
  • 网络marginal cost;incremental cost;SMC
  1. 市场势力(marketpower)是指在不完全竞争的市场条件下,一定时期内厂商将价格维持在边际成本之上的能力。

    Market power is an ability that in terms of imperfect market , a factory owner maintains price over marginal cost in certain time .

  2. RD边际成本增加减少RD和最终产品供给数量。

    Marginal cost increment of R D decrease R D and final product supply quantity .

  3. 其一,MCR曲线表示为降低污染所花费的边际成本;

    First , the curve stands for the marginal cost which is spent for reducing pollution ;

  4. 发现,如果边际成本相比于上网者的支付意愿来说较高,则ISP和非营利机构都只有选择计时收费模式;

    First , I have discovered that if the marginal cost is comparatively high , ISP and public institutions can only choose time-sensitive pricing pattern ;

  5. 清洁发展机制(CDM)是联合国根据减排温室气体的边际成本而实行的可转让的排污许可。

    The essence of Clean Development Mechanism ( CDM ) is carrying out transferable pollution discharge permission , based on the marginal cost of reducing exhaust greenhouse gas .

  6. 政治顾问和社会理论学家杰里米•里夫金最近出版的作品《零边际成本社会》(TheZeroMarginalCostSociety)探讨的也是类似问题,只是这本书不是那么冷静,有时甚至过于乐观。里夫金在书中强调,资本主义似乎正在断送自己的前程。

    In a less sobering -- at times , overoptimistic -- side of a similar coin , political consultant and social theorist Jeremy Rifkin 's recently published The Zero Marginal Cost Society highlights a capitalism that seems to be running itself out of business .

  7. 新增纯收益率22.42%,边际成本报酬率3.33。稻田种植春玉米高效耦合技术包括部分放开冬春茬,稻田冬春季改小麦为菜果经济作物;NET开发了基于规则的特钢企业调度系统。

    The increased net profit ratio is 22.42 % and the marginal benefit-cost ratio is 3.33 . Efficient techniques for system coupling of planting spring-corn in rice field include that the winter and spring can be freed , and the wheat can be changed to the economic crops ;

  8. AMI计量数据采集和处理的边际成本极低,然而对其挖掘和应用的研究尚在起步阶段,致使大量宝贵资源归于闲置。

    The marginal cost of AMI metering data acquisition and processing is very low , yet the study on mining and application of these data is still in its infancy , resulting in the idle of large number of valuable resources .

  9. 其中,logit需求框架下的分析使得考虑新品牌产品相对于替代者的相对吸引力、边际成本、产品差异水平以及消费者偏好的差异对于创新技术许可决策的影响成为可能。

    The analysis under logit demand framework makes it possible to consider the impacts of the comparative attractive of new brand product with substitutes , marginal cost , the level of product differentiation , as well as differences in consumer preferences on licensing schemes .

  10. 文中构建了CCHP系统并网的电价体系,提出了收取系统备用费的建议,探讨用会计成本和长期边际成本2种方法制定基本电价的计算模型。

    The electricity pricing system for CCHP interconnection is worked out and suggestions for the compensatory expenses of the reserve capacity of power system made . The long-term fiscal and marginal cost methodologies are discussed for calculating the basic price of power tariff .

  11. 从1970年Baumol和Bradford发表关于边际成本的最优偏离的论文开始,带动了大批学者对这一领域展开研究。20世纪70年代末,高峰.负荷定价、拉姆齐定价都是经济学家经常讨论的话题。

    A number of scholars have focused on this field after the publication of the paper about the best departure of marginal cost by Baumol and Bradford in 1970 . At the end of the 70s , peak-load pricing and Ramsey pricing are the classical topics of economists .

  12. 因此,行业边际成本已经大幅上升。

    As a result , industry marginal costs have risen sharply .

  13. 长期边际成本电力定价方法研究

    A Study of Power Tariff according to Long Term Marginal Cost

  14. 基于边际成本的两部制上网电价模式研究

    Study on Two Part Electricity Pricing Pattern Based on Marginal Cost

  15. 用边际成本理论分析评价油井增产措施

    Evaluating Stimulation of Oil Well with Marginal Cost Analysis Theory

  16. 增量成本,边际成本、新增成本.亦见averageincrementalcost内蒙古中部太古代麻粒岩递增变质成因

    Incremental cost Progressive Metamorphic Genesis of Archaean Granulites in Central Nei Mongol

  17. 在电力市场环境下网嵌入的边际成本输电定价新方法

    Grid Embedded Marginal cost Transmission Pricing ( GEMP ) in Power Market

  18. 用边际成本计算电价的方法

    A Method for Pricing Electricity with Marginal Cost Marginal Mar-kets Boundary Control

  19. 对于电价是在成本分析的基础上,建立了采用成本加和边际成本定价原则的模型;

    This dissertation gives model based on cost adding and marginal cost .

  20. 边际成本分析方法在石油工业中的推广与应用

    Analytic method of marginal cost with extension and application to oil industry

  21. 应用边际成本理论提出了一种新的输电定价方法。

    A novel transmission pricing method based on marginal cost theory is presented .

  22. 采用边际成本法测算;

    Or is estimated by the marginal cost method ;

  23. 机会成本、边际成本、替代成本成为环境会计计量的主要基础;

    Opportunity cost , marginal cost and substitution cost are its principal basis .

  24. 边际成本分析在水资源开发利用决策中的应用

    Application of marginal cost analysis to water resources development

  25. 在一条拥堵的线路上得到输电容量调度计划的用户按照边际成本价格为使用这条线路输电而付费。

    The users are charged the marginal-cost-based price for using a congested path .

  26. 航空产品同质性,且具有极低的边际成本;

    Identical products and fairly low marginal costs ;

  27. 边际成本法在电力系统功率交换费用计算中的研究

    Marginal Cost Method Applied to Research on Rates of Power Exchange in Power System

  28. 电力边际成本定价类型及特点

    Types of Electricity Marginal Pricing and its Specialties

  29. 边际成本理论能合理解释劳动力供给曲线。

    Thus using marginal cost theory to explain labor for supply curve is reasonable .

  30. 经济学告诉我们在长期中,价格降至边际成本。

    Economics tells us that prices fall to marginal cost in the long run .