
  • 网络Transfer income
  1. 论转移性收入的均等化效应

    A Discussion on the Equality Effect of Transfer Income

  2. 它与工资性收入、转移性收入、经营性收入均是可支配收入的重要组成部分。

    Along with the wage income , transfer income and operating income , property income is an important component of disposable income .

  3. 财产性收入和转移性收入对贫困的影响较小。

    Property income and transferred income have played little role in reducing poverty .

  4. 转移性收入与财产性收入差值在两省农村居民人均纯收入差值中所占比重不是很大,但增速很快。

    The difference of metastasis income and property income is not very important , but increased rapidly .

  5. 另外,城镇和农村居民的转移性收入对其收入差距的贡献度较大且逐年增加。

    In addition , towns and rural residents of its metastatic income of income gap has bigger contribution and increases year by year .

  6. 绝对数看,工资性收入、家庭经营性收入、财产性收入、转移性收入绝对数逐年增长。

    Based on the absolute terms , wage income , family business income , property income and transfer income are increasing every year .

  7. 政府财政收入的增加和经济快速发展也促进了农民的转移性收入和财产性收入的增长。

    The increase in government revenue and rapid economic development also contributed to the growth of farmers ' of metastatic income and property income .

  8. 研究结果表明:土地性收入在所有类型的收入当中与农户总收入的关联度最好,其次是转移性收入和工资性收入。

    The result shows that : Among various incomes , the income from land has the strongest correlation with total revenue , followed by transfer payment and wage income .

  9. 其中,工资性收入增长18.7%,家庭经营收入增长8.7%,财产性收入增长19.4%,转移性收入增长17.2%。

    Of this total , the growth of wage income was 18.7 percent ; household business operating income 8.7 percent ; property income 19.4 percent ; and 17.2 percent from transferred income .

  10. 农民纯收入中,生产性纯收入占了绝对重要的地位,工资性收入比重较高,而转移性收入和财产性收入的比重较低。

    Among the net income , the manufacture net income took up the absolute important place , and the wage income proportion was high , while the transfer income and property income proportion were low .

  11. 随后对我国农民收入增长的变化及特征进行分析得出,目前农民的工资性收入、转移性收入和财产性收入虽然都在增加,但是这些年家庭经营收入还是作为主要的收入来源。

    Subsequent from the analysis of the farmers ' income growth changes and features in China draws that farmers ' wage income 、 transfer income and property income are on the rise , but family-run income remains as the main source of income in these years .

  12. 第四章从构成纯收入的工资性收入、经营性收入、财产性收入、转移性收入的影响因素为切入点,通过对各类收入的影响来分析影响北京郊区农民整体收入的因素。

    The fourth chapter constitutes a net income from the salary income , income of business income and property income , the influence factors of metastatic income as the breakthrough point , through the influence of various income in suburban Beijing to analyze influence factors of the entire income .

  13. 研究发现:转移性收入对农村区域内部和城镇区域内部的的居民收入差距起到一定的调节作用,但是却明显扩大了城乡居民之间的收入分配差距。

    According to the results , transfer income does not play the redistribution function of small income gap ; transfer income on the rural regional internal and towns of regional internal narrow a certain income gap of residents , but obviously expanded income gap between the urban and rural residents .

  14. 财政政策工具之间的平滑能力存在较大差异,其中财政购买性支出能平滑掉经济初始冲击的11.48%,而财政转移性支出和收入政策整体上反而使经济波动上升近3%;

    Different policy tools are greatly different from each other in terms of such capability , namely , fiscal expenditure can smooth off 11.48 percent of economic initial shock , while fiscal transfer and income policy enhance economic fluctuation instead by nearly 3 percent ;

  15. 根据实证检验结果,找出我国转移性支出在缩小收入差距方面存在的主要问题。

    According to the empirical results , find out the main problems of our metastatic spending in narrowing the income gap .

  16. 微观的收入分配过程是通过市场机制的作用实现的,宏观收入调节是在微观收入分配的基础上进行的,所得税制度、转移性支付制度和收入保障制度构成宏观收入调节的三大支柱;

    Actualization of micro income distribution is through the function of market mechanics , and it is based on the micro income distribution that we carry out the macro income adjustment , which is supported by three measurements : income tax , transfer payment , and income guarantee system .