
  • 网络papermaking felt;paper making felt;BOM
  1. 单层底网造纸毛毯由单层底网层和纤维层组成。

    Single-layer BOM is made of single-layer base cloth layer and fiber .

  2. BOM针刺造纸毛毯底网工艺与性能的研究

    Net base technology of BOM and its performance study

  3. 文章在构建P.BOM造纸毛毯的生产

    The Production of Paper-Making Felt BOM

  4. BOM针刺造纸毛毯是适应造纸业向高速、高压、宽幅方向发展的产物。

    BOM is the product that the modern paper-making industry is developing to high speed , high pressue and wide width . Nine different kinds of BOM are developed .

  5. D组为轻度。造纸毛毯的洗涤技术

    Group D has light . Washing Technique of Felt in Papermaking

  6. 造纸毛毯热定型工艺对其性能的影响

    Influence of Paper Marking Felt Heat Setting Process on Its Property

  7. 生产特种纸和纸板时造纸毛毯及其选用

    Selecting and using the felt in producing special paper and paperboard

  8. 造纸毛毯的抗污整理研究

    The Research on Soil - Release Finish of Papermaking Felt

  9. 造纸毛毯的回收利用

    The Recovery and Utilization of Steel Slay The Recycling of Papermaking Felt

  10. 造纸毛毯设计和制造之要点

    Key Points For the Design and Manufacture of Papermaking Felt

  11. 芳香整理浅谈造纸毛毯的洗涤

    Aroma finishing Briefly on Washing of Paper-Making Felt

  12. 造纸毛毯的编织类型及毛毯的洗涤。

    The weaving type of papermaking felt ;

  13. 造纸毛毯用合成短纤维

    Synthetic Staple Fibre for Paper-Making Felt

  14. 造纸毛毯的洗涤技术

    Washing Technique of Felt in Papermaking

  15. 认为机械方法和化学方法的结合洗涤造纸毛毯效果较佳。

    The results indicated that joining usage of mechanical method and chemical one could produce better effect .

  16. 探讨了造纸毛毯透通性等性能测试方法的发展趋势。

    The effect of permeability on the performance of the felt and the trend of permeability testing are discussed .

  17. 文章回顾了十年来中国造纸毛毯行业技术发展简况,提出当前值得注意的两个问题:1、走网毯结合的道路;

    It was reviewed that the history of technology development of China felt for papermaking during recent ten years in this paper .

  18. 它在脱水性,纸机振动,使用寿命,生产成本和生产效率方面优于传统的造纸毛毯,由此而引起全世界广泛的兴趣。

    It is better than conventional paper machine felts in dewatering characteristics , reduction in paper machine vibration , production cost and efficiency , thus having aroused an extensive interest worldwide .

  19. 造纸压榨毛毯底网结构的设计

    Design of Bottom Web Structure of Pressing Paper Making Felt

  20. 该文对造纸用毛毯的类型、各种纸机和纸品种对毛毯的选择以及毛毯的清洗与维护进行了总结讨论。

    In this paper , the types of paper-maker 's felt , its right choices and its washing and maintenance were discovered .

  21. 底网是造纸压榨毛毯的骨架,其选用原料、组织结构对毛毯的性能有重要影响。

    Bottom Web is the core of pressing paper making felt , the material and stitch structure of bottom web has important influence on making felt property .

  22. 选择适合抄纸工艺的造纸用毛毯、加强毛毯的维护与保养,做好毛毯运行的监控,对造纸工作者来说,是应该具备的基本知识。

    The paper workers should have basic knowledge such as the suitable selection of felt species , strengthen the maintenance and upkeep of felt , lead operational control for felt .

  23. 经纱采用复丝、纬纱采用单丝、底网组织采用经二重平组织和双层组织,可使造纸压榨毛毯的底网性能满足使用要求。

    Choosing multifilament as warp , single yarn as weft , double backed stitch and double-layer as bottom web stitch , bottom web property can satisfy the demand of pressing paper making felt .

  24. 造纸工业的迅猛发展提出了对造纸毛毯的高品质要求,造纸毛毯用化学纤维如PV单丝、PA短纤维的性能特点以及生产工艺技术必须顺应这一要求。

    With the rapid development of paper-making industry , the requirement for high-quality paper-making woolen blanket has been put forward , which needs the properties and the technology of production process of chemical fibers like PV single fiber and PA short fiber to match it .

  25. 为适应我国造纸工业的迅速发展,金熊公司在这几年中为国产和进口造纸机提供了价廉质优的造纸毛毯。

    It was introduced that some felts of high quality made by Golden Bear Company for many imported paper machines and homemade ones in this paper .