
  • 网络beating heart;Pounding Heart
  1. 他有多想用手感受我跳动的心。

    How he wants to holdmy beating heart in his hand .

  2. 罗马跳动的心不是议会的大理石柱,而是圆形竞技场的黄沙。

    The beating heart of Rome is not the marble of Rome , it is the sand of Colosseum .

  3. 他的激烈跳动的心简直随时都要跳出来。

    His dancing heart was ready to jump from his body .

  4. 这儿还有一颗只为你跳动的心。

    And here is my heart which beats only for you .

  5. 这跳动的心怎样安插,

    Where should I put , in this pounding heart ,

  6. 它们跟别的植物完全一样,不过它们有一颗跳动的心。

    they look like other plants , but they have pulsations of the heart .

  7. 生命给了我跳动的心,我却我用它寻求平静。

    Life gives me a lively heart , but I use it to seek calm .

  8. 它来自每时每刻跳动的心,来自每一个微笑。

    It pours from the heart of every moment , from the light of every smile .

  9. 一颗停止跳动的心;

    A heart with no beat .

  10. 如果我能摘星,我会摘下一颗最亮的星星放在你跳动的心上。

    If I coud reach the stars I 'd pull one down for you shine if on way heart .

  11. 但他们却忘了自己那颗跳动的心,忘了他们的灵魂正在悲痛的呐喊。

    But they forgot the heart that is bumping inside them , and their soul that is crying in pain .

  12. 有时,那种美善处处可见,它来自每时每刻跳动的心,来自每一个微笑。

    Sometimes that goodness is everywhere apparent . It pours from the heart of every moment , from the light of every smile .

  13. 回忆的神秘琴弦,在整个这片辽阔的土地上,从每一个战场,每一个爱国志士的坟墓,延伸到每一颗跳动的心和每一个家庭,

    The mystic chords of memory , stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land ,

  14. 弗洛伦斯独自一人留下时,她头低垂在一只手上,另一只手紧压着激烈跳动的心,思潮汹涌,愁绪万千。

    Florence left alone , laid her head upon her hand , and pressing the other over her swelling heart , held free communication with her sorrows .

  15. 他那么明白地表达,许多人又那么清楚地看到的老气究竟是什么呢?保罗怀着一颗跳动的心感到纳闷。

    What old fashion could that be , Paul wondered with a palpitating heart , that was so visibly expressed in him ; so plainly seen by so many people !

  16. 真正爱你的男人,只可能在你一个人的面前流眼泪,当你触摸到他时,也触摸到了那颗只为你跳动的心。

    You really love the man , probably only one person in front of you shed tears , when you touch him , they touch the heart only for you Beat heart .

  17. 我拥有这颗跳动着的心。

    I have this heart that beats and works .

  18. 她不谙世事,只好独自呆在家军,采用种种悔恨的方法,折磨和消耗她那颗不断跳动着的心,后来,常识又让她明白过来。

    After wearing and wasting her palpitating heart with every engine of regret that lonely inexperience could devise , common-sense had illumined her .

  19. 按说五月了,是激情的月份,应该是跳动的,心为什么总是淡淡的空落。

    The ordinary course of events in May , is the passion of the month should be the beating heart of why the light is always off air .

  20. 思念是一条细长的线,一端系着你,一端系着我,时刻连动着两颗跳动不息的心。

    Thinking of each other is just like a thread connecting both you on the one end and me on the other end .

  21. 四个姑娘的脸一起都变红了,仿佛在她们胸膛里跳动的是一颗心。

    The whole four flushed as if one heart beat through them .

  22. 心脏急剧跳动;颤抖的动作而不是猛烈的爆发;我那跳动的心。

    A fluttering heartbeat ; palpitant movements rather than violent eruptions ; my palpitating heart .