首页 / 词典 / good


  • refund;retreat;ebb;draw back;move back;cause to move back
退 [tuì]
  • 向后移动,与“进”相对:~步。~路。~却。~让。倒~。

  • 离开,辞去:~席。~伍。~职。~休。引~。

  • 送还,不接受,撤销:~还。

  • 脱落:~色。~毛。减~。

  • 和柔的样子:~然。

  • 迟缓,畏缩:“求也~”。


(向后移动) retreat; draw back; move back:

  • 后退

    draw back; fall back; retreat;

  • 进退两难

    difficult to advance or to retreat;

  • 敌人已经退了。

    The enemy has retreated.

  • 她往后退了几步。

    She stepped back a few paces.; She backed up several steps.


(使向后移动) cause to move back; remove; withdraw:

  • 退敌

    repulse the enemy;

  • 把子弹退出来

    remove a cartridge from the breech of a gun; unload a gun


(退出) quit; withdraw from:

  • 退伙

    withdraw from a mess;

  • 退学

    quit school


(减退; 下降) recede; ebb; decline:

  • 退汗

    arrest perspiration;

  • 洪水退了。

    The floodwater receded.

  • 他的烧已经退了。

    His fever has dropped.


(颜色变淡) fade:

  • 各种颜色退得分不清了。

    The colours fade into one another.


(退还) give back; return:

  • 退钱


  • 退回原主

    return to the sender;

  • 空瓶不退。

    Empty bottles are not refundable.


(撤销已定的事) cancel; rescind; break off:

  • 退合同

    rescind a contract;

  • 退亲

    break off an engagement

  1. 敌退我追。

    We pursue the enemy if they retreat .

  2. 结果呢?公羊的犄角被篱笆夹住,进也不得,退也不得,只能“咩咩”不停地叫唤。

    As a result , with its horns caught in the fence , the ram could neither advance nor retreat but bleat7 helplessly .

  3. 马向后惊退,吓得鼻翼扇动。

    The horse backed away , its nostrils flaring with fear .

  4. 我原以为她退休了,但显然她还没有退。

    I thought she had retired , but apparently she hasn 't.

  5. 理查兹获得委任接替行将退任的主席。

    Richards has been tapped to replace the retiring chairperson .

  6. 看到一只巨大的蜘蛛,她吓得直退。

    She recoiled in horror at the sight of an enormous spider .

  7. 你可以再退两英尺左右。

    You can back up another two feet or so .

  8. 在号角声中,他们阔步退下舞台。

    They marched off stage to the sound of trumpets .

  9. 该国临渊而退。

    The country is stepping back from the edge of an abyss .

  10. 他一见到血就往后退。

    He flinched at the sight of the blood .

  11. 这块砖经日晒雨淋退成了带粉红的暖褐色。

    This brick weathers to a warm pinkish-brown colour .

  12. 墙壁是一种退了色的蓝色。

    The walls were a washed-out blue colour .

  13. 他在经久不息的掌声中退下了舞台。

    He left the stage to prolonged applause .

  14. 窗帘已经给晒退了色。

    The curtains had faded in the sun .

  15. 他在一片倒彩声中退下舞台。

    He was booed off the stage .

  16. 我真心想要的房子我买不起,所以只得退而求其次了。

    I couldn 't afford the house I really wanted , so I had to settle for second best .

  17. 教堂会众在他们进来时稍稍往后退了退。

    The congregation fell back from them slightly as they entered .

  18. 他拒绝退而求其次。

    He refused to settle for anything that was second best .

  19. 他在1970年自己50岁生日时退了休。

    He retired in 1970 , on his fiftieth birthday .

  20. 摄影师往后退开,好让我们查看尸体。

    The photographers drew back to let us view the body

  21. 他的反应是抽身而退,埋头于工作。

    His reaction was to withdraw , to bury himself in work .

  22. 他吓得往后退了一步,面如死灰。

    He fell back , shocked , his face ashen .

  23. 退一步,客观地看待这个问题。

    Stand back and look objectively at the problem .

  24. 他是个遇难而退的人,照他的性格,不可能长期保住冠军的称号。

    He is a quitter who is temperamentally unsuited to remaining a champion .

  25. 她不由得倒抽了口冷气,往后退了退。

    She shrank back with an involuntary gasp .

  26. 他斟完酒,然后就又退下了。

    He poured the wine and then withdrew again

  27. 他向后退时,她双膝跪倒在地,接着迎面倒了下去。

    As he stepped backwards she fell onto her knees , then onto her face

  28. 有一次,我退了一双刚穿一个星期就开裂的鞋。

    I once took back a pair of shoes that fell apart after a week .

  29. 我试图往后退,但他将我的上臂抓得太紧了。

    I tried to step back , but he held my upper arms too tightly .

  30. 她满怀期待地从门口退了回来。

    She stepped back from the door expectantly