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  1. 你连六行字都没给他写过,即使是心不在焉、潦潦草草地写点也好!

    You haven 't written him six lines , dashed off casually .

  2. 我连六个月都活不过

    I won 't even last six months .

  3. 不只我们亏欠你甚多,连六大公国都亏欠你甚多,这点你我都很清楚。

    We are both well aware of not only what we owe you , but also what the whole Six Duchies owes you .

  4. 故事讲述了抗日某营七连六班的五位战士掩护大部队转移英勇献身的故事。

    The story is about a battalion of the Japanese seven with six classes five fighters cover the transfer of large forces heroically story .

  5. 这女人一定会觉得咱们为了赶她走…连六个月的费用都不要她肯定会发疯的

    Woman thinks I'II throw away six months ' worth of dues ...... just to get rid of her , she 's out of her mind ....

  6. 与此同时,另一边的希腊埃维亚岛的野火连烧六天,火势失控,成千上万的人逃离了他们的家园。

    Thousands of people have fled their homes on the Greek island of Evia as wildfires burned uncontrolled for a sixth day .

  7. 巴尔的摩队以8:3结束了印地安队连赢六场的好运。

    Baltimore washed out the Indians ' six-game win streak with an 8-3 win .

  8. 你已经连拿六次金牌了。

    You 've won six consecutive gold medals .

  9. 你们队刚刚连赢六场。

    Your team just won six straight .

  10. 凯蕾还需要连着六周每周花费116英镑去利兹,之后每两周去一次,这样才能确定露西的治疗计划。

    Kayleigh will need to travel to Leeds every week at a cost of £ 116 a time for six weeks and then every fortnight after that so Lucy 's progress can be monitored .

  11. 狙击手迅速地连放了六枪。

    The sniper snapped off six rapid shots .

  12. 我们连败了六场比赛。

    We lost six straight games .

  13. 由于今天许多新娘恐怕连一枚六便士是什么样子都不知道,传统习俗的这一部分在现代婚礼中已经不常被遵守。

    Since most brides probably don 't even know what a sixpence is , this part of the tradition is not used very often in modern times .

  14. 今天,股市走高,活跃的市场交易连涨第六日,显然军事打击叙利亚的替代方案巩固了贸易市场。

    Stocks moved higher today with the broad market on track for its six-trade output session , trades apparently hardened by a possible alternative to military action against Syria .

  15. 我爱人认为她连上一星期六学习过的曲子都吹不好。

    And my wife thought that she couldn 't play what she learned last Saturday very well .