
ɡuò láo sǐ
  • karoshi;death from overwork
  1. 近年来,过劳死意思更为广泛,包括日本“上班族”(salarymen)由于工作过多或工作条件不稳定因情绪困扰而自杀。

    In recent years , Karoshi has broadened its meaning to include Japanese " salarymen " who commit suicide as a result of the emotional distress from working too much and under uncertain conditions .

  2. 但在我国并没有相关领域界定过劳死。

    But no related fields defined karoshi in our country .

  3. 日本甚至有一个词专门来形容过劳死——karoshi。

    The country even has a word - karoshi - which means ' death from overwork ' .

  4. 在日本,加班的概念深入人心,日本有一个自创的词汇用于指代死于心脏病和其他由过度工作引发的疾病——Karoshi(过劳死)。

    The concept of being overworked is so prevalent in Japan that the country has its own word for people who die of heart attacks and other ailments directly attributed to excessive labor - Karoshi .

  5. 就在白皮书发布一周前,东京一个劳工标准办公室裁定,电通(Dentsu)广告公司的一名刚毕业不久的年轻新员工自杀,属于过劳死案例。

    The publication of the white paper came just a week after a Tokyo labour standards office ruled that the suicide of young graduate recruit at the Dentsu advertising agency had been a case of karoshi .

  6. 2007年11月30日,名古屋地方法院接受了HirokoUchino的为其丈夫过劳死的起诉。她的丈夫Kenichi是丰田公司的第三代职员,2002年因过度劳累而死亡,当时才30岁。

    On November30th the Nagoya District Court accepted Hiroko Uchino 's claim that her husband , Kenichi , a third-generation Toyota employee , was a victim of karoshi when he died in2002 at the age of30 .

  7. 与此类似的便是“过劳死”&劳动过度而被累死。

    Its corporate equivalent is karoshi ," death by overwork " .

  8. 我们努力工作,很多过劳死;

    We work too hard , and many die under the strain ;

  9. 而不被认为是过劳死的死者家属几乎什么也得不到。

    For deaths not designated karoshi the family gets next to nothing .

  10. 马拉是被人刺死的,而小盒是过劳死的。

    Marat was stabbed to death , and I 'm worked to death .

  11. 你可能正符合典型的过劳死症状。

    You may be headed toward a classic case of death from overwork .

  12. 我国知识分子过劳死呈现出增长的趋势。

    There is a rising tendency that our country intelligentsias die from overwork .

  13. 浅析白领人群过劳死的发生原因和预防措施

    Analysis on Causes and Preventive Measures of Death by Overwork among White-collar Population

  14. 过劳死:拷问医疗社会保障制度的缺陷

    Karoshi ( Death from overwork ): exposing the defects of social medical security system

  15. 事实上,日本人甚至发明了过劳死这个词用以形容工作过度而死。

    In fact , the Japanese even have the word for working oneself to death-Karoshi .

  16. 对知识分子过劳死现象的分析

    Analysis of the Intellectuals ' Overworking Death

  17. 媒体报道的最新“过劳死”案例是一名24岁工程师,其唯一的坏习惯是过度工作。

    The latest case revealed by media was a 24-year-old engineer whose only bad habit was overwork .

  18. 日本仍然有不少过劳死(因过度工作致死)的病例,同时许多员工仍对准时下班感到内疚。

    Japan still has instances of karoshi death by overwork and many employees still feel guilty leaving early .

  19. 多年来,日本一直试图遏制过度加班以及由此引发的健康问题,甚至过劳死。

    Japan has for years been trying to curb excessive overtime and the health issues and even deaths it can cause .

  20. 过劳死问题在2015年吸引了全球的关注,当时日本广告业巨头电通集团的一名员工在圣诞节自杀。

    The issue attracted international attention in 2015 , when an employee at Japanese advertising giant Dentsu committed suicide on Christmas Day .

  21. 由于过度工作造成的死亡,即“过劳死”,从1987年日本厚生省首次认定这一现象开始,一直在稳步增长。

    Death from overwork , known as " karoshi ," has steadily increased since the Health Ministry first recognized the phenomenon in1987 .

  22. 过劳死受害者家属的代理律师们表示,即使是那样,这个问题仍被大大淡化,几乎没人讨论。

    Even then , say lawyers who have represented the families of victims , the issue is greatly understated and barely discussed .

  23. 过劳死的原因是经济社会转型、竞争加剧、社会压力增大和医疗社会保障制度不健全。

    The causes of karoshi : the economic and social transform , growing competition , growing social pressures and imperfect medical security system .

  24. 数据显示,“过劳死”人群更加年轻化,涉及媒体、广告、医疗、信息技术等诸多行业。

    Statistics show that the group is much younger and covers many industries , such as media , advertisement , medical care and IT .

  25. 我国每年“过劳死”总人数达60万,已超过日本成为“过劳死”第一大国。

    China has overtaken Japan topping the charts with the largest population who die from overworking , reaching a total of 600000 each year .

  26. 前言:近年来,知识分子“过劳死”现象屡见媒体,造成了巨大的社会效应。

    In recent years , the phenomenon that the intellectual died of being tired is often seen in medium , resulting in huge social effect .

  27. 本文就白领人群中日益凸现的过劳死现象,分析了过劳死发生的可能原因和促发因素,提出了针对性的预防措施。

    To causes of death by overwork among white-collar population , it analyzed possible causes and promoting factors , and put up with relevant preventive measures .

  28. 近几年,过劳死现象不断发生,高校教师已成为过劳死的高危群体。

    In recent years ," death from overwork " phenomena continue to occur , university teachers have become a high-risk groups of " death fromoverwork " .

  29. 自80年代法律承认了过劳死是一种死因,提交给政府要求鉴别的案例数量飙升;

    Since this was legally recognised as a cause of death in the1980s , the number of cases submitted to the government for the designation has soared ;

  30. 许多日本人都开始考虑这个问题,在对所谓“过度工作猝死”或“过劳死”这个新的社会健康问题的焦虑感。

    Many Japanese are beginning to ask this very question as anxiety over a new social health problem known as @ death from overwork , @ or karoshi .