
  1. 尽管无情的阶层分化仍在进行,柏林依然是街头艺术的堡垒。壁炉边的墙上挂着精美的壁画,城市里喷笔画和版画比比皆是。

    Despite relentless hypergentrification , Berlin remains a bastion of street art . Elaborate murals still decorate firewalls ; images by sprayers and stencilers pop up everywhere else .

  2. 将简历放在容易找到的地方,比如桌上或将它贴在电话边的墙上,这样当你在回答问题时,简历就近在咫尺。

    Keep your resume in clear view , on the top of your desk , or tape it to the wall near the phone , so it 's at your fingertips when you need to answer questions .

  3. 在对边楼房的墙上又映出了红色的灯光还有人影。

    There was a red light and a shadow on the wall of the house opposite .

  4. 数值结果表明,当吸声材料安装在斜面天花板最低边所在的侧墙上时,声场的平均扩散程度最高。

    The numerical results show that the highest average acoustic diffusion is achieved , when the absorptive material is fixed on the side wall against the lowest side of the oblique ceiling .