
  • 网络Dragon River;the yulong river;Meeting Dragon River
  1. 如今,阳朔县政府正打算推动遇龙河及县政府所在地阳朔镇成为焦点。

    Now , the government of Yangshuo County is looking to push the Yulong River and Yangshuo , the county seat , into the spotlight .

  2. 近年来,阳朔和遇龙河的影响一直在提升。

    The profiles of Yangshuo and the Yulong River have been on the rise in recent years .

  3. 旅游规划的社区参与研究&以阳朔遇龙河风景旅游区为例

    Community community . On the Community Participation in Tourism Planning

  4. 还可以在遇龙河上泛舟。

    and kayak on the Yulong River .

  5. 和遇龙河一样,阳朔享有乡间的悠闲胜地的声誉。

    Like the Yulong River , Yangshuo has a reputation as a laid-back rural haven .

  6. 流向阳朔镇西南部的遇龙河则没那么有名。

    Lesser known is the Yulong , which runs to the west and south of the town of Yangshuo .

  7. 在他的咖啡馆外,稻田从路边一直蔓延至遇龙河岸边。水田里波光粼粼。

    Outside his cafe , rice fields glistening with water stretched from a roadway to a bank of the Yulong .

  8. 如果遇龙河成为国家公园,这个数字可能会增加到3天。

    If the Yulong received national park status , that figure could increase to three days , Mr. Yang said .

  9. 漓江的旅游业效应,对于遇龙河的生态环境也构成了潜在威胁。

    The effect of tourism on the Li River is also a potential threat to the environment along the Yulong River .

  10. 旅舍附近有公共交通可到达各个景区,我们亦有脚踏车出租,骑车30分钟可以遇龙河景区;

    Hostel close to public transport to reach various spots , we have bicycle rental , 30-minute ride to scenic Yulong He ;

  11. 这一建议在广西旅游学者中不乏支持者,他们表示,桂林和阳朔,漓江和遇龙河,应该被同等看待。

    The proposal has supporters among provincial scholars of tourism , who say that Guilin and Yangshuo and their two rivers should be regarded as equals .

  12. 在整个阳朔镇,以及附近的村子和遇龙河两岸,纷纷出现了中档旅馆,甚至还有几家豪华酒店。

    Midrange hotels and even a few luxury ones sprouted throughout the town , as well as in nearby villages and on the banks of the Yulong .

  13. 一天上午,邓宏友(音)双手紧握着船篙,划着竹筏,载着一对夫妇和他们两岁的女儿沿平静的遇龙河而下。

    With both hands gripping a pole , Deng Hongyou rowed a bamboo raft carrying a couple and their 2-year-old daughter down the quiet Yulong River one morning .

  14. 授予遇龙河及其周边村庄以国家公园的地位,“将使游客在阳朔停留的平均时间和桂林的更接近,”杨永德说。

    The granting of national park status to the Yulong River and its surrounding villages " will give Yangshuo and Guilin more equal status on the average tourist 's itinerary , " Mr. Yang said .

  15. 他们请求中央政府把遇龙河周边地区定为遇龙国家地质公园。申报材料称,这么做是为了“更好地对这些大自然馈赠的地质遗迹进行保护”。

    They have asked the central government to designate the area around the Yulong River as the Yulong National Geological Park in order , the proposal says , " to better protect these geological relics gifted by nature . "