
  • 网络continued discharge
  1. 第三类(UⅢ,15%),在整个呼吸周期中连续放电。

    Type ⅲ( 15 % ), showing tonic discharges throughout the respiratory cycle .

  2. 静脉注射ACh(10μg/kg)后,可出现持续1~3分钟的连续放电。

    Discharge of the oviductal smooth muscle could last for 1 to 3 minutes after injecting ACh ( 10 μ g / kg ) .

  3. 将热处理过的EMD制成电池并在室温下恒电流和恒电阻连续放电,结果表明,回转炉处理的EMD放电容量较烘箱热处理高,电性能好。

    The discharging results under load and at current invariable showed that the batteries with EMD treated by revolving stove had higher discharge capacities than those by high temperature oven .

  4. 结果如下:在顶盖IIgj亚层记录到66个神经元的自发放电,根据其放电特征,将它们分为3种形式:单个放电,丛状放电和连续放电。

    The results are as follows : The spontaneous discharge of 66 neurons recorded in sublayer ⅱ g_j were classified 3 types : single discharge , burst discharge and sustained discharge .

  5. 又采用新型正极材料LiMnxNiyCozO2开发出性能更优越的18650型高功率锂离子电池,该电池可10C连续放电和8C快速充电,并具有优秀的循环性能和搁置性能。

    Another 18650 high power lithium-ion secondary battery is prepared with innovative cathode material LiMn_xNi_yCo_zO_2 , which presents superior performance . The battery endures continuous discharge under 10C and quick charge under 8C , and presents excellent cycling and storage performance .

  6. 电池开路电压1.75V左右,3.9Ω恒阻连续放电至1.2V,其放电时间是碱锰电池的3倍左右。

    The open circuit voltages of the batteries are about 1.75V . The permanent resistant ( 3.9Q ) continuous discharge time of the Zn / Ni primary batteries is about 3 times of alkaline manganese batteries .

  7. 寻呼机用电池要求小电流连续放电加上间歇中电流脉冲。

    A small current output and intermittent middle current pulse were demanded in the battery for BP .

  8. 设计了一个包括单片机、压电陶瓷驱动电源、信号检测及处理电路组成的气中连续放电辅助加工控制系统。

    The whole system includes a microcontroller , piezoelectric micro-displacement actuator and the data acquiring and signal processing circuit .

  9. 同时,锡酸钠的加入还提高了电极的间歇放电和连续放电的电流效率。

    The addition of sodium stannate into the electrolyte also improved the current efficiency for both intermittent discharge and continuous discharge .

  10. 以压电陶瓷微位移驱动原理为基础,对精密驱动技术在气中连续放电辅助加工控制系统中的应用进行了研究。

    Basing on the principle of micro-displacement of piezoelectric ceramic , author have done the research work on the precise actuator technique .

  11. 由于复合材料导热性能较差,导致电机整体的散热性能不佳,因而连续放电运行时电机的热性能预估显得十分重要。

    Due to the poor thermal conductivity of composite materials , heat dissipation of the machine is severe , and heat performance estimate becomes vital during continuous discharges .

  12. 小功率连续波放电DF/HF化学激光器的功率

    Power of small-scale CW discharge DF / HF chemical laser

  13. 在-20~45℃的温度范围,能够适应大电流连续充放电工作;

    Within the temperature range of-20 ~ 45 ℃, the battery could be operated with continuous high current charge-discharge ;

  14. 实验观察到的前连合核自发放电神经元有不规则或规则的连续性放电活动,少数神经元有短阵性放电或不放电。

    Most of the ACN neurons observed exhibited irregular or regular continuous firing , a few in short-bursting pattern or silent .

  15. 单个神经元不能完成对连续峰放电的时间序列进行编码,而神经元集群能以同步方式反映出共同的突触电流。

    A single neuron can thus not implement the temporal codes of the neuron spike trains . However , the neuronal colony can give the common synapse electric current by the synchronous mode .

  16. 资料分析表明,这两次触发闪电都是由火箭顶部始发的上行负先导传输入云而形成短暂的连续电流放电过程,整个放电持续时间分别只有17和26ms。

    Results showed that the analyzed triggered lightnings were initiated by upward-going negative leader emerged from the tip of ascending rocket , and both of which were short duration discharges without return stroke .

  17. 通常连续微波放电下甲烷转化反应在负压下进行,我们自行设计了一种常压微波放电反应器,实现了甲烷在常压连续微波放电下的转化。

    We designed an atmospheric pressure microwave discharge reactor , which could maintain a stable continuous microwave discharge under atmospheric pressure so that methane conversion could be conducted under atmospheric pressure microwave discharge .

  18. 提出了测量连续脉冲放电余辉期激活粒子亚稳态密度的饱和吸收方法,在两台分别作为探测光源和吸收池的溴化亚铜激光器测量系统中得到证实。

    It is suggested that the method of saturated resonance absorption be used to measure the metastable state of the active atoms daring the afterglow of continuously pulsed discharge realized on two identical copper bromide vapor lasers employed as the probe radiation source and resonance cell , respectively .

  19. 横向电激励CO2连续激光器的放电稳定性

    Discharge Stability of transverse excited CW CO_2 laser

  20. 整个实验从CAO开始连续记录NSRN放电频率60min;

    The discharge of NSRN was continuously recorded for 60 min.

  21. 它可工作于脉冲和连续两种放电模式。

    It can operate in both pulse and CW mode .

  22. 锌型锌锰电池连续重负荷放电性能的提高

    Improvement of the continuous discharge capacity with heavy duty for ZnCl_2 Zn-MnO_2 battery

  23. 该电堆在连续5个放电周期内保持了较稳定的性能,电堆间歇放电的法拉第效率为43.5%。

    The stack displays good continuous operating performance in 5 cycles . The Faradic efficiency is 43.5 % when the stack is under intermittent discharge mode .

  24. 进而,由于预处理在锂电极表面生成稳定的界面膜所具有的钝化作用,经过该处理的锂电极在连续的充放电循环中,显示出更高的循环效率。

    Furthermore , benefiting from the passivating effects of the stable interface film formed through DOL pretreatment , the pretreated lithium anode has higher efficiency in the repeated charge / discharge cycles .

  25. 采用在电极中加入导电性好的导电剂以及增大电极的真实面积的方法,使电池内阻降低,制成适合电动自行车用可连续大电流放电的MH/Ni电池。

    By adding special conductivity - improving materials and increasing real reaction surface . the impedance of MH / Ni battery was decreased to make it suitable for electric bicycles on which the batteries were due to continuously discharge on high current .

  26. 最后,对样机分闸线圈进行连续两次放电的实验研究,结果表明其可以有效地缩短动作时间,比单线圈放电具有更明显的优势。

    Through the research of the ' two-time continuous discharge experiment ' on the opening coil prototype by controlling the capacitors , it shows that this method can effectively shorten the movement time , and has more obvious advantages than one coil discharge .

  27. 研究表明,利用新的N2,CD4和D2混合气体的太赫兹DCN激光器可以得到稳定连续的高功率放电。

    Our experimental study has shown the feasibility of THz high-power CW discharge-pumped DCN waveguide laser with new mixture gas : N_2 , CD_4 and D_2.The beam profile is found to be qualitatively Gaussian in the far-field ( z > 4m ) .

  28. 用不连续映射理解神经元放电模式中的加周期分岔

    Understanding period adding bifurcation scenario in neural firing patterns using discontinuous maps

  29. 电池的连续充电电流可达4C,连续放电电流可达8C;

    The cell could be charged continuously with 4 C rate current and discharged continuously with 8 C current ;

  30. 放电有单个连续、束状、组群式等3种形式,无论是产蛋期鹅还是休产期鹅,其下丘脑均以单个连续放电为主,但产蛋期鹅组群式放电高于休产期鹅。

    The continuous discharge was main in pattern both geese , but the group discharge in the laying geese was higher than that of the non-laying geese .