- 名Conversion factor;convert user

The fluorescence escape efficiency of csi : na ( csi : tl ) phosphor and its converting factor to X-rays
The effective dose ( ED ) was estimated by Monte-Carlo conversion coefficients .
The performance of two different kinds of fuzzy PID controllers , variable discourse fuzzy PID controller and variable distribution fuzzy controller , are optimized by adjusting scale factors or distribution of membership functions .
And iterated traget transformation factor analysis-spectrophotometry has been applied to the simultaneous determination of Pd and Rh in mixture samples with satisfactory results .
The model free methods used here are Needle Search and Iterative Target Transformation Factor Analysis ( ITTFA ) .
A new calibration transfer method based on target factor analysis is proposed . The performance of the new method is compared with the piecewise direct standardization method .
The register holding the conversion factor was geared to a single byte usage rather than a whole register ( il loads the given value into each word but you need it in each byte ) .
Calculation of X D Transform Factor in Living Plants of Paddy Rice and Wheat
The annual dose conversion factors of gross a count rate and their errors for arbitrary Th and U contents and the Th / U weight ratio covering the entire range 0 ≤ Th / U ≤∞ were calculated .
This paper emphasizes the methods of research on carbon cycle in forest ecosystems including Miami model , Thornthwaite model , Chikugo model and biomass expansion factor .
The principle of constancy of the speed of light corresponds with the definition of coordinate time . The principle of relativity corresponds with the definition of proper time . The Lorentz factor is the transformation factor between the two definitions of time .
Iterative target transformation factor analysis was applied to resolve the kinetic-spectral data matrix monitored in the process of spectroscopic reaction of unknown kinetic model and the kinetic spectrum of each component is obtained .
Adsorptive Voltammetric Determination of Mixed Pigment by Iterative Target Transformation Factor Analysis
Protein Contents and Nitrogen-to-Protein Conversion Factors for Chinese Tallow Leaves
Study of dose conversion factors of some radionuclides for members of the public
Studies on the Improving Iterative Target Transformation Factor Analysis
Simultaneous Determination of Rare Earth Elements Using Dual-Color System Iterative Target Transformation Factor Analysis
Analysis on Regional Differences of Forest Carbon Storage in China Based on Biomass Expansion Factor
Optimized Iterative Target Transformation Factor Analysis
Qualitative Analysis of Mixtures by Target Transformation Factor Analysis and Library Searching of Their Infrared Spectra
Monte Carlo calculation of the convension factor h ′( 0.07 ) / da in β radiation field
Application of Iterated Target Transformation Factor Analysis in Spectrophotometry & Simultaneous Determination of Molybdenum and Tungsten in Geological Samples
A method to estimate roughly the factor for transforming , earthquake energy into wave energy has been introduced .
And finally the uncertainty in dosimetric and epidemiological approaches for derivation of dose conversion factors is discussed briefly .
It has been applied to the determination of two component rare earth system and three component amino-acid with satisfactory results .
An ideal hysteretic model with approximate linear characteristics is transformed into an actual expected output model by multiplying a slope conversion factor .
Now that you 've eliminated the branch , you need to load your conversion factor into every byte of the conversion register .
In addition , the paper still puts forward a corrosion fatigue full-life analysis methodology basing on air environment and environment conversion factor .
Combining abstract eigen spectra with TTFA single vectors are used as orginal vectors , a new method is developed and the result obtained is satisfactory .
Optimization of Experimental Parameters of Copper , Silver , Iron and Nickel by the General Revolving Combination Design and Simultaneous Spectrophotometric Determination with Target Factor Analysis