
  • 网络operation risk;operational risk
  1. 正确认识和积极防范QFII制度的运作风险

    Take Seriously And Actively Defend the Operation Risk of QFII System

  2. 大型体育赛事运作风险分析及其防范

    Large scale sports game operation risk analysis and its prevention

  3. 我国QFII制度的法律缺陷与运作风险分析

    Analysis of the Legal Defect and Operating Risk of QFII Institution in China

  4. 为此,分析了实施MBO的政策和法律问题、融资问题、定价问题、运作风险及人才问题,并提出了一些建议。

    Hence , the paper analyses the policy and law problem 、 the financing problem 、 the pricing problem 、 the operating risk and the human resource problem of the application of MBO . Finally , the paper puts forward some suggestions .

  5. 企业年金市场化运作风险管理研究

    The Study of the Risk Management on the Occupational Pension Market-based Operation

  6. 房地产投资信托基金投资运作风险管理研究

    On the risk management of investment operations for real estate investment trusts

  7. 供应链运作风险影响供应链绩效的实证研究

    An Empirical Research of Supply Chain : the Influence of Operational Risk on Performance

  8. 第一章阐述了工商业企业运作风险的一些基本理论。

    The first chapter introduces some basic theories about the operational risks of traditional enterprises .

  9. 供应链运作风险影响企业竞争能力的实证分析

    The Empirical Analysing on the Influence of Supply Chain Operating Risks for firm Competitive Capabilities

  10. 虚拟企业的运作风险

    Virtual Enterprise 's Operation Risk

  11. 因此,对开放式基金的运作风险的研究越发紧迫。

    Therefore , it is very urgent to carry out the study on the process risk of Open-end fund .

  12. 本文主要从生存和发展两个方面构建了资金运作风险监测指标体系,并通过案例对其进行分析。

    This paper establishes capital risk monitor quota from the perspectives of survival and development , then studies in case .

  13. 虚拟企业应当从建立完善激励与管理制度,加强沟通增加信任等方面入手来防范运作风险。

    Virtual enterprise should establish effective encouragement and management system , improve communication and increase trust to prevent operation risk .

  14. 因此,研究售房养老模式的运作风险,以及如何设计规避风险的制度安排,便成为它是否切实可行并真正进入可操作阶段的关键。

    Therefore , researching its risks in management and set up systems dealing with risks are the keys to its operation .

  15. 因此,对易腐产品在供应链环境下的运作风险和失效事件的应急管理进行研究具有紧迫性和重要性。

    Therefore , it is urgent and important to research the operational risks and emergency management of failure event of perishable products supply chain .

  16. 从目标控制的角度出发,物流网络运作风险是组织偏离预定目标的可能性。

    From the target control point of view , the logistics network operation risks is the possibility that the organization deviation from the intended target .

  17. 协助建立和完善集团内控制度和流程,降低集团运作风险,确保公司资产的安全。

    Contribute to set up and optimize the internal control system and its processes , reduce the risks of business , and ensure the company assets .

  18. 生产外包可以帮助企业整合外部优秀的专业化资源,专注于自己的核心业务,提高敏捷性和客户响应能力,降低成本和运作风险。

    It can help enterprise integrated external excellent professional resources , focus on core businesses , improve agility and customer response ability and reduce the costs and operation risks .

  19. 最后提出通过多渠道筹措教育资金、最大限度节约教育资源、建立战略预算、严格预算控制来防范高校的资金运作风险。

    Finally , the paper suggests some ways to take precautions on capital risk nearly : raising funds multi-channels , economizing on resources , establishing strategic budget and controlling strictly .

  20. 此项计划的实施有利于增强银行的凝聚力,细挑员工同股东之间的利益,降低银行运作风险。

    The implementation of such plans is to increase the bank 's cohesion , to harmonize benefits for employees and shareholders , and to reduce the bank 's operational risks .

  21. 一般,对这些风险的处理由明确的过程进行:运作风险可以通过安全管理、商业弹性管理,和数据完整性管理过程进行处理。

    Generally , dealing with these risks is addressed by explicit processes : Operational risks might be addressed through security management , business resilience management , and data integrity management processes .

  22. 投资者和信托公司要充分重视资金的运作风险,政府相关部门要加强立法规制,以期规避信托投资风险。

    So investors and trust companies must fully attach importance to the operation of financial risk , the relevant government departments should strengthen legislation to circumvent the trust and investment risks .

  23. 其次,论文研究了物流网络运作风险评估的流程、指标、风险事项测度等内容,在此基础上,构建了基于交互式风险评估模型。

    Second , the dissertation studies the risk assessment process , indicators , risk measurement and other contents about the logistics network operation , on this basis , sets an interactive-based risk assessment model .

  24. 最先的反对意见来自福利院职工。他们抱怨道,该设施不但会直接增加他们的工作负担、运作风险,还会导致弃婴数量的增加。

    Its initial objections were from the institution staff , who complained that the facility would not only directly increase their workloads and operation risks but also lead to rise in the number of abandoned infants .

  25. 创业板市场的风险主要来自创业板上市公司,由于上市公司内部控制制度的不健全及经营运作风险等而加大了审计风险。

    The risk of growth enterprise market mainly come from the list companies , Owning to inside control system of list companies in bad condition and their operation risk , the risk of audit had been increased .

  26. 企业动态联盟这种新型组织具有许多优点,但同时也存在诸如组建风险、运作风险、解散风险等许多新的风险管理问题。

    As a new kind organization , Enterprise Dynamic Alliance has a lot of advantages . Meanwhile , many new risk management problems do exist , such as establishment risk , operation risk , disintegration risk and so on .

  27. 本文的研究不仅为培训企业评估和规避项目运作风险提供了评价方法和实施策略,而且为政府规范培训行业和实施监管提供了操作依据和有效途径。

    This study not only provided evaluation and implementation strategies to evaluate and to avoid the risk of project operations for the training companies , but also gave some effective ways for the government to regulate training industry and to monitor .

  28. 民营企业并购的目的是为了获得企业发展所需的各种资源,通过协同效应实现企业的战略发展目标,顺利地突破新进入行业的壁垒并减少企业的运作风险。

    The purpose of merger and acquisition of enterprises run by private capital is for the sake of resources that private enterprise need , and to realize the strategic target by synergy , successfully break into professional barracks and reduce operation risks .

  29. 根据专家意见法,提出医药共同物流风险的主要形式为:道德风险,管理风险,运作风险和信用风险,风险的主要原因是合作方式、利益分配、信息共享、治理机制等四个方面。

    Based on expert opinion , pharmaceutical joint logistics system risk major forms : moral risk , management risk , operational risk and credit risk , the main reasons is cooperative manner , distribution of benefits , information sharing , governance mechanism .

  30. 归纳和总结了保险公司目前面临的主要风险。剖析了精算风险、利率风险、运作风险的含义以及产生风险的原因,并提出了防范与控制风险的要点。

    This paper sums up the main risks faced by insurance companies currently , analyzes on the meanings of the accurate calculation risk , the interest risk and the operation risk and the causes of these risks , and puts forward some key points of preventing and controlling these risks .