
  • 网络Iterative Development;Develop Iteratively
  1. 除了bug报告和修复之外,还要讨论迭代式开发和特性改进。

    In addition to the topics of bug reporting and fixing , I 'll also cover iterative development and feature enhancements .

  2. 作者将RUP的应用研究总结为基于RUP的建模技术、迭代式开发、风险分析与规避策略和RUP过程裁剪等四个核心技术研究。

    I summarize RUP core technology as four aspects : modeling based on RUP ; iterative development ; risk analysis and elusion ;

  3. 系统的开发采用了基于UML的面向对象系统分析与设计方法,遵循了RUP软件迭代式开发过程。

    In the course of modeling and developing MBP , we apply the Object-Oriented System Analysis and Design methods and follow the Rational Unified Process ( RUP ) .

  4. 后来,美国国防部意识到瀑布方法是行不通的,并最终于1994年发布了取代DOD-STD-2167的标准MIL-STD-498,支持迭代式开发。

    Eventually , the DoD realized that the Waterfall method was not working and in1994 replaced DOD-STD-2167 with MIL-STD-498 , which supports iterative development .

  5. 迭代式开发,并以风险作为迭代的主要驱动因素

    Develop iteratively , with risk as the primary iteration driver

  6. 对开发过程中的迭代式开发与风险管理进行了讨论。

    Iterative developing method and risk management are discussed .

  7. 对驱动一个迭代式开发项目的需求开发来说存在着数个模型。

    There are several models for development of the requirements that drive an iterative development project .

  8. 这支持逐步迭代式开发,在流程实现过程中的每一步运行回放。

    This enables a step-by-step iterative development by running playbacks at each step of the process implementation progress .

  9. 这将扩展典型的迭代式开发模型以包括发行的需求规范及其系统测试。

    This would extend the typical developers'model of iterative development to include the requirements specification of the release and its system testing .

  10. 下个月,我们将通过探讨在项目管理团队中采用迭代式开发实践的作用做出结论。

    Next month , we will conclude this series by examining the effect of adopting iterative and incremental development practices on the project management team .

  11. 同时,在系统中还采用了迭代式开发模型这一先进的开发理念进行过程化管理。

    At the same time , in this system , it has also taken advanced exploiture idea to carry through the process management - iterative exploitation model .

  12. 这意味着需求过程需要被紧密的集成,按照与解决方案的迭代式开发同样的时间表运行。

    This means that the requirements process needs to be tightly integrated with , and executed to the same timetable of , the iterative development of the solution .

  13. 特别是在模型创建过程,对于复杂和庞大的软件系统采用迭代式开发,通常需要不同的人在不同阶段来协作构建模型。

    Especially in the process of model creation , iterative type development for complex and massive software system often need different people to cooperate to construct the model in different stages .

  14. 在数据仓库中设置了代理键,简化了多数据源数据的集成工作,提高了数据抽取、转换和加载的速度,并为数据仓库系统的迭代式开发提供了有利条件。

    Secondly , the surrogate key was set in the data warehouse , which makes the integration of multiple data source simple , improves the speed of data draw-out , data conversion , data load and makes it possible for the iterative development to the data warehouse system .

  15. Rational统一过程是一个风险驱动的,基于用例的,体系结构为中心的迭代式软件开发过程。

    RUP is a risk-driven , use-case-based , and architecture-centric , iterative software development process .

  16. 基于UML的迭代式软件开发过程

    Iterative Software Development Process Based on UML

  17. 基于RUP的迭代式软件开发研究及应用

    Research and Application of Iterative Software Development Based on RUP

  18. 由于许多SOA项目中存在复杂性和协调需求,增量式或迭代式的开发实践并不少见。

    Given the complexity and coordination requirements found in many SOA projects , it is not uncommon to see incremental or iterative development practices in use .

  19. 介绍了迭代式软件开发方法以及通用建模语言UML;

    Then based on discussion of iterative and increment development method and Unified Modeling Language ( UML ), an UML-based environment for embedded real-time software development is proposed .

  20. 大部分关于迭代式增量开发的文献着重于开发者以及开发团队领导。

    Most of the literature on iterative and incremental development focuses on the developer and development team lead .

  21. 迭代式增量开发为业务提供了超越传统的瀑布式开发方案所提供的更多的优点。

    Iterative and incremental development offers businesses many benefits above and beyond those proffered by the more traditional , waterfall development approaches .

  22. 实际上,对迭代式增量开发的采用在理想情况下对所有关联于此项目的业务人员具有深远并持久的影响。

    In fact , adopting iterative practices ideally has a profound and lasting impact on all business people involved in the project .

  23. 这个系列在下个月将结束,那时我们将探讨对项目管理团队来说迭代式增量开发的影响。

    The series will draw to a close next month when we consider the effect of iterative and incremental development on the projects'management teams .

  24. 在本文中,我们侧重于当一个项目选择采用迭代式增量开发工作时,对客户意味着什么。

    In this article , we focus on what it means for customers when a project chooses to work in an iterative and incremental manner .

  25. 软件开发项目团队所采用的迭代式增量开发解决方案深深的改变了用户代表与项目开发团队之间的交互方法。

    The adoption of an iterative and incremental approach by a software development project team profoundly affects the way the customer representative interacts with the project development team .

  26. 为了达到迭代式增量开发的完整效果,我们必须确保它的采用将能够不仅仅对技术和开发团队产生影响。

    To achieve the full promise of iterative and incremental development , you must ensure that its adoption will affect more than just the technical and development communities .

  27. 而敏捷开发是一种增量、迭代式的开发,是一种速度、质量、成本都能兼顾到的开发过程。

    Agile development is an incremental , iterative development , which is a kind of speed , quality , cost all taken into account in the development process .

  28. 虽然对于开发团队的影响是极其重要的,但是迭代式增量开发的真正价值在于它能够极大提高业务效果。

    While the impact upon the development team is important , the true value of iterative and incremental development lies in the potential to dramatically improve business results .

  29. 在上一篇文章中,我们定义了迭代式增量开发模式的意义,并且讨论了这种方式对从事软件生产的核心开发团队意味着什么。

    In the last article , we defined what we mean by iterative and incremental development and examined what this way of working means to the core development team producing the software .

  30. 我们将在本文中探讨这四个用户视角中的要素,以及这种被迭代式增量开发采用所表现的改变是如何对业务整体产生正面的影响的。

    We will consider these four constituents of the customer perpsective in this article , and how the changes represented by iterative and incremental adoption positively impact the business as a whole .