
jìn qīn jiāo pèi
  • inbreeding
  1. 它包括两个方面的禁忌:避免近亲交配和外婚制度。

    It includes two aspects : inbreeding avoidance and exogamy .

  2. 丹麦动物园称这一极端举措是为了禁止近亲交配,并坚称当众解剖是为了普及动物学知识。

    The Danish zoo said the drastic move was needed to combat inbreeding and insisted the display was educational .

  3. 传粉者们在临近的花朵间不停地忙碌着,但兰花们却担心近亲交配的发生。

    With pollinators hopping from one flower to its neighbor , orchids worry about inbreeding .

  4. 反之,在人口小且封闭的地方,近亲交配很普遍,有血缘的夫妻携带相同基因突变的几率更大。

    But in small , isolated populations where inbreeding is common , theres a greater chance that related partners carry the same mutations .

  5. 冰岛民族并不是近亲交配的产物,斯蒂芬森说,应用程序很有趣,它使得数据得到更好利用。

    The Icelandic nation is not inbred , Stefansson said . This app is interesting . It makes the data much more available .

  6. 外来入侵物种对遗传多样性的影响主要体现在:种群破碎化,导致遗传漂变和近亲交配;

    The impacts of biological invasion on genetic resources are as following : local population is fragmented , causing genetic drift and inbreeding ;

  7. 通过杂交或近亲交配的动植物的生产。马尾松建园无性系选配及亲缘关系控制的分析

    The production of animals or plants by inbreeding or hybridization . Analysis of Clone Selective Pairing and Consanguinity Control for Seed Orchard in Pinus massoniana

  8. 日本狗界铤而走险近亲交配浮滥,有些兽医和其他专家点出另一个较不明显的因素:日本生育率不断下降。

    Some veterinarians and other experts cite another , less obvious factor behind widespread risky inbreeding in japan 's dog industry-the nation 's declining birthrate .

  9. 由此说明20个种群的基因交流比较频繁,没有出现因近亲交配而出现的杂合度降低。

    So it was showed that the gene have exchanges frequently in the 20 populations and reduction of heterozygosity caused by inbreeding did not appear .

  10. 于蜂兰花而言,雄峰的失落正中下怀,因为雄蜂在冷静的过程中飞得越远,就越能防止蜂兰花的近亲交配。

    The bee 's frustration plays into the orchid 's reproductive strategy , as the distance traveled while the bee was cooling his temper prevents inbreeding .

  11. 螨类因其繁殖力强,世代周期短,活动范围小,近亲交配率高,受药机会多,其抗药性问题甚至比其他农作物害虫更见突出。

    Due to stronger reproductive ability , shorter generation time , smaller movement area , higher cross rates of near relatives , more acaricides contact opportunity , the problem of mite resistance is more dominant than other crop insect pests .

  12. 近来有基因证据表明,现代智人可能在中东地区与他们的近亲尼安德特人交配,时间大约是6.5万到4.7万年间。这具化石是否支持了这种基因证据?

    Could this support recent genetic evidence that modern Homo sapiens and their Neanderthal cousins interbred , perhaps in the Middle East and most likely between 65000 and 47000 years ago ?