
In total , 25 % of India 's working-age population has no education .
Research of School-age Population 's Influence on the Scale of Higher Education
On off-peak School-age Population and Higher Education Development
By the 2000s , the so-called echo boom in births had increased the number of college-age Americans .
A Dynamic Analysis on China 's School-aged Populations in the First Half of the 21 ~ ( st ) Century
An Exploration into the Chance of Vocational Education and Training for the Labor Forces of the Right Age in Wuling Mountain Area
It has around eight people of working age for every person over 65 . By 2050 it will have only 2.2 .
Chinese population peak arrival time is earlier than expected . Second , the peak of the working-age population in China has come .
A historic demographic shift in 2012 , when China 's working-age population declined for the first time , has given workers greater bargaining power .
The quantized index of proportional freshmen of university age is not the only index to measure whether the higher education is popularized or not .
China is in a period of greatest number of working-age population and economically active population . The peak of the working-age population has already fallen .
On the basis of analyses on past documents at home and abroad , the article firstly briefs the basic connotation of human resources and discusses its development characters .
The college-age population in this country fell during that time to 14.1 million in 1994 from 16.5 million in 1984 , and the number of foreign students was relatively stable .
The decrease in the proportion of underage population can significantly improve average education resources for school-age children , which verifies the conclusion in demographic dividend theory that favorable demographic changes can promote human capital formation .
Since a direct influential factor in the compression of the education scale is the quantity of the children of school age , at first , this part explain the relationship between the population and elucidation .
Along with the gradual development of population aging , the alteration of labor aged population is expressed as both the change of labor aged population scale and the variations of the age structure of labor aged population .
Objective To understand the condition of immunity and infection to hepatitis B in population of suitable age , so that to evaluate the effect of strategy for hepatitis B immunization implemented 16 years in Jiangmen urban area .
Education-assistance is that in order to ensure the right age people 's chance to be educated , country , public organization and individual offer material and fund in different stages to the poverty-stricken areas and poor students .
When enrollment rate of a country 's higher learning education arrives at 15 % to 50 % , its tertiary education model turns from elitist to popular . It represents the trend and tide of the development of modern tertiary education .
Whereas the population of working age increased by 1 million between 1981 and 1986 , today it is barely growing .
China 's working age population will fall by more than 10 per cent , a loss of 90m people , by 2040 , as much of east Asia " gets old before it gets rich , " the World Bank said last week .
According to researchers at the Brookings Institution , the wages of working-age men in the US – adjusted for inflation – have fallen by 19 per cent since 1970 .
According to the United Nations , the number of working-age adults for each person aged over 65 in advanced economies will decrease in the next 10 years by as much as they have in the previous 30 years .
All this translates to a huge shortage of working-age people .
South Korea is currently well placed , with six citizens of working age for every pensioner .
In recent years , the reduction of school-age population due to the declining fertility rate has brought growing impact on the higher vocational colleges .
As the population age structure changes and the advancement of urbanization , rapid increase in the working-age population , total unemployment problem is serious .
If the government wants to hit its target of getting 80 per cent of the working age population into employment , it will have to tackle mental illness .
But the size of the working-age population should not be mistaken for the size of the labour force - many of the former are neither working nor looking for a job .
Take reasonable measures to address this , and the data show that the resultant increase in the participation rate should be larger than the decline in the working-age population , meaning more workers , not fewer .