
  1. 基于整车厂JIT生产需求,分别对新型集成模式和主流集配中心模式建立了整合生产策略、运输策略、库存策略的协同运作模型。

    The consolidated operating model which based on JIT production requirements was established through the integration of production strategies , transportation strategies and inventory strategies .

  2. 在MicrosoftRoboticsDeveloperStudio(MRDS)仿真环境中,设计推箱子实验并与反应式行为控制方法比较,验证协作运输策略的可行性。

    Box pushing task with compare to reactive behavior-based approach in Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio ( MRDS ) is designed to illustrate the feasibility of the proposed cooperative transport strategy . 5 .

  3. 回载可分的逆向物流运输策略问题研究

    Study on Transportation Strategy of Vehicle in Reverse Logistics with Split Pick-ups

  4. 多肽介导的生物活性分子细胞靶向及胞内运输策略

    Strategies for cellular targeting of biomacromolecules and intracellular delivery mediated by polypeptides

  5. 回载可分的闭环供应链多车辆运输策略

    The Multiple-vehicle Transportation Policy in Closed-loop Chain with Split Pick-ups

  6. 逆向物流单车辆运输策略

    Transportation strategy of single vehicle in reverse logistics

  7. 企业管理中的物流与运输策略研究

    Study of Logistics and Transportation on Enterprise Mangement

  8. 钢管订购和运输策略

    The Strategy of Ordering and Transporting Steel Tubes

  9. 本文具体研究内容包括以下几个方面:研究了采取整车直接运输策略时配送中心基本配送作业设备的配置问题。

    The research contents include as following : Firstly , this paper researches the problem how to optimize the equipment configuration based on direct shipping strategy .

  10. 通过对问题的描述与分析,建立起问题模型,并从库存与运输策略对模型进行分析,最后设计了遗传算法应用于模型的求解。

    Through description and analysis of the problem , the mathematical model is established , then the inventory and transportation policy is analyzed , at last the genetic algorithm is designed as the solution of the model .

  11. 中欧航线集装箱班轮运输经营策略分析

    Analysis of Strategy of Management on China-Europe Container Liner Shipping

  12. 成都铁路局旅客运输营销策略研究

    The Study on the Market Strategy of Passenger Transportation in Chengdu Railway Bureau

  13. 集装箱支线运输经营策略的探讨

    Analysis of Management Tactics of Container Feeder Service

  14. 公路危险品运输决策策略研究

    The Study of Road HazMat Transportation Strategies

  15. 中海远东/北美航线集装箱运输发展策略研究

    Research of China Shipping Group 's Container Transportation Strategy on the Far East / North America Line

  16. 物流系统集成优化主要包括物流节点选址策略、库存控制策略以及运输调度策略这三个方面。

    Logistics systems integrated optimizations include three aspects logistics node location strategy , inventory control strategy , transport scheduling strategy .

  17. 水力结构就是植物在特定的自然环境条件下,为适应生存竞争的需要所形成的不同形态结构和水分运输供给策略。

    The hydraulic architecture is the strategies of water transport and morphological structure of plants adapted to survival competition in the natural environment .

  18. 尤其是位置分配策略,运输路由策略以及存储块大小的设置,三者直接决定一个物流系统的好与坏。

    Especially storage allocation methods , the routing policy and storage block size , three of them directly determine a warehouse good or bad .

  19. 通过引用国外文献中响应时间与供应链竞争力的关系的数据,提出基于时间压缩的库存-运输整合策略,并分解为物流的时间压缩与信息流的时间压缩。

    Through the data of the relationship of response time and the competition ability aboard , this chapter proposes the integrating strategy based time-compressed .

  20. 基于以上的预测值和SWOT分析对天津港集装箱运输的竞争策略进行了分析,包括发展天津港集装箱运输的相关目标,任务以及具体的措施及策略。

    Based on the above forecasts and SWOT analysis of the Tianjin Port Container Transport competitive strategy analysis , including the development of Tianjin Port container transport-related objectives , tasks and specific measures and strategies .

  21. 铁路行包运输市场营销策略的研究

    Research on the Marketing Strategy of Railway Baggage and Parcel Transportation

  22. 铁路旅客运输市场价格策略仿真

    Simulation of market price strategy in railways passenger transport

  23. 铁路运输市场定价策略理论的探讨

    Discussion on Strategy Theory of Railway Transportation Marketing Pricing

  24. 国际集装箱运输企业经营策略研究

    Research the Management Strategy of Container Transportation Corporation

  25. 配退货系统库存与运输成本最小化策略研究

    The Cost Optimization of Integrated Inventory Control and Transportation for Delivery and Pick-up Systems

  26. 联合运输利益分配策略

    Profit distribution tactics of intermodal transportation

  27. 亚美航线集装箱运输市场竞争策略研究

    Research on Asia-America Liner Compete Strategy

  28. 黑龙江省公路运输业技术创新策略的分析

    Policy analysis of technology innovation of highway transport industry in Heilongjiang province

  29. 堵塞点可恢复型在线运输车辆的调度策略研究

    Study on the scheduling strategies for online vehicle with the recoverable congested vertices

  30. 顺应市场的需要,开展网络营销和重视全球投标业务,抓住大客户,建立稳定的基础货源四个方面改进国际集装箱运输企业的经营策略,借以提高集装箱运输企业在激烈的航运市场中的竞争力。

    Develop international network sales business and focus on the business of global tender .