
ruǎn jiàn kě kào xìnɡ
  • software reliability
  1. 软件可靠性GO模型的特性分析

    An Analysis on GO Model for Software Reliability

  2. 基于MATLAB的软件可靠性BP神经网络模型

    Research of software reliability BP neural network model based on MATLAB

  3. N版本编程技术的软件可靠性分析

    Reliability Analysis of N - Version Programming

  4. 基于V模型改进的测试行为的软件可靠性分析

    Software Reliability Analysis Based on V-model Improvement Test Behavior

  5. 基于UML的软件可靠性测试用例生成的混合模型

    UML Based Hybrid Model for Generation of Software Reliability Test Cases

  6. 寿命服从极小值分布的MIS的软件可靠性分析

    Reliability Analysis Made on MIS Software with an Operation Life Submitting to Minimum Distribution

  7. 将面向对象技术特别是UML中的建模要素应用到软件可靠性测试过程是一个值得研究的问题。

    It is desired to study the software reliability test on the base of object-oriented technology .

  8. 文中运用矩阵分析理论,推导了面向客体多机系统的软件可靠性的Markov模型,给出了计算方法。

    In this paper , a Markov model is given for object-oriented multicomputer software reliability with the matrix theory .

  9. CIMS软件可靠性保证与估计

    CIMS Software Reliability Assurance and Estimation

  10. 基于OO技术的软件可靠性研究

    Study of Software Reliability Based on Object-oriented Technology

  11. 针对此问题,在对软件可靠性模型和神经网络方法进行了深入研究的基础上,本文提出了一种基于BP神经网络的软件可靠性模型综合预测方法。

    On the deep research of the software reliability models and the neural network , the synthesis prediction method of the software reliability model based on the BP neural network is proposed in this paper .

  12. 软件可靠性中NHPP模型趋势检验的U-图方法

    U-Plot Method of Trend Test for NHPP Models in Software Reliability

  13. NHPP类软件可靠性增长模型的统一及其性能分析

    United NHPP Class Software Reliability Model and Its Performance Evaluation

  14. 因此在JM模型的基础上,提出了排错时间为负指数分布的软件可靠性模型及本模型的极大似然参数估计方法。

    Based on JM model , we propose a software reliability prediction model involving fault-remove time which followed exponential distribution .

  15. 分析了软件可靠性考核的时机,提出了软件可靠性的验证试验方法,研究了基于经典方法和Bayes方法的无故障运行考核方法。

    This paper analyzes the opportunity of software reliability test , proposes the verifying method of software reliability , researches into failure free operation testing method based on classical method and Bayes method .

  16. 本文通过修改JM模型给出了一种新的软件可靠性模型,并对软件可靠度给出了点估计和置信限。

    This paper gives a novel model for software reliability based on the modification of the famous JM model . The point estimate and confidence limit are studied .

  17. 对Halstead模型的修改,对于软件可靠性工程和软件的过程控制工程均有重要的现实意义。

    The modification about Halstead model could be very realistic significance for the software reliability engineering and the process control engineering .

  18. 软件可靠性J-M预计模型对可靠性测试数据的假设要求比较严格,与实际情况不太符合。

    J-M prediction model hypothesis of software reliability needs a stricter requirement for reliability test data and it is not so consistent with the fact .

  19. 为对其进行研究,首先对Musa的软件可靠性的增长日历时间模型进行了简化,建立了软件测试日历时间模型。

    In order to carry out research on software-tesing cost , this paper first simplifies Musa 's software reliability improvement model for calendar time and builds a time model of software testing .

  20. 为解决软件可靠性模型的不一致性,摆脱传统模型多种主观假设的束缚,提出了采用遗传程序设计(GP)的演化算法建立基于软件失效间隔时间序列的软件可靠性模型。

    In order to solve the inconsistency of software reliability model and to cast off traditional models ' multi-subjective assumption , this essay adopts genetic programming ( GP ) evolved algorithm to establish software reliability model based on the software mean time between failure time series .

  21. 利用软件可靠性模型进行可靠性评估。

    Use the software reliability models to do the reliability assessment .

  22. 软件可靠性及维修性评估工具(SRMET2.0)

    Software reliability & maintainability evaluation tool ( srmet 2 0 )

  23. 软件可靠性分配是软件可靠性工程的一门新的分支技术。

    Software reliability allocation is a new branch of software engineering .

  24. 提高武器系统软件可靠性的技术途径

    Technical ways to increase the reliability of software in weapon systems

  25. 基于测试剖面的软件可靠性测试数据生成技术

    Generating Technique for Software Reliability Test Data Based on Test Profile

  26. 基于分组方法的软件可靠性极值数据统计分析

    Statistics of the Extremes of Software Reliability based on Grouped Data

  27. 软件可靠性评估可以估计和预计软件可靠性水平。

    Software reliability evaluation can estimate and predict reliabilities of software .

  28. 大型电子系统工程软件可靠性评估方法初探

    How to Evaluate the Software Reliability of Large Electronic System Engineering

  29. 基于组合神经网络的软件可靠性预测研究

    A study on software reliability prediction based on ensemble neural network

  30. 监控系统的软件可靠性建模、度量与预测

    Software Reliability Modeling , Measuring and Forecasting in Computer Supervisory System