
tōnɡ zhī cún kuǎn
  • Call deposit;notice deposits;deposit at call;deposit at notice
  1. 我行有定活两便、通知存款和活期存款。

    We offer variable term deposit , notice deposit and current deposit in our bank .

  2. 个人通知存款是为了满足像您这样的有短期大宗存款的优质客户而设置的一种储蓄种类。

    Personal notice deposit is specifically designed for the valued clients like you with a large sum of short-term deposit .

  3. 您只需开一个最低按金额为五千美元的通知存款按金户头。

    You have to open a US dollar call deposit account with a minimum deposit of five thousand US dollars .

  4. 个人通知存款可一次或分次支取,每次最低支取额为50000元人民币。

    It can be withdrawn in a lump sum or by several times with the minimum withdrawal sum not less than 50 , 000 RMB yuan each time .

  5. 您好!我叫胡津,是工商银行城北支行文汇储蓄所储蓄员。我营销的产品是个人通知存款。

    Hello ! I am Hu Jin , a bank clerk from ICBC North City Sub-branch , Wen Hui savings office . The product of marketing is Personal Notice Deposit .

  6. 有限制牌照银行可接受公众任何期限的通知存款和定期存款,但存款额不得少于50万元,所定的利率不受任何限制。

    Restricted licence banks may take call , notice and time deposits of any maturity from the public , but in amounts of not less than $ 500000.there are no restrictions on the interest rates they may offer .

  7. 短期通知及定期存款

    Short notice and time deposit

  8. 如需提款应在7天前预先通知,对存款帐户不给支票簿。银行使用了此项资金,故付给利息。

    Seven day 's notice of withdrawal should be given . No cheque book is issued for a deposit account and interest is paid by the bank for the use of the money .