
  1. 她还只是一个装备不全的小骑士,正冒险出发去侦察神秘的大城市,梦想着某个遥远的将来她将征服这新世界,让那大城市俯首称臣,诚惶诚恐,跪倒在她的脚下。

    A half-equipped little Knight she was , venturing to reconnoitre the mysterious city and dreaming wild dreams of some vague , far-off supremacy , which should make it prey and subject & the proper penitent , groveling at a woman 's slipper .

  2. 因为,他已经攒够了旅费,要从遥远的家乡来看她。

    Because he has Zangou the travel , from the distant view of her home .

  3. 同时,在遥远的地方,她丈夫正在寻找宝石经纪人来购买他最近获得的幸运。

    And , in the distant place , her husband was looking for a gem broker to buy his latest bonanza .

  4. 我至今难以想象母亲如何走过了那遥远的行程,她从塞外离家上火车,在沈阳转车,需准确地找到开往辽东的列车。

    Till now I still hardly image mother how to go across the long way , she left home taking train outside the Great Wall , took change at Shenyang , that need to accurately find the train to Liaodong .

  5. 朱莉追求快速的进展,拍完遥远的蓝色天际,她马上就让你进入B-24轰炸机幽闭恐惧般的世界,很快又受到日军的袭击。

    Ms. Jolie is a fast worker . After her inaugural nod at the wide blue yonder , she thrusts you inside the claustrophobic confines of a B-24 bomber that 's soon under Japanese attack .

  6. 我的一部分教育来自于在遥远的当地部落帮她做事的经历。

    So part of my education included helping her in remote , indigenous communities .

  7. “市民与名人之间有很遥远的关系,”她说。

    " There was a very remote relationship then between the public and celebrities ," she says .

  8. 遥远的距离你望见她忧伤的眼曦,却看不见身后我失落的目光。

    The distance you see her sad eyes Xi , but not see I lost behind the eyes .