
  • 网络adaptive enterprise
  1. 适应性企业的创新机制与创新路径研究

    Study of Innovative Mechanism and Approach of Adaptive Enterprise

  2. 要采用适应性企业战略,我们就必须要实施客户关系管理。

    To follow the adaptive enterprise strategy , we must introduce the custom relationship management .

  3. 基于进化理论的适应性企业战略研究

    Research on Adaptive Enterprises Stratagem Based on Evolution Theory

  4. 适应性企业客户关系管理

    Adaptive Custom Relationship Management

  5. 摘要环境的不确定性使企业不得不从根本上改变原有的经营方式,采用适应性企业战略。

    The uncertainty of surroundings makes the enterprises change their management from traditional mode to adaptive enterprise strategy .

  6. 首先,对适应性企业战略现实生态位遗传演变的特征和必然性进行分析。

    First of all , analyzes the characteristics and the inevitability of the gene and evolution of adaptive enterprise strategic realized niche .

  7. 其次,结合生态位理论和适应性企业战略理论,提出了适应性企业战略生态位的概念,并对其特征进行分析。

    Second , combines the niche theory and AES theory to propose the concept of adaptive enterprise strategic niche and research its characteristics .

  8. 通过分析模型的阈值条件,为适应性企业战略现实生态位创新演变确定决策时刻提供依据。

    We can provide the basis for decision-making time inside innovative evolution of adaptive enterprise strategic realized niche through the analysis of threshold conditions .

  9. 本文从适应性企业创新运行机制角度对创新系统运行机制进行了重新诠释,从适应性的角度提出了适应性创新所需要对创新系统的机制改进。

    This paper redefines the innovation-operation mechanism from the angel of innovation in adaptive enterprise and explains the necessity of the improvement of innovation system .

  10. 适应性企业战略现实生态位的遗传演变是当前现实生态位基本特征及资源占用情况的传递和延续。

    The gene and evolution of adaptive enterprise strategic realized niche are the delivery and continuity of the basic characteristics and resource occupancy of realized niche .

  11. 其次,结合新兴古典经济学中的超边际分析方法,构建适应性企业战略基本生态位选择的超边际分析模型。

    Second , applies marginal analysis in the new classical economics to construct the model of marginal analysis for the selective evolution of adaptive enterprise strategic fundamental niche .

  12. 通过综合多种学科理论,适应性企业战略可以加深在战略选择实践中对战略选择影响因素的辨识和把握。

    Adaptive Enterprise Strategy ( AES ) pays more attention to identify and grasp the influencing factors in strategic choice practices through the integration of a variety of disciplines theories .

  13. 本文将战略理论、演化理论和生态位理论相结合研究适应性企业战略,为战略理论研究提供了新思路。

    This dissertation combines strategic theory , evolutionary theory and the ecology niche theory to study Adaptive Enterprise Strategy ( AES ), which provides new ideas for strategic theory study .

  14. 在对选择模型做出角点决策的基础上,通过局部最优解的比较得出适应性企业战略生态位选择模型的整体最优解。

    Through deciding the corner on the selection model , and comparing the local optimal solutions to obtain the overall optimal solution of the selective evolution of adaptive enterprise strategic fundamental niche .

  15. 在研究结论上,通过实证研究分析,证明了适应性企业文化建设与知识型员工满意度之间的正相关关系。

    Third , in the conclusion , we prove that there is a positive correlation between the building of the adaptive culture and the satisfaction of knowledge employees by empirical research and analysis .

  16. 其次,对适应性企业战略演化惯例进行描述,并分析适应性企业战略演化惯例与生态位因子的关联关系。在此基础上,结合序参量的概念将生态位因子与适应性企业战略演化惯例有机融合。

    Secondly , analyzes the relationship between the evolution routine and niche factors , and bases on the concept of order parameters to combine the evolution routine factors of adaptive enterprise strategic fundamental niche .

  17. 其次,遵循马尔科夫链的决策分析原理,通过确定搜寻的时刻及周期、搜寻的状态值、搜寻的转移概率以及搜寻的报酬等模拟适应性企业战略现实生态位搜寻的过程。

    Secondly , follows the Markov chain principle , simulates the searching process of adaptive enterprise realized niche by determining the searching moment and cycle , values of searching states , transition probability and remuneration .

  18. 主要结论有:适应性企业文化能在很大程度上提高知识型员工满意度,因此,企业应加强企业文化建设,促进企业长远发展。

    The main conclusion is that adaptive enterprise culture can improve the satisfaction of knowledge employees in a large extent , so the enterprises should strengthen the building of enterprise culture in order to promote their development long-term .

  19. 论文以适应性企业战略协同为主要研究内容,以协同学、复杂适应系统理论和战略理论为理论基础,进行企业战略管理理论研究。

    The main research content of this paper is the synergetic mechanism of enterprise strategy of adaptive enterprise . This paper studies the strategic management based on Synergetic Theory , Complex Adaptive System Theory ( CAS ) and Strategic Theory .

  20. 首先,从战略的角度分析了适应性企业战略基本生态位选择的意义,结合生态位宽度和生态位重叠等测算生态的工具,提出适应性企业战略基本生态位的测度方法。

    Firstly , analyzes the meaning of the selective evolution of adaptive enterprise strategic fundamental niche from the strategic point , and applies the ecological measure tools as niche breadth and overlap to propose the measures for adaptive enterprise strategic niche .

  21. 首先,通过对企业战略的性质以及外部环境变化特征的相关分析,提炼出适应性企业战略的基本概念,并从本质属性和作用机理层面描述适应性企业战略的基本特征。

    First , analyzes the nature of enterprise strategy and the variation of external environment , and according which to extract the basic concept of AES , and then describes the basic characteristics of AES from its essential nature and action mechanism .

  22. 在研究内容上,建立了知识型员工满意度与适应性企业文化中的精神文化、制度文化、行为文化和物质文化之间的多元回归方程,从而为理论发展提供数学支撑。

    Second , in the content , we establish a multiple regression equation between the he satisfaction of the knowledge employees and the spirit cultural , institutional culture , behavior culture and material cultural in adaptive enterprises , so as to give the support to the development of mathematical theories .

  23. 企业负债的期限构成与企业资产结构的适应性;企业财务杠杆与企业增长机会的适应性;

    The forth is the adaptation of the financial lever to the company 's growth opportunity ;

  24. 环境适应性的企业管理职能体系创新

    Innovation in the Management Function System of the Chinese Enterprises Based on the Business Environment of China

  25. 首先引入并界定适应性、企业适应性和企业适应性成长三个基本概念,分析并论证了本研究的几个基础性命题:企业是具有人为意志的特殊生命体;

    Then , it analyses and proves the following basic propositions : an enterprise is a special organism with human volitions ;

  26. 盈利模式是每个企业都要思考和研究的问题,没有盈利模式、或者盈利模式不清晰、盈利模式缺乏环境适应性,企业都将面临灭顶之灾。

    Profit Model is a question every enterprise needs to consider and study . Profit-model absence , unclear or unaccommodating to social environment will make one enterprise face a ruinous disaster .

  27. 因此,从企业的可持续发展和良性运行上看,通过个案社会工作的介入对提高员工的适应性和企业的长远发展是有极大的促进作用。

    Therefore , from the view of the sustainable development of the enterprises and benign operation , the enterprise social work intervention on the long-term development of the enterprise plays a great role in promoting .

  28. 但是,在外部环境与企业战略性组织变化的适应性对企业财务绩效关系的影响中,并未发现上述适应性与企业财务绩效之间存在着明显的关系。

    But , in the influence that the flexibility between external environment and the change of enterprise strategic organization impacts on enterprise financial performance , it does not find the obvious relationship between the flexibility and enterprise financial performance .

  29. 资本经营与商品经营的差异,决定了其与以商品经营为主要对象的传统会计模式的不适应性,企业经营方式的转变必然导致会计理论和方法的发展变化。

    The difference between capital operation and commodity business determines that it can 't adapt to the traditional accounting model taking commodity business as its main target , the transaction of corporation operation methods will inevitably lead to changes in accounting theories and methods .

  30. 在此基础上,通过多元线性回归分析探究各环境因子对企业战略性组织变化速度与幅度每一因子的影响以及它们的适应性对企业财务绩效与非财务绩效每一因子的影响。

    On this basis , through the multivariate linear regression analysis , the paper explores that each environmental factor impacts on each factor of change speed and scope of strategic organization and their adaptability impacts on each factor of enterprise non-financial performance and financial performance .