
  • 网络flexible packaging materials
  1. 现阶段,高性能、多功能的塑料软包装材料正成为热点开发的包装材料。

    At the present stage , the high-performance and multi-functional plastic flexible packaging materials become a hot spot .

  2. 聚氨酯胶粘剂因其优异的性能,用于塑塑复合可以得到耐油、耐介质、耐寒、耐磨、透明的软包装材料,因此在塑塑复合用胶粘剂市场占有重要的地位。

    Polyurethane adhesive for its excellent performance , can get oil resistance , resistance to medium , cold resistance , wear resistance , transparent plastic composite flexible packaging materials , so in plastic composite with adhesive market occupies an important position .

  3. 研制PVDC层压复合膜促进软包装材料的进步

    Researching the PVDC Pressed Multiple Film to Improve the Soft Packaging Material

  4. BOPP价格低于BOPET、BOPS等其它双向拉伸薄膜,已成为当今性能价格比较高的一种塑料软包装材料。

    What 's more , its price is lower than any other biaxially-stretched film such as BOPET and BOPS . So BOPP has become a kind of plastic packing material with higher price versus performance ratio at present .

  5. 软包装材料的表面加工方式

    The Analysis of Processing Modes on the Surface of Soft Wrapper

  6. 纸/铝/塑复合软包装材料摩擦系数的分析

    Analysis of frictional coefficient of PAPER / AL / PE film

  7. 复合软包装材料结构的设计研究

    Research on the design of multi-layer plastic structure for food package

  8. 铝箔复合软包装材料阻隔性问题研究

    The Research of Barrier Performance for Aluminium Foil Laminated Films

  9. 超高压处理对食品软包装材料性能的影响

    Effect of the ultra-higt pressure process on food package materials

  10. 基于油墨附着性能的塑料软包装材料印刷适性分析

    Analysis of Plastic Flexible Packaging Material Printability Based on Printing Ink Adhesion Capability

  11. 超高阻隔性复合软包装材料的研制

    Research and Development for Composite Soft Package Materials with Super High Separate Behavior

  12. 一种新型的多层复合软包装材料

    A Novel Multilayer Composite Material For Flexible Packaging

  13. 研究了在不同加载速率下,复合软包装材料(BOPET/AL/LDPE)的拉伸性能。

    Tension properties of multi-layer flexible packaging material ( BOPET / AL / LDPE ) under different loading rate .

  14. 可在任何软包装材料:如纸盒、标签、皮革、薄膜等材料上打印清晰的字符。

    It can print clear writing in any kinds of soft packing material such as paper box , label , leather and film .

  15. 随着国内印刷包装业的发展,为了提高包装的档次,许多软包装材料厂家需要对一些软包装材料作进一步的表面深加工等处理。

    With development of press-packaging industry in our country , in order to improve the level in packaging , many factory of soft wrapper need to machine on it .

  16. 为更好解决商品包装使用中的撕裂问题,研究了在不同加载速率下,复合软包装材料(BO-PET/AL/LDPE)的4种割口深度和5种割口角度的撕裂强度。

    The influence of loading rate on tear properties of multi-layer packaging material ( BOPET / AL / LDPE ) with four cut depths and five cut angles was studied .

  17. 本文作者向大家介绍了几种软包装材料常用的表面加工工艺及其应用场合,供广大软包装表面加工厂家和相关包装设备制造厂家的技术人员参考。

    Some processing technics on the surface of soft wrapper and application was introduced for reference to the technical personnel who work in the factory in which soft wrapper or packaging-equipment are made .

  18. 红外衰减全反射技术及其在食品软包装复合材料材质分析中的应用

    Technique of Attenuated Total Reflectance ( ATR ) of Infrared Spectroscopy and Applications in Analysis of Soft Packaging Complex Materials of Foods

  19. 研究了人工模拟紫外线照射条件下软包装复合材料(BOPET/AL/LDPE)拉伸性能的变化情况;

    The tension properties of multi-layer flexible packaging material ( BOPET / AL / LDPE ) after exposure to artificial ultraviolet radiation were studied .

  20. 使用软包装复合材料来对锂离子二次电池进行包装与传统的钢壳包装相比,具有减量化、轻型化等优点,迅速占领了锂离子包装市场。

    Compared with traditional steel shell packaging , the flexible packaging materials could reduce the weight of lithium-ion batteries ( LIB ) greatly , and seized the lithium-ion packaging market rapidly .

  21. 主要用于印刷复合或卡纸复合、装饰、软包装、防水材料等用途。

    Mainly used in compound printing or cardboard composite , the decoration , flexible packaging , waterproof material purposes .

  22. 随着市场对软包装的原材料安全性能要求的提高,醇溶性聚氨酯胶粘剂就应运而生。

    With the improvement of the market for flexible packaging raw materials security performance requirements , the alcohol-soluble polyurethane adhesive came into being .

  23. 本文分析软包装泡罩材料铝箔凹印油墨的特性及其对印刷涂布的影响因素,讨论凹印铝箔用粘合剂最佳涂布量的控制原则。

    The essay analyses the specificity of soft packaging passette material aluminium foil gravure ink and the influencing elements for printing coating and the guidance tenet of optimum coating quantitative of gravure aluminium foil adhesive .

  24. 本文论述了塑料软包装静态去湿包装的工艺,介绍了塑料软包装材料的透湿性。

    Stillness eliminate wet of plastics soft package was discussed , through wet of plastics soft package was introduce .