目前所能提供的数量。

    The Linear Programming only consider the cost , the quantity of Australian ore is too high to order .

  13. 因此,氮、磷、钾营养合理配施能有效地改善观赏向日葵光合特性,提高光合速率。

    Therefore , N , P.K fertilizers can be reasonably effective in improving Helianthus annuus photosynthesis and photosynthetic rate . 3 .

  14. 基于多导体传输线理论,针对配电线路的特点,提出了直配线路单相接地测距的新算法。

    Based on multiconductor transmission line theory , a new algorithm for single line to ground fault ( SLGF ) location is proposed in accordance with the characteristics'of the distribution network .

  15. 试验结果表明,优选后的怠速配剂能有效地控制高怠速时的排放污染物的含量,改进后的怠速螺钉结构使怠速时的排放污染物的含量大幅度降低。

    The experimental results indicate that by selecting idle system 's A / F and improving the structure of idle adjustment screw , the quantities of CO and HC are decreased obviously .

  16. 预计这种单分子层的高分子膜可以被大片的配位键牢牢地粘附在金属表面上,并具有可自修复的特性,因而可望获得超长使用寿命和较高传热效率的滴状冷凝表面。

    It is contended that the monolayer spread film can be tightly attached to the metal surface by a number of coordination bonds and can be self-repairable , so that longer duration and higher heat transfer efficiency may be anticipated .

  17. 在本试验条件下,锰与氮、钾配施极显著地增加了小麦植株地上部各项产量构成因素的加权分值。

    The main results are summed up as follows : 1 . Under the condition of yield experiment , weight grade of different yield factors of shoot can be increased significantly with combined application of manganese , and nitrogen , potassium .

  18. 通过对故障后暂态零模电流频域特征的分析,结合S变换运算,给出配电网单相接地故障选线和故障定段的依据。

    Therefore , S-transform is suitable for extracting transient zero module signals . ( 3 ) The basis on single-phase-to-ground fault line selection and fault location is put forward by analyzing frequency domain characteristics of transient zero module current combined with S-transform .

  19. 以幂函数为试函数,两次使用配点法成功地分离了耦合的大挠度方程,从而导出变厚度旋转扁壳非线性稳定的计算式。

    By taking power functions as trial functions , the coupled equations of large deflection have successfully been separated twice applying the method of point collocation . The formulas of nonlinear stability of a thin revolutionary shell with arbitrarily variable thickness have been obtained .

  20. 对长期化肥和农家肥配施的烟地,施用小麦秆和玉米秆均使土壤微生物数量下降,使用土壤改良剂则只能增加上层土壤中的微生物数量。

    In tobacco fields which had been enriched with farm yard manure in combination with chemical fertilizer , application of either wheat stalk or maize stalk reduced the quantity of soil microorganisms while the soil conditioner enhanced their quantity in the top soil layer .

  21. 从化学改良作用、土壤通透性及碱中和作用角度,论述了改良盐碱地的机理。进行了效益分析,系统论述了粉煤灰与污泥配施改良盐碱地的经济、环境与社会效益。

    From chemistry improvement , soil permeability , this paper analyzed the mechanism of improving saline-alkali soil , and carried out benefit analysis , and systematically illustrated economy , society , and environment benefit from utilization of coal ash and mire improving saline-alkali soil .

  22. 有机肥与化肥配施可以有效地提高稻米的出糙率、精米率和整精米率,降低稻米的垩白度和直链淀粉含量,使稻米的碾米品质、外观品质和蒸煮品质得到有效改善。

    The roughness out of rice , milled rice rate and head rice rate are increased , the content of rice chalkiness and amylase are decreased and the rice milling quality , appearance quality and cooking quality are improved by the organic manure combined with chemical fertilizer treatment . 3 .

  23. 研究结果表明,初始相位失配与群速失配均能有效地补偿三阶非线性效应,提高转换效率,改善脉冲形状和光谱分布。

    The compensation for third-order nonlinearity effects is discussed . The results show that initial phase mismatch and inclusion of group-velocity mismatching can act to decrease the effects . The conversion efficiency can be increased with good temporal and spatial profiles of SH pulse with compensation methods . 5 .

  24. SDS-PAGE结果显示,表达产物sIL-6R相对分子质量为47000左右;westernblot和受体配基结合实验表明,表达产物具有与其配基特异性地结合的能力。

    Results SDS - PAGE showed molecular weight of the expressed product was about 47 000 . The expressed recombinant protein was confirmed to be specific and capable of binding its ligand IL - 6 by Western blot and ligand - receptor binding assays .