
ɡuò hé
  • cross a river
  1. 一辆校车试图过河时遭遇洪水来袭,造成逾25人溺水身亡。

    Over 25 people drowned when a schoolbus tried to cross a river and flood waters swept through .

  2. 一切都在摸着石头过河。

    Everything in " feeling stone to cross a river " .

  3. 将军必须让部队过河。

    The general had to get his troops across the river .

  4. 他提出坐他的船把我们渡过河。

    He offered to ferry us across the river in his boat .

  5. 大桥已经毁坏,我们无法过河了。

    The bridge was destroyed so we couldn 't get across the river .

  6. 过河最近的桥在哪儿?

    Where 's the nearest bridge across the river ?

  7. 他们驻守在那座桥上,所以我们只能涉水过河。

    They were guarding the bridge , so we forded the river .

  8. 她感到抚养孩子就像是摸着石头过河。

    She feels that raising her children has been a matter of trial and error .

  9. 你应该和我们一起过河,那时你就会了解实情了。

    You should come across the river with us . Then you will really see what 's what .

  10. 他急忙下来帮助我们过河。

    He hurried down to help us get across the river .

  11. 他将几袋大米摆渡过河。

    He boated some bags of rice across the river .

  12. 他们来到河边,想打听怎样过河。

    They came to a river and wondered how to get over .

  13. 那老人将我摆渡过河。

    The old man boated me across the river .

  14. 他过河向游击队报了警。

    He crossed the river and alarmed the guerrillas .

  15. 学生们乘小船过河。

    The pupils crossed the river by boat .

  16. 你可以搭渡船过河。

    You can cross the river by ferry .

  17. 我过河时脚被桥上一块松动的木板夹住了。

    My foot caught in a loose plank on the bridge while I was crossing .

  18. 水手们慢慢地划过河去。

    The sailors oar slowly across the river .

  19. 为了越过这个障碍,楚国派人悄悄地去测量澭水的深度,并且做好了夜间涉水过河的标记。

    To overcome this obstacle , the State of Chu sent men to secretly measure the depth of the Yong River and make marks for wading1 across the river at night .

  20. 他继续走,来到河边,河涨水了,因此,他到不了河对岸,他等了一会儿,然后他说:“今天我去不了富人家了,因为我不能渡过河。”

    so he could13 not go over it . He waited for some time ; then he said , " I cannot go to the rich man 's house today , for I cannot get over the river . "

  21. 一种GPS过河水准新方法的试验

    Test of a New Method of GPS River Crossing Leveling

  22. VHDL语言在状态空间表示法求解过河问题中的应用

    Application of VHDL in Solving Crossing River Problem by State Spaces Representation

  23. 某过河管道桥跨度140m,采用预应力空间悬索桁架的结构形式。

    A pipe-carrying bridge is a prestressed space suspension cable truss structure with 140m span .

  24. 6MPa天然气管道管桥法过河方案探讨

    Crossover Scheme of 1.6 MPa Natural Gas Main by Pipe Bridge

  25. 提出了以VHDL语言为手段,用状态空间表示法求解过河问题中的应用,并在Active-HDL环境下实现了模拟和在Cadence环境下实现了综合。安全渡河问题的计算机求解和模拟

    This paper proposes the application of VHDL in solving crossing river problem by state spaces representation , and exemplifies in Active-HDL and Cadence . On the Method of Realizing Solution and Simulation of the Safe Crossing River Problem Through Computer

  26. 我过河到达特拉斯特维雷区(Trastevere)——此区声称是原汁原味的罗马人所居住,而且是在台伯河对岸建造所有历史建筑的工人聚居的地方。

    I cross over the river to Trastevere - the neighborhood that claims to be inhabited by the truest Romans , the workers , the guys who have , over the centuries , built all the monuments on the other side of the Tiber .

  27. 马擅长游泳,它会载你们过河。

    Horses are great swimmers . they 'll carry you across .

  28. 受限地段过河索道设计研究

    The Design Study of Crossing River Cableway on the Restricted Sector

  29. 大口径过河钢管修复技术研究

    The Technology Study in Repairing Large Caliber Steel Pipe Across River

  30. 别让他坐你们的船过河!

    Don 't take him across the river on your ferry !