
  1. 联勤保障体制以军区为基础,采取区域保障与建制保障相结合、通用保障与专用保障相结合的方式。

    The joint logistics system is based on military area commands . It combines regional support with organic system support and general supply support with special supply support .

  2. 基于BMD的通用装备保障信息系统开发策略

    Development Strategy of General Equipment Support Information System Based on Business Model Driven

  3. 论全资产可视性与通用装备保障创新

    Views on Total Asset Visibility and Innovation of General Weapon Support

  4. 通用装备保障人员岗位考评信息管理系统

    Information Management System for Post Examination of General Equipment Support Personnel

  5. 通用装备保障力量机动模型研究

    Study on Mobile Model of the General Equipment Support Force

  6. 通用装备保障地理信息系统与导航定位系统

    GIS and NPS of General Equipment Support

  7. 基于模糊数量化理论Ⅲ的通用装备保障训练评估,包括定性与定量指标。

    The evaluating general equipment support training based on fuzzy quantitative theory ⅲ includes qualitative and quantitative indexes .

  8. 结合通用装备保障工作标准化,就管理机制的有关问题提出讨论。

    Combined with the standardization of commonly used of equipment and safeguarding , some relevant problems of its management were put forward .

  9. 针对战时通用物资保障建立了订购、调配与运输优化模型,旨在探讨如何在保证军事效益的前提下提高保障的经济效益。

    Aiming at general materials supply in wartime , the paper establishes the optimized model of order , allocation and transportation in order to increase military economic efficiency .

  10. 基于系统动力学方法的战时通用装备保障仿真研究战损条件下装备备件供应保障仿真研究

    Research on Model and Simulation of General Equipment Support in Battle Time Research on Simulation for Communication Equipment of Air Force Spare Parts Supply Support under Combat Damage

  11. 提出了多兵种合同作战和联合作战条件下,通用装备保障应实现全谱支持的新思路。

    This paper presents a new thought that General Weapon Support ( GWS ) should realize " full spectrum support " in the condition of joint campaign and combining campaign with multifarious arms .

  12. 结合军事装备发展论证仿真实验室的建设,提出以通用装备保障系统综合集成研讨厅为基础进行保障装备发展战略论证的设想。

    Combined with the construction of military equipment development demonstration simulation laboratory , an assumption of demonstrating the development strategy of equipment based on the hall for workshop of meta-synthetic engineering of the equipment support system is given .

  13. 分析了条码技术的发展及二维条码技术在弹药领域应用的前景,重点介绍了弹药条码系统的组成与使用,初步确定了通用弹药保障的信息化模式。

    The development of barcode technology and the future of applying 2D barcode in ammunition are analyzed . The paper mainly introduces the formation and implementation of ammunition barcode system and confirms the information mode of general ammunition .

  14. 针对通用装备保障训练考评的特点,探讨了利用聚类分析法对通用装备保障训练考评成绩区分与排序,并给出了对通用装备保障分队的训练考评成绩进行区分与排序的实例。

    Aiming at the characteristics of the all-purpose equipment support training and evaluation , this article investigates and discusses the cluster analysis method in distinguishing grading the training and examination results in all-purpose equipment support training and amination . Practical examples are also provided .

  15. 通用弹药供应保障业务流程评价指标体系研究

    Research on General Ammunition Supply Support Business Process Evaluation Index System

  16. 通用计量综合保障系统设计

    Design of General Synthesis Support System for Measure

  17. 通用航空飞行保障系统能够保障通用飞机安全飞行、顺利完成作业任务,更好的促进通用航空的快速发展。

    The general aviation flight securing system will ensure safety of airplane 's flight as to fulfill tasks , promoting the rapid development of aviation .

  18. 针对现代条件下通用装备器材保障对信息处理的要求,文章在分析总体目标的前提下,规划了一种基于网络环境的多层信息系统,并阐述了具体实现的途径。

    Aiming at the request to information manage about material supporting of currency arming , this paper , on the precondition of analyzing collectivity target , programs a multilayer information system which based on the network , and expatiate the approach to realize it .

  19. 军民通用装备社会化保障模式研究

    The Socialized Modes of the Equipment Support in Common Use of Military-civil Aspects