
kuà jiè
  • transboundary
跨界[kuà jiè]
  1. 1991年,联合国欧洲委员会(UNECE)26国签署了跨界EIA公约。

    In1991,26 nations of the United Nations Commission for Europe ( UNECE ) signed the Convention on EIA in a transboundary context .

  2. 诸如口蹄疫(FMD)、螺旋蝇蛆和小反刍动物有害生物(PPR)等跨界动物疾病尤其给伊拉克和该区域带来威胁。

    Transboundary animal diseases such as Foot-and-Mouth Disease ( FMD ), screwworm and peste des petits ruminants ( PPR ) are especially threatening in Iraq and in the region .

  3. 跨界原生质体融合产物细胞遗传物质整合过程中DNA含量变化

    DNA content variation of protoplast fusion products during the process of genetic substance integration between inter Kingdom cells

  4. 特斯拉如果真的能卖出预期的数字,那么其销量的半数将来自现有的ModelS轿车,其它一半则来自明年年初才会量产的ModelX七座跨界车。

    Half the sales would come from the aging Model S sedan and the other half the new Model X seven-seat crossover that goes into production early next year .

  5. 小型车和跨界车(crossover)成为该计划下人们购买的主要车型。

    Small cars and crossovers have dominated the vehicles bought under the scheme .

  6. 而奥迪ShootingBrake和沃尔沃XC双门跑车都是插电式混合动力车,跨界概念车。

    The Audi Shooting Brake and the Volvo XC Coupe are both plug-in hybrid , concept crossovers .

  7. 关系数据库5NF的相关判定方法的研究给定(N-1)条边界曲线及其跨界导矢构造N边域曲面

    Constructing N sided patches in terms of ( N-1 ) boundary curves and their corresponding cross derivatives

  8. 周四三星还展出了新一代GalaxyNote跨界产品。该产品搭载的是安卓系统,融合了智能手机和平板电脑的各种功能。

    On Thursday , Samsung also showcased a successor to its Galaxy Note device which runs on Android and combines the functions of a smartphone and a tablet into one .

  9. 实际上,iPad给人的感觉更像是一款介于电脑和电视之间、可手持的跨界产品。

    Actually , the iPad feels much more like a cross between a computer and a television , one that you hold in your hands .

  10. 在CAD/CAM系统的曲面设计中,常常需要根据给定的(N-1)条边界曲线及其跨界导矢构造N边域曲面。

    ? In the surface modeling of CAD / CAM systems , it is often needed to construct an N sided surface in terms of ( N - 1 ) boundary curves and their cross derivatives .

  11. 宝马还将推出一款为中国设计的X3跨界车车型。

    BMW will also introduce a version of its X3 crossover designed for China .

  12. 跨界融合子Fhhh降解PTA废水mnp基因转录研究

    Transcription of mnp Gene in Inter - Kingdom Fusant Fhhh for Degradation of PTA Wastewater

  13. 第四部分是X石油公司加油站营销模式设计,对基于跨界营销的加油站营销模式设计的依据、要达成的目标、思路和框架进行了介绍。

    The fourth part is the X oil company gas station marketing mode design , based on the crossover marketing of gas station . marketing mode design basis , to reach the goal , framework is introduced .

  14. 业务分析人员重点关注如何将ESB基础设施边界映射到业务划分块或区域,以及如何管理分块执行的跨界业务流程。

    The Business Analyst focuses on mapping ESB infrastructure boundaries to business divisions or geography and on the management of business processes spanning boundaries that are executed in parts .

  15. 在美国独霸天下的时代,IMF与美国财政部合作密切,对于跨界资本流动的壁垒有着清楚的看法:这是有害的。

    In the days of the G1 , when the IMF worked hand-in-glove with the US Treasury , it had a clear view on barriers to cross-border capital flows : bad .

  16. 与此同时,一种新的小型SUV&又叫CUV或紧凑跨界车,正在占领以往大型SUV的市场。

    Meantime , a new breed of small SUV called cuvs or compact crossovers is taking hold .

  17. 所有跨界车将以QX加数字代表车型。

    All crossovers will be identified with a QX , plus a number indicating size .

  18. 如今,捷豹的第一款跨界车型XQ将于2017年面世。

    Now the first Jaguar crossover , the XQ , is due in 2017 .

  19. 金属元素对跨界融合子Fhhh降解污染物过程中MnP水平调控

    Regulation of MnP Level of Inter-Kingdom Fusant Fhhh with Metal Elements in Degradation of Organic Pollutant

  20. 2002年,已经是一位世界级体育明星的贝克汉姆因为喜剧电影《我爱贝克汉姆》(BendItLikeBeckham)的上映成为了一个跨界明星。这部电影讲的是一个在英国出生的印度女孩梦想着和她的偶像一起比赛的故事。

    Already a world-wide sports star , he became a crossover phenomenon with the release of the 2002 comedy film ' Bend It Like Beckham , ' in which a British-born Indian girl dreams of playing with her hero .

  21. 同时,为了与更多TED爱好者分享这场脑力激荡的跨界活动,若您无明确说明,我们将仅为您提供一张入场券。

    Meanwhile , in order to give seats to as many TEDsters as possible , we would only provide you one ticket if there is no request beforehand from you .

  22. 休斯顿在流行音乐榜跨界表现,以及在以HowWillIKnow为起点的MTV中的突出表现,影响了很多美国非裔女艺人跟随她的脚步。

    Houston 's crossover appeal on the popular music charts as well as her prominence on MTV , starting with her video for How Will I Know , influenced several African-American female artists to follow in her footsteps .

  23. 现在日产又推出了一款乱七八糟的Juke跨界车,再次挑战了消费者审美品味的极限。

    The reviewers ' judgment of the crosscabrio is not necessarily final .

  24. 无论是轿车方面的雪佛兰科鲁兹(ChevroletCruze),还是跨界车方面的ChevyEquinox,都为该公司贡献了大量的市场份额。

    It is getting a big lift from the Chevrolet Cruze on the car side , as well as the Chevy equinox crossover .

  25. 他们神往的可能是这种车,但到了真正掏钱的时候,他们买的车往往还是离不开三个热门类别:紧凑型和小型车、紧凑型SUV、跨界车。

    Those may be their wants , but the cars they actually buy often fall into one of three popular segments : compact and midsize car , compact SUV , or crossover .

  26. 首款紧凑型跨界SUV&丰田RAV4于1996年开始在北美市场销售。

    The RAV4 , the first compact crossover suv , began sales in North America in 1996 .

  27. 一款更小的车型Verano,还有一款尚未命名的小型跨界车也在筹划中。

    An even smaller car , the Verano , and a yet-to-be-named small crossover vehicle are in the pipeline .

  28. 出生于新加坡的英国籍古典跨界小提琴手陈美(VannessaMae)摇身变成了代表泰国的滑雪运动员VanessaVanakorn,周二她实现了参加冬奥会比赛的梦想。

    Vanessa Mae , the Singaporean-born British classical-crossover violinist turned Thai skier named Vanessa Vanakorn , fulfilled her dream of competing in the Winter Olympics on Tuesday .

  29. 而且,Countryman依然保持着一些跨界车的特点,比如有后车盖,采用四轮驱动,离地距离很短,放物品的空间小到可笑的地步。所有这些都是传统迷你车的特点。

    Although the Countryman has some crossover characteristics like a rear hatch and all-wheel-drive , the ground clearance is minimal , and the cargo space is laughable & all traditional MINI traits .

  30. 它的上一款紧凑车型克莱斯勒彩虹(Neon)早在2005年就停产了。现在克莱斯勒的所有紧凑车型都是跨界SUV,比如指南者、吉普爱国者、道奇酷博。

    The automaker 's last compact , the Neon , called it quits in2005 , and today , all of Chrysler 's current compact entries are crossover SUVs : Compass , Jeep Patriot , and Dodge Caliber .