
  1. 基于教育特质的教育理论重构&跨越教育理论与教育实践的鸿沟

    On Re-constructing the Theory of Education Based on Education Nature & Crossing the Gap between Education Theory and Education Practice

  2. 今年的学术活动主题是跨越牙科教育的边界。

    The theme of this year 's scientific programme is Crossing the Borders of Dental Education .

  3. 因而提出要使高师历史教学走出困境,能尽快和中学历史教学接轨,适应跨越式教育的要求,必须进行内容彻底的改革,走大历史教学之路。

    Therefore , the article makes a conclusion that the history-teaching in the normal colleges must completely reform its teaching contents and carries out the way of comprehensive history in order to solve its problems , takes over the history-teaching in middle schools and suit the overstretching education .

  4. 高等教育的新跨越与教师教育技术素质

    A New Span in Higher Education and Teacher 's Education Technology Quality

  5. 汉密尔顿并不是位移的跨越大西洋的教育学家。

    Hamilton isn 't the only educator crossing the Atlantic .

  6. 论城市新移民子女亚文化跨越的学校教育干预

    On School Educational Intervention in the Sub-Cultural Transition of the New Immigrants ' Children in City

  7. 跨越距离的教育

    Goes the Distance for Education

  8. 构建和谐社会实现历史跨越,要求教育必须和谐发展,并成为社会和谐发展的牵引和支撑。

    In order to construct a harmonious society and realize great development , education is supposed to develop harmoniously and become the pull and push of social harmonious .

  9. 从徘徊到跨越:英国高等教育普及化模式及成因分析

    Analysis on Model of Higher Education Popularization and Its Causes in the UK

  10. 跨越民族文化的教育使者&民族地区双文化教师口述研究

    Educational Messengers between Ethnic Cultures : A study on the Statement of Bilateral-cultural Teacher

  11. 要实现教育的现代化,实现教育的跨越式发展,教育信息化是一个关键因素。

    Educational informationization is a key factor in realizing educational modernization and rapid development of education .

  12. 从测试测量到过程控制,从工程设计到实验教学,几乎跨越了各个科学教育领域。

    From the test and measurement to process control , From engineering design to experimental teaching , Almost across the various areas of science education .

  13. 近年来,我国的教育事业实现了跨越式发展,教育改革取得了突破性进展,国民受教育程度逐步提高。

    In recent years , the education in China has realized the great-leap-forward development , and the educational reform has made a breakthrough , the national schooling improves progressively .

  14. 因而,通过银行贷款进行筹资成为我国众多高校解决跨越式发展中教育经费严重短缺的一条重要途径,负债办学成为我国经济转型过程中高等教育发展的一个重要特点。

    So it is an important way to solve a serious shortage funding of many colleges and universities from banks . The liability school becomes an important character of higher education in our economy reforming process .

  15. 跨国教育是指各种跨越国界实施的教育学习计划或服务,其学习者所在国家和颁发证书机构所在国家不同。

    Transnational education ( TNE ) refers to a variety of cross-border education programs or services , in which the learners are based in a country different from the country where the certificate-awarding institution is based .