
  1. L:对,这儿的人都挺好。怎么啦,你累了,想走了?

    M : Yeah , the people here are pretty cool , but I 'm getting tired .

  2. 都挺好的。咖啡师沙龙(BaristaParlor)于2012年5月开张,由昔日的汽修厂车库改建而成。它位于日益新潮的东纳什维尔一座蒙尘的老店“彩虹时尚”(RainbowFashions)后面。

    SATURDAY Barista Parlor opened in May 2012 in a converted auto-repair garage behind a dusty old store called Rainbow Fashions in increasingly hip East Nashville .

  3. 我们享用了一顿精美的菜肴。在结账之前,一切都挺好。

    Everything went fine until the end of an excellent meal .

  4. 好都挺好的

    Everything 's great . Yeah . It 's great .

  5. 带把儿的都挺好骗亲爱的

    Anything with a cock is easy to fool . My dear .

  6. 但是我们一上了岸都挺好。

    But we were all fine when we landed .

  7. 没有没有…目前为止他们表现都挺好的。

    No no no. .. No , they 've been fine so far .

  8. 带把儿的都挺好骗

    Anything with a cock is easy to fool .

  9. 这些照片中的人物姿势都挺好。

    The subjects are well posed in these photographs .

  10. 你不能说你的胃不好但是其余的地方都挺好。

    You cannot say that your stomach is bad and everything else is alright .

  11. 近况如何,老兄?不错,都挺好的。

    So how are things going , mate ? Good . Things are good .

  12. 他们三个为人都挺好的。

    Three people could hang their best .

  13. 至于他们的英语水平,我亲自交谈的几个人的英语水平都挺好。

    As for their command of English , those I have personally conversed with were fine .

  14. 你那都挺好的?

    Is everybody okay in there ?

  15. 一切看起来都挺好的,控制呀速率呀还有其他什么的只是象征性的,不是么?

    Everything look good to you , control and rates and everything is nominal , right ?

  16. 假装一切都挺好的是不好的,我昨晚听到你们两个在吵架。

    It 's no good pretending everything is hunky-dory . I heard you two arguing last night .

  17. 对都挺好的

    Yeah , all right . All right . Yeah . It 's nice , it 's nice .

  18. 我语文和英语学的都挺好,可是在学习数学我还有问题。

    I do well in Chinese as well as English , but I have problems in learning maths .

  19. 你最近怎么样挺好都挺好的那就好

    How are you doing with everything ? I 'm fine . It 's all fine . Good .

  20. “跟你说实话吧&我的腿一直都挺好的,”她说。

    " To tell you the truth & my legs have been well all my life ," she said .

  21. 为孩子,气泡肥皂液吹去都挺好的,因为他们都是美丽的,看。

    For kids , air bubbles blown away from soap liquid are pretty nice since they are beautiful to look at .

  22. 他被告知他们都挺好,不过他也知道人们不愿说出最坏的消息。

    He was told they were OK , but he also knows that people are reluctant to give the worst news .

  23. 今天是我第一天入职,见了很多新同事,他们看上去人都挺好的。

    It was my first day on board . I met many new colleagues and they all seem to be pretty nice .

  24. 一切都挺好的,直到我二十六岁那一年。我看了一部名叫《雷霆五号》的电影。

    Everything was okay , until I got to about the age of 26 , and I went to a movie called " Short Circuit . "

  25. 芦:刚开始确实挺苦的,我身边也没有亲戚,去各个剧组经常碰壁,这些也不敢跟父母说,只是报喜不报忧,告诉他们都挺好的。

    Lo : the beginning is indeed very bitter , I have no relatives around to all the crew often run into a wall , these parents do not dare say , but bad news , tell them all came good .

  26. 我的老板什么都挺好,就是老是嘱咐我要按时上班,唠叨个没完。实际上,我即便晚到也从来没有超过五分钟的,而那也只是在公共汽车晚到的时候才会发生。

    I like my boss except for one thing-he 's always nagging me about getting to work on time . I 'm never more than five minutes late , and that 's only when the bus doesn 't show up on time .

  27. 餐厅里的服务员态度都挺好的,虽然有时效率并不是很高,但是当她用很温柔的声音加上很灿烂的笑容跟你说“就快了”的时候,你没有办法对她发脾气。

    All the waitresses in the restaurants are pretty nice , even though it isn 't the most efficient place in china , when you are faced with a smiling waitress speaking to you in a soft tone , it 's hard to get mad .

  28. 他写这本书,并不是明确地面向父母,而是通过一些逸闻趣事和分析,验证了一些美国父母迫切想听到的话:抚养孩子的方法多种多样,结果都挺好的。

    history and his own fieldwork in seven countries . He 's not explicitly writing for parents . Yet through factoids and analysis , he demonstrates something that American parents desperately need to hear : Children are raised in all sorts of ways , and they all turn out just fine .

  29. 别担心,我肯定结果一切都会挺好。

    Don 't worry , I 'm sure it will all turn out fine .

  30. 而且让这些事都过去挺好的,对吗?

    and it 'd be good to have all this behind us by then . Right ?