
yí chuán yīn zǐ
  • genetic factor
  1. 结论:HLA-DRB113011302基因是宿主抗HCV慢性感染的重要遗传因子。

    Conclusion : HLA-DRB1 ~ 1301,1302 alleles is an important genetic factor for resistance to chronic HCV infection .

  2. 结论:APOE基因多态性与AS、CHD易感性密切有关,e4可能是CHD的重要遗传因子。

    Conclusions : The apo E gene polymorphism correlated significantly with susceptibility to AS and CHD , and e4 may be an important genetic factor of CHD .

  3. 基于遗传因子的自适应蚁群算法最优PID控制

    Optimal PID Control of Self-Adapted Ant Colony Algorithm Based on Genetic Gene

  4. 大量遗传学研究表明,冠心病(CoronaryheartdiseaseCHD)是一种多因素疾病,是由多个遗传因子和环境因子相互作用形成的。

    Studies on genetics showed that coronary heart disease ( CHD ) is a multi-factors disease .

  5. 本研究以细菌染色体之外的遗传因子&质粒为对象,研究La3+对质粒DNA复制拷贝数的影响。

    So the genetic factor-plasmid is used as experimental material to research the effect of La (ⅲ) on replication copy number of plasmid DNA .

  6. 现在正在使用反义RNA技术试图提供一种抗噬菌体遗传因子的试剂,从而帮助乳酸菌和它们的噬菌体进行长期不问断的斗争。

    Antisense RNA now being used in an attempt to provide an agent against bacteriophage genes to help in the constant struggle between lactic acid bacteria and their phages .

  7. 在苗期和成株期的不同群体、不同环境下,都检测到了效应显著的基因互作的QTL影响小麦对纹枯病的抗性,说明上位性是控制小麦对纹枯病抗性的重要遗传因子。

    It is shown that the epistatic effect is one of the main genetic factors contributed to the resistance to Rhizoctonia cerealis .

  8. 反转录转座子(retrotransposon)是一类通过RNA实现转座的遗传因子,以多拷贝形式广泛存在于真核生物基因组中。

    Retrotransposon is a type of genetic element mobilized via RNA intermediate , which is widely distributed in eukaryotic genomes with high copy numbers .

  9. 该方法是在原来的算法的基础上,对GEP的遗传因子进行改变,即通过一种分层的原理,把GEP的表达式分成几部分。

    The genetic factor of the GEP is changed by way of a hierarchical principle , the GEP expression divided into parts .

  10. 本文的工作表明:具有遗传因子的自适应蚁群算法最优PID控制参数的方法,克服了蚁群算法的不足,能够满意地实现PID控制参数优化、仿真结果与Z-N法,遗传算法相比较。

    The work of this paper shows that : the method , which optimizes PID control of self-adapted Ant colony algorithm based on genetic gene , overcomes the defect of Ant colony algorithm and can optimized PID control parameter well .

  11. 遗传因子分析方法(GFA)综合了遗传算法(GA)和迭代目标因子分析法(FA)的优点,不仅实现了校准模型的动态化,而且解决了多组分同时测定时收敛滞缓的问题。

    Genetic factor analysis ( GFA ) inherit the excellence of genetic algorithms ( GA ) and factor analysis ( FA ) . Not only the calibration model was made dynamically , but also the creeping convergence speed was improved in multi-components simultaneous determination .

  12. 方法利用移动遗传因子(MGE)-PCR技术对26个锥虫虫株基因组进行扩增,同时利用邻位相连(NJ)法对扩增产物进行聚类分析。

    Equiperdum isolates . Methods Genomic DNAs of 26 trypanosome isolates were amplified by a mobile genetic elements ( MGE ) - PCR technique and cluster analysis was performed based on the molecular profiles with Neighbor-Joining method .

  13. 中国东乡野生稻遗传因子转移的研究

    Study on Genetic Factors Transmission of Chinese Dong Xiang Wild Rice

  14. 在你弟媳妇的家庭里也许有疯癫的遗传因子。

    There may have been madness in your sister-in-law 's family .

  15. 认为遗传因子影响文化行为的想法是亵渎神圣。

    The idea of genes influencing cultural behaviour is sacrilege .

  16. 他们的研究将有助于找到引起不正常结构(排列)的遗传因子的变化。

    Their research could lead to finding genetic changes that cause some disorders .

  17. 本文概述了桑蚕可动遗传因子的研究进展。

    This paper reviewed the advance in mobile genetic element of mulberry silkworm .

  18. 也可能是在近视和智力的背后,潜藏着一些共同的遗传因子。

    It may be that there are shared genetic factors underlying myopia and intelligence .

  19. 这是因为遗传因子一代又一代地保存它们的完整性。

    This is because the determinants of heredity maintain their integrity generation by generation .

  20. 今天我们讲这些遗传因子称为基因。

    Today we call these factors genes .

  21. 他想对自然界遗传因子会互换的假设提出质疑。

    He wanted to challenge the premise that in nature genes interchange with each other .

  22. 说明影响花生品质首先是品种本身的遗传因子。

    These confirmed that the main effect factor to peanut qualities was genetic agent of variety .

  23. 也可能是“在近视和智力的背后,潜藏着一些共同的遗传因子”。

    It may be that there are " shared genetic factors underlying myopia and intelligence . "

  24. 花形变异的不稳定性可能与转座遗传因子有关。

    The instability of morphological variation in flower of Z.grandiflora might be related to transposable genetic element .

  25. 新狼山鸡和固始鸡部分抗病力相关遗传因子的初步研究

    Primary studies on some genetic factors associated with resistance of disease in new Langshan and Gushi Chicken

  26. 他断定,豌豆植物带有遗传因子,父辈植物将这些因子传给子代植物。

    Mendel decided that pea plants carried factors , and parents passed these factors onto their offspring .

  27. 他们把目光放在许多帕金森氏症患者身上都存在的一个生物标志,或者说一个遗传因子。

    They are looking specifically at a biomarker - or a gene - found in many people with Parkinson 's.

  28. 无毒基因是病原物遗传因子,其编码的产物激发病原物与植物特异性相互作用。

    Avirulence gene is genetic factor of pathogen . It encodes elicitor which triggers specific interaction of plant and pathogen .

  29. 但绝大部分阿尔茨海默病病例属于散发型,由包括遗传因子和环境条件在内的多种因素综合作用导致疾病的发生和发展。

    However , most of AD cases are sporadic and result from heterogeneous causes , including genetic and environmental factors .

  30. 这是个疏忽,我们忘记了即使肤色不同,精灵们也是有着相同的遗传因子。

    This was an oversight and we forgot elves should still be genetically compatible , no matter the skin color .