
  • 网络hopping conductivity;hopping conduction
  1. 这些结果可以用Fermi能级附近的定域态内的变程跳跃电导来解释。

    These results may be explained by the hopping conductivity in the variable range in the vicinity of Fermi energy .

  2. 电学测试表明薄膜均为n型导电,载流子传输在低温下满足变程跳跃电导机制,较长的载流子驻留时间为薄膜铁磁特性的形成提供了条件。

    The electrical measurement showed that the films were n-type conductivity . The carrier transfer at low temperature satisfied the variable-range hopping conductivity mechanism . The long carrier residence time of carrier is in favor of forming ferromagnetic films .

  3. 实验结果表明:在所有掺Mn的样品中,均显示出低温变程跳跃电导;

    The experimental results show that all samples of doped Mn always have variable-range hopping conduction ;

  4. 一维二元非对角关联无序体系跳跃电导特性

    Characteristics of hopping conductivity in one-dimensional binary disordered system with off-diagonal correlations

  5. 跳跃电导的一种逾渗模型电子信息资源管理

    A Percolation Model About Hopping Conducting The Management of Electronic Information Resources

  6. 楔形金薄膜系统中的反常跳跃电导和隧道效应

    Anomalous hopping and tunneling effects on the conductivity of a wedge-shaped Au film system

  7. 晶粒的激活能与烧结气氛有较大关系,由于氧空位引起的电子的短程跳跃电导、极化子是晶粒电导、电容的主要起源。

    The activation energy of the grain is related with the sintering atmosphere , variable-range-hopping conductivity and polaron caused by the oxygen vacancy is the main origins of the conductivity and capacitance of the grains .