
  • 网络Soft Shadow
  1. 一种基于哈尔小波的软阴影渲染算法在GPU上的实现

    Implementing Haar wavelet based soft shadow rendering algorithm on GPU

  2. 该方法可以渲染动态物体表面的软阴影,相互反射等全局光照效果。

    This method could render soft shadow and inter-reflection for multiple dynamic objects efficiently .

  3. 一种适合于MMOG的快速动态场景软阴影绘制算法

    A Fast Soft Shadows Algorithm for Dynamic Scene in MMOG

  4. 基于阴影映射的实时软阴影算法及实现

    Algorithm and Realization of Real-time Soft Shadows Based on Shadow Mapping

  5. 提出了一种利用阴影映射技术的实时软阴影生成算法。

    This article present an image space method to generate soft-edged shadows using shadow mapping .

  6. 利用反向投影实现的实时软阴影映射算法

    Real-time soft shadow mapping algorithm using backprojection

  7. 实验表明,本算法能达成动态场景下交互式帧率的软阴影及物体间反射渲染。

    Experiments show that rendering with soft shadows and inter-reflection in dynamic scene can be achieved .

  8. 画一个软阴影。

    Draw a soft shadow .

  9. 使用阴影可以简单的在灯光上选择硬阴影或软阴影。

    Using shadows can be as simple as choosing Hard Shadows or Soft Shadows on a Light .

  10. 因此国内外对于实时动态软阴影的研究也就越来越多。

    Therefore , there is more and more study about real-time dynamic soft shadows at home and abroad .

  11. 接着分析了实时动态软阴影模块在场景编辑器的设计与应用。

    Then the module design and application of the real-time dynamic soft shadow in the scene editor are analysed .

  12. 因此,任何地区更容易接受至少一些直接照明,导致软阴影。

    Any given region is therefore more likely to receive at least some direct lighting , causing the softer shadows .

  13. 最后将实时动态软阴影模块应用到场景编辑器中并给出了实验的结果分析。

    Finally , the real-time dynamic soft shadow effect is applied to the scene editor and the result is analysed .

  14. 接着介绍了伪软阴影技术,因为这是目前实时阴影绘制的主要实现方式。

    Then we introduce fake shadow technology , because this is a currently main way of realizing real-time shadow rendering .

  15. 室外场景的阴影渲染和动态场景软阴影的实时渲染是阴影技术中两个非常有代表性的问题。

    Shadow rending in outdoor scene and the real-time soft shadows algorithm for dynamic scene are both the representative questions in the shadow rending field .

  16. 通过实验对比,发现改进后的伪软阴影算法在渲染速度,渲染质量和稳定性上都取得了较好的结果。

    Through experimental comparison , we find that the improved fake soft shadow algorithm achieves good performance at rending speed , rending quality and stability .

  17. 具体工作为:在线光源软阴影生成算法的基础上,作者提出了运用快速面积估计生成面光源的软阴影的算法。

    Based on an algorithm of soft shadows for linear light , the author purposed an algorithm of soft shadows for area light by area approximation .

  18. 这个算法解决了线光源软阴影生成算法阴影过渡不真实的缺陷,可以实时生成较为真实的面光源软阴影。

    This new method solved the artifact of linear visibility transition in the algorithm for linear light , and can generate convincing soft shadows for area light .

  19. 对增强三维地形真实感的软阴影算法进行了研究,并结合三维地形的具体特点进行了应用。

    Soft shadow algorithm is studied which could enhance the real sense of 3D terrain , then , through combing the features of 3D terrain , it is put into application .

  20. 之后简介软阴影技术,包括百分比滤波软阴影技术和逆向映射技术。最后,论文实现了一种改进的伪阴影算法。

    At last , the paper briefly introduces soft shadow technology , including Percentage-Closer Soft Shadows algorithm and back projection algorithm . Thirdly , the paper implements an improved fake soft shadow algorithm .

  21. 由于它只使用单张阴影图采样而且不需要任何预处理,可以很容易替换原有的阴影映射代码,生成更加真实的软阴影。

    Because it uses just a single sample and required no special processing steps , the technique easily replaces existing shadow mapping shader code in an application while producing much more realistic images .

  22. 艺术家自己的创造性劳动,但是,仍然无动于衷,如理论的要求;它主要表现在抒情优美的图案一样,梦幻般的年轻女孩在粉彩着色和软阴影。

    The artist 's own creative work , however , remained untouched by such theoretical demands ; it shows mainly lyrical motifs like graceful , dreamy young girls in pastel coloring and soft shading .

  23. 结果表明,本文方法既增强了虚拟场景中阴影的真实感,又大大提高了阴影绘制的实时性,非常适合虚拟场景的软阴影渲染。

    The result shows that the proposed method not only enhances the shadow realism of the virtual scene , but also improves the real-time shadow rendering , which is very suitable for soft shadow rendering of the virtual scene .

  24. 使用软刷会根据该按钮软阴影。

    Use soft brush to draw soft shadow under the button .