
  1. 对他来说,道德就是选方便的事做。

    Morality , for him , means doing what is expedient .

  2. 关于选大学的事有什么进展吗?

    Any progress on the old college front ?

  3. 我很抱歉你是那样知道选主任的事。

    I 'm sorry you had to find out about that chief thing that way .

  4. 它毕竟为此事:点选,参选事,有一些差别,你住的。

    It is , after all , to matter : to count , to stand for something , to have made some difference that you lived at all .

  5. 跨过那一步,列出你的10个任务,选一件事,在接下来的15分钟里你要付出100%的努力。

    Take that leap forward , list your 10 tasks , and pick the one thing youre going to give 100 % of your focus to for the next 15 minutes .

  6. 选工作这件事,从来都不容易。

    Choosing a job is never easy .

  7. 我受够了选边站这种事

    I 'm sick of taking sides .

  8. 然而,当选择一件事而不选另一件事导致诅咒时,哪种选择是自由的呢?

    Yet what kind of choice is free when to choose one thing over the other brings condemnation ?

  9. 我作牛作马好几年。但连选腰带这样的事他们都不信任我。

    I 've slaved away for years , and I 'm not even trusted to pick out a belt .