
zhènɡ zhōu dà xué
  • Zhengzhou University
  1. 材料:实验于2003-09/2005-05在郑州大学生物活性肽研究所第一实验室和郑州大学基础医学院细胞培养中心完成。选取出生后2d内的SD乳鼠15只作为实验对象。

    Cellular Culture Center , School of Basic Medical Sciences of Zhengzhou University from September 2003 to May 2005 . Fifteen neonatal SD rats within 2 days after birth were selected .

  2. 郑州大学以糯米粉为基料研制出ND高档啤酒标签胶,该产品无毒、无味、不燃、不爆,符合环保要求;

    ND-Top grade beer label adhesive was developed with sticky rice powder as material by Zhengzhou University , which is non-toxicity , no smell , no burning , no blast and according with environmental protection rules .

  3. 目的:观察氯沙坦对心力衰竭大鼠骨骼肌萎缩程度的影响,分析抗凋亡蛋白Bcl-2和促凋亡蛋白Bax在该影响中的作用。方法:实验于2003-04/2004-04在郑州大学病理生理学教研室完成。

    AIM : To explore the influence of losartan on level of skeletal muscle atrophy in rats with heart failure , and analyze the effects of anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2 and pro-apoptotic protein Bax .

  4. DH5α菌株由郑州大学医学院重点分子医学实验室侯卫红博士馈赠。

    DH5 α strain provided by Dr. Hou Wei-hong , the Key Molecular Medical Laboratory of Zhengzhou University Medical College .

  5. 通过手性HPLC测定了化合郑州大学博士学位论文5、6e和6j的光学纯度,ee值都大于99%。

    The ee of 5 , 6e and 6j was determined by HPLC analysis using a chiral column ( Chiralcel OD ) and was more than 99 % .

  6. 方法:53例恶性血液病患者于2003年7月~2006年5月在郑州大学第一附属医院血液科接受PBSCT治疗,中位年龄37岁。

    METHODS : From Jul. 2003 to May 2006 , 53 patients with malignant hematologic diseases underwent PBSCT in the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University .

  7. 方法:实验于2004-04/07在郑州大学基础医学院人体解剖教研室完成。45只成年健康Wistar大鼠随机分为3组,每组15只。

    METHODS : The experiment was carried out in the Department of Human Anatomy , School of Medical Sciences , Zhengzhou University between April and July 2004 . Forty-five adult healthy Wistar rats were randomly divided into 3 groups with 15 rats in each group .

  8. 本课题是郑州大学与美国通用汽车公司合作的美国通用联合基金项目JoiningofDissimilarMaterialswithCrash-ToughenedAdhesives的一部分,其目的是探索镁合金板料在汽车工业中应用的可能性。

    This paper is a part of GM Joint Funding Project " Joining of Dissimilar Materials with Crash-Toughened Adhesives " carried out by Zhengzhou University and General Motors Corporation , which aims to explore the possibility of applying magnesium alloy in the automobile industry .

  9. 方法1999-04~2002-05比利时鲁汶大学医学院和郑州大学第一附属医院使用严重联合免疫缺陷型(SCID)小鼠,并体内移植入同基因源性CD45RBCD4+T细胞诱发慢性结肠炎发生。

    Methods From Apr.1999 to May 2002 , in the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University , an experimental colitis model was established in which chronic colitis was induced by transfer of syngeneic CD45RB , CD ~ + _4T cells into severe combined immunodeficient ( SCID ) mice .

  10. 单位:郑州大学动物实验中心。

    SETTING : The Animal Experimental Center of Zhengzhou University .

  11. 郑州大学体育馆钢屋盖动力特性分析

    Analysis for dynamic properties of the steel roof of Zhengzhou University gym

  12. 郑州大学知识女性心理健康现状分析及干预对策

    The Analysis and Countermeasures on Psychological Health of intellectual Women In Zhengzhou University

  13. 单位:郑州大学医学院干细胞研究中心。

    SETTING : Research Center of Stem Cell , Zhengzhou University Medical College .

  14. 郑州大学学报(医学版)琼州海峡沿岸雾统计特征及天气学预报指标

    Statistical Characteristics of Fog along Qiongzhou Strait Coast and Its Synoptic Forecasting Indexes

  15. 郑州大学校园内氡浓度的初步测量

    Measurement of radon concentration in Zhengzhou university ′ campus

  16. 表面反应苯转化和环已烯继续加氢为连续反应的两个决定步骤,据郑州大学硕士学位论文此推导出了与实验结果一致的速率方程。

    Surface reactions of benzene conversion and cyclohexene hydrogenation are two rate-determining steps .

  17. 单位:郑州大学第二附属医院神经内科。

    SETTING : Department of Neurology of Second Hospital Affiliated to Zhengzhou University .

  18. 郑州大学自然科学学报论文文摘规范评析

    On Standardization for abstracts in Journal of Zhengzhou University

  19. 郑州大学2000级新生饮食和生活方式调查

    Dietary Patterns and Life - styles of First - year Students in Zhengzhou University

  20. 现年47岁的杨佳,15岁时被郑州大学录取。

    Yang , now 47 , won admission to Zhengzhou University when she was 15 .

  21. 郑州大学东校区场地地震地质条件及抗震设防应对措施

    Earthquake-geology conditions of the construction site and earthquake-proof measures in Medical College under Zhengzhou University

  22. 郑州大学绿桐环保协会是一个独立的由郑州大学学生构成的公益组织。

    Greenfirmiana environmental association is an independent community organization composed of students from Zhengzhou University .

  23. 请问郑州大学的学生有没有开车去上学的?谢谢啊!

    Does excuse me the student of Zhengzhou university drive go going to school ? Thank !

  24. 但是郑州大学仍然坚持在升达的学位证上加上升达字样。

    But Zhengzhou University is still insisting on putting the word Shengda on the graduation certificates .

  25. 郑州大学第一医院的尹广平医生说她的早衰症是非常罕见的。

    Dr Yin Guangping of Zhengzhou University No. 1 Hospital said her progeria syndrome is very rare .

  26. 郑州大学医学院

    Medical School of Zhengzhou University

  27. 地点和材料:实验地点:郑州大学医学院生理学实验室。

    SETTING and MATERIALS : Experimental site : Physiological Laboratory of School of Medicine , Zhengzhou University .

  28. 用科学发展观破解郑州大学发展进程中的三大课题

    Understanding and Solving the Three Subjects Question in the Course of Development of Zhengzhou University With Scientific Developing Conception

  29. 当前往去上升入郑州大学的第一节课途中,李舒曼在硕大的校园里迷了路。

    When Li went for her first class at Zhengzhou University , she was lost on the huge campus .

  30. 围合空间在高校建筑中的运用&郑州大学人文社科组团的创作实践与体会

    Enclosed space in University Architecture - Practice and Experience of the Cultural & Social Science College of Zhengzhou University