
guò liàng
  • excessive;excess;overdose;OD;surfeit;redundant;plethora
过量 [guò liàng]
  • (1) [overdose]∶剂量太大

  • 过量的安眠药

  • (2) [redundant]∶以过多、过剩、多余为特征或超量

  • 过量的供应

过量[guò liàng]
  1. 这种药使用过量会损害肾脏。

    Excessive dosage of this drug can result in injury to the kidney .

  2. 过量的抗che药导致胆碱能危象。

    An excessive dose of an anti-ChE drug results in a cholinergic crisis .

  3. 你饮酒过量,不能驾车。

    You can 't drive ─ you 're over the limit .

  4. 她服用了过量的安眠药。

    She took a massive overdose of sleeping pills .

  5. 他对过量饮酒后驾车一事表示服罪。

    He pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol .

  6. 这些年轻人因过量吸海洛因大批死亡。

    These young people die wholesale from heroin overdoses .

  7. 充气过量的轮胎更容易爆裂。

    Overinflated tyres burst more easily .

  8. 他过量服用了海洛因。

    He had overdosed on heroin .

  9. 他喝酒不过量。

    He only drinks moderately .

  10. 有些孩子根本不吃饭,另外的一些孩子却吃得过量。

    Some children refuse to eat at all and others overeat .

  11. 饮食中摄入过量蛋白质可能会加速衰老。

    Too much protein in the diet may advance the ageing process

  12. 每年,每100名15至19岁的少女中就有1位嗑药过量。

    Each year , one in 100 girls aged 15-19 takes an overdose

  13. 1970年,吉他手吉米·亨德里克斯因服药过量而死亡。

    In 1970 , guitarist Jimi Hendrix died of a drug overdose .

  14. 医生对于服用多少药片算作过量意见不一。

    Medical opinion varies on how many tablets it takes to overdose .

  15. 体重超标的主要原因是饮食过量。

    The major reason for excess weight is excess eating .

  16. 多不饱和油对健康很重要。但是,食用过量就会有害。

    Polyunsaturated oils are essential for health . Excess is harmful , however .

  17. 呼吸分析器显示你饮酒过量。

    A breathalyzer tells you you 've a had a few too many .

  18. 过量使用那些药物再加上饮食缺乏营养,导致健康状况恶化。

    Overuse of those drugs , coupled with poor diet , leads to physical degeneration

  19. 新的研究表明,过量食用肉类和盐可能会导致肌肉收缩。

    New research shows that an excess of meat and salt can contract muscles .

  20. 过量食用的红肉中脂肪和卡路里含量很高。

    Red meat , eaten to excess , is very high in fat and calories .

  21. 快来!约翰!卡梅拉出事了,我想她用药过量了。

    Quick ! John ! It 's Carmela . I think she 's taken an overdose

  22. 如果警察对我作呼气测醉试验,发现我饮酒过量,我将会被禁驾很长时间。

    If police breathalyse me and find I am over the limit I face a long ban

  23. 他曾过量吸食海洛因。

    He 'd overdosed on heroin

  24. 过量接触阳光、海水、沙粒和氯气会使浅色头发略呈绿色。

    An overdose of sun , sea , sand and chlorine can give lighter hair a green tinge .

  25. 和过量服用任何其他药物一样,身体会对它产生耐药性。

    As with any drug taken in excess , your body can build up a tolerance to it .

  26. 心悸可能是由于低血糖、咖啡因过量或抽烟过多。

    The shaking inside may be due to low blood sugar , too much caffeine or too many cigarettes

  27. 这种药千万不能服过量。

    Whatever happens , never take an overdose of this medicine .

  28. 饮酒过量是有害的。

    It is harmful to drink in excess .

  29. 过量饮酒对身体有害。

    Excessive drinking will do you harm .

  30. 饮食过量使他消化不良。

    His digestion was embarrassed by overeating .