- 网络Undercooling Austenite;supercooled austenite;supercooling austenite;overcooling austenite

Unusual Decomposition of Undercooling Austenite and Carbide Granulation
Continuous cooling transformation of undercooling austenite about 35K
CAD of transformation curves for supercooled austenite in low alloy steels
The stability of austenite is enhanced by the co-addition of V and Ti , which decreases transformation temperature and results the refinement of microstructure .
Supercooled Austenite Transformation Mechanism of Rare Earth Microalloy Rail Steel and Method of Predicting CCT Diagram
Drawing of Time Temperature Transformation ( TTT ) of Steel 's Metastable Austenite by Computer
By determining the T T T curve and studying the isothermal quenching process of the controlled cooling Si Mn bainite martensite wear resisting cast steel , we have get some useful conclusions .
According to the short range segregation due to the valence electron structure , the effect on the C-curVe by elements Cr 、 Si during isothermal transformation of the over cooling austenite is discussed .
The phase transformation of super cooled austenite was investigated for a commercial pipeline steel by measuring the continuous cooling transformation diagram ( CCT ) .
The phase transformation temperature was determined by Gleeble-1500 thermo-mechanical simulator with different Nb content for the low carbon and low alloy steel .
The results indicated that fine ferrite grains of 4-5 μ m can be achieved by deformation enhanced phase transformation of undercooled austenite in combination with austenitic re-crystallization . The yield strength exceeded 400 MPa and the plastic elongation was over 40 % .
And as sample heated to 1150 ℃ for 1 min for austenization than cooled with 20 ℃ / s to 700 ℃ and reduced by 60 % , the partial overcooling austenite in steel transformed to fine lamellar pearlite under effect of deformation .
Formulation of Continuous Cooling Transformation Curves for Steel Over cooling Austenite
Effect of deformation on undercooled austenite transformation temperature in low carbon steels
Determining diffusive phase transformation temperature for undercooling austenite
Vectorization Treatment Method for TTT Curve
The Effect of Intercritical Heating on the Transformation of the Undercooled Austenite and the Hardenability of 45 Steel
At the same cooling rate , the bainite transformation temperature of deformed specimens with the three schedules is different .
The Study on the Overcooling Austenite Isothermal Transformation Diagram and Tempering Technology of Circular Chain Steel in Coal Mine Machine
An Investigation on Middle Temperature Transformation of Super Cooled Austenite after Austenitizing for High Strength and Toughness of Typical Cold Die Steels
The result shows that the RE make CCT curve move towards right and hardness of steel increases at same rate of cooling .
Preferential site saturation for nucleation and growth of α - phase at early stage of austenite decomposition in low carbon steel bearing boron
The supercooled austenite transforms into friable martensite layer during the following rapid cooling process , leading to cracking and spalling at wheel tread .
The structure evolution of pearlite and overcooling austenite of 0.75C eutectoid carbon steel during compression has been studied by Gleeble 2000 and 1500 thermal simulation machines .
The transformation diagrams of super-cooled austenite are described by polynomial-like function and cubic spline function . The database of diagrams is set up on computer , which provides abundant preparations for the following work .
In a word , the possibility of the on-lining soften of the 35K steel could achieve because deformation change the transformation model of austenite which can fast the spheroidization of cementite on the process of controlled cooling .
Effect of processing parameters on dynamic transformation of undercooled austenite of hypereutectoid steel