
  1. 适度失业是市场经济的必要

    Market economy need moderate unemployment

  2. 其经济以稳定的工业关系,适度的失业率和通货膨胀率,大量的帐户盈余以及欧洲重要的运输中心而闻名于世。

    The economy is noted for stable industrial relations , moderate unemployment and inflation , a sizable current account surplus , and an important role as a European transportation hub .

  3. 美联储最近发表声明称,经济活动的增长近几个月来处于暂停状态,并预测通过实施合适的宽松政策,经济可以实现适度增长,失业率也会逐步下降。

    This week the Fed produced a statement noting that growth in economic activity had paused in recent months and predicting that with appropriate policy accommodation , growth would be moderate and unemployment would gradually decline .