
  • 网络CSI;The Commodity Selection Index
  1. 支持业务过程管理的Web服务选择指标体系

    Index System of Web Service Selection for Supporting Business Process Management

  2. FACTS装置最佳设置点的选择指标

    An index for optimal location of facts device

  3. 还可以选择指标或CPI细分模型。

    You can also select metrics or CPI breakdown model .

  4. 本文引进组合学习算法的新方法随机森林(RandomForest,RF)来选择指标,使得到的指标体系更加客观,更加符合机器学习的特点。

    A new ensemble-learning algorithm-Random Forest is applied in this paper . As a consequence , the selected index system is more objective and more suitable for machine learning .

  5. AKP活性可作为肉仔鹅早期生长性能的选择指标;

    Activity of plasma AKP might serve as a selecting sign of early growth in green goose .

  6. 在随机交配系统中,构建了包括加×加上位性的育种值,作为MAS中个体选择指标;

    In random mating system , breeding value , extending its original connotation with inclusion of additive x additive epistasis , is proposed as a measure used in selection .

  7. 第四章分别从下游企业和供应商的角度建立了两套基于VMI环境的合作伙伴选择指标体系。

    In the fourth chapter , it advances two sets of index systems for downstream firms and vendors to choose partners in the environment of VMI .

  8. 其次,构建了黑龙江生物制药产业创新联盟成员选择指标体系,提出用多目标决策法进行联盟成员的选择及应用AHP法计算指标权重。

    Secondly , it builds a member selection index system of biopharmaceutical industry innovation alliance in Heilongjiang province , and proposes multi-objective decision method to select the members and AHP method to calculate the index weights .

  9. 通过专家调研的方法得到了包括柔性、物流因素在内的新型符合BX公司的供应商选择指标体系,通过层次分析法计算得到各指标的权重,得到各供应商的决策权重,从而选择的最佳供应商。

    A set of supplier selection indexes is created by expert survey which includes price , quality , flexibility and logistics . The weights of each index are gained through Analytic hierarchy process .

  10. 吐丝期穗位叶叶绿素SPAD值与氮效率极显著相关,因而,可作为次级选择指标。

    The chlorophyll content around the ear at silking stage ( SPAD Value ) was very significantly correlated with N efficiency at low N , so that it might be taken as one of the secondary selection indicators .

  11. 结果表明,品种更替中,株高结构渐趋合理,株高构成指数(IL)接近黄金分割值(0.618);较高的IL值可作为大麦高产育种的选择指标;

    It was showed that plant height structure was improved and plant length component index ( I_L ) approximated to the golden section value ( 0.618 ) during variety replacement , the higher I_L was suggested as a selection criterion for high productive breeding in barley .

  12. 沉降值与其它品质性状多呈显著或极显著的正相关,可作为品质育种早代选择指标;

    Sedimentation value had significant positive correlations with other quality characters .

  13. 大豆抗旱育种生理和形态选择指标的应用研究

    Study on Physiological and Morphology Selecting Targets in Drought-resistant Breeding of Soybean

  14. 冬小麦选择指标初探

    A Preliminary Study on the Selection Criteria of Winter Wheat

  15. 供应商选择指标体系的研究。

    3 , Study about the supplier evaluation indicator system .

  16. 下一步是选择指标和尺寸你想要的。

    The next step is to select the metrics and dimensions you want .

  17. 提高小麦出粉率的间接选择指标

    Indirect selection criteria for milling yield in common wheat

  18. 我国家族企业权力继任者选择指标体系研究

    The Index Sign System on Choosing the Power Successor in Chinese Family Firms

  19. 大豆抗旱育种中选择指标和标记的研究现状

    Selecting targets and markers in drought-resistant breeding of soybean

  20. 社会科学基金项目评价与选择指标体系及模型

    On the Evaluation and Selection Indicator and Model for Social Science Funding Project

  21. 辛夷产量选择指标及选择指数的研究

    Analysis on the Selective Character and Selective Index for the Yield of Flos Magnolia

  22. 在界定铁路提速社会效益的概念后,根据指标选取原则选择指标,并建立指标体系。

    Select estimate index , establish index system according to the arrangement among the index .

  23. 以胸径生长量和干形作为选择指标,从东部黑核桃优良家系中选出速生、干型好的优树7株。

    Seven elite trees are selected based on the DBH growth and the stem form .

  24. 春小麦品种抗旱性鉴定方法和选择指标的研究

    Characteristics of Prunus armeniaca against Drought Screening Techniques and Selecting Indications for Drought Resistance in Spring Wheat Cultivars

  25. 性状相关分析发现,木材密度和热水抽出物含量似是预测成浆性能较可靠的间接选择指标。

    Correlation analysis suggested that wood density and hot water extractive could be recommended as two indirect selection criterion .

  26. 面筋强度、淀粉糊化特性、面条色泽及其稳定性是小麦面条品质改良最基本的选择指标。

    Gluten strength , starch properties , noodle color and its stability are the essential selecting characters of wheat noodle quality .

  27. 断奶窝重可以作为莆田黑猪繁殖性状的重要选择指标。

    So pig weight at weaning may be regarded as an important choice index of reproductive traits in Putian black swine .

  28. 动员联盟是敏捷动员的重要实现方式,动员联盟的伙伴选择指标体系体现了国家对动员企业的基本要求。

    An example was proposed to reduce the unnecessary indexes and induce the decision rules of partner selection of mobilization alliances .

  29. 以这些性状作为选择指标直接选择,并协调好与穗长的关系,可以选育出高产杂交种。

    Based on these characters and a consideration of their relationship with panic length , high yield hybrid seeds could be selected .

  30. 在该部分,论文首先分析技术选择指标,明确应该如何选择合适技术。

    In this part , the essay will show the criteria for choosing technology and how to choose the most suitable technology .