
  • 网络ultrasonic motor;usm
  1. 接着分析了超声波电动机的工作原理和定子表面质点椭圆运动的形成机理。

    Then how USM works and how the ellipse trace of particle on the surface of stator forms are analyzed .

  2. B(14)振型圆环驻波超声波电动机

    One Type of B 14 Mode Standing Wave Ultrasonic Motor Using Ring Plate

  3. 基于改进BP算法神经网络的超声波电动机速度控制

    Neural Network Controller Based on Modified BP Algorithm for Ultrasonic Motors

  4. 超声波电动机的反推自适应PID控制

    Adaptive PID Control For Ultrasonic Motor Based on the Backstepping Method

  5. 基于双DSP和FPGA的行波超声波电动机测控系统

    Measuring and Controlling System for Traveling-Wave Ultrasonic Motors Based on Dual-DSP and FPGA

  6. 两相行波超声波电动机低频PWM控制策略比较研究

    Comparison Study of Low-Frequency PWM Control Methods for 2-Phase Traveling Wave Ultrasonic Motors

  7. 基于Boost升压与LC谐振的超声波电动机驱动电路

    Driving Circuit Based on Boost and LC For Ultrasonic Motor

  8. 超声波电动机驱动用DDS信号发生器误差分析

    Error Analysis of DDS Signal Generator Used in Ultrasonic Motor Driver

  9. 基于CPLD的超声波电动机控制器设计

    The Design of USM Controller Based on CPLD

  10. 环形超声波电动机定子振动的固有频率RC环形多谐振荡器输出波形分析

    Natural Frequency of the stator of Ring Ultrasonic Motor Analysis of an RC Loop Multivibrator Output Waveform

  11. 基于混合递阶遗传算法和RBF神经网络的超声波电动机自适应速度控制

    Adaptive Speed Control for Ultrasonic Motor Based on Hybrid Hierarchical Genetic Algorithm and RBF Neural Network

  12. 利用移动定子中驻波振动模式空间位置的方法,该文提出一种旋转方向可控的驻波超声马达设计方案。B(14)振型圆环驻波超声波电动机

    By shifting the standing wave pattern in space , a new design scheme to control the rotation direction of the standing wave ultrasonic motor is presented . One Type of B 14 Mode Standing Wave Ultrasonic Motor Using Ring Plate

  13. 基于粘弹性摩擦层在定子表面的行波超声波电动机接触模型,利用MATLAB方法,模拟分析了摩擦材料的厚度和弹性模量对电动机特性的影响。

    Based on a contact model of traveling wave ultrasonic motor with visco-elastic contact layer on stator surface , effects of thickness of factional material and its modulus of elasticity on characteristic of the motor are simulated using MATLAB method .

  14. 从超声波电动机对驱动电源的要求出发,提出了一种基于DSP的PID-FUZZY双模控制方法,并给出了与之对应的超声波电动机电源的设计思路及其详细电路。

    Beginning with drive power demand of ultrasonic motor , a new measure about PID-FUZZY double model of the ultrasonic motor power based on DSP was put forward .

  15. 通过功率放大驱动超声波电动机,该驱动控制系统可以输出正弦波、方波、三角波,并且满足相位步进为1°,电压步进为0.1V,频率步进为1Hz。

    The control and driven system can output sine wave-form , square wave-form , triangular wave-form , it can meet that stepping of phase is 1 degree , stepping of voltage is 0.1 V and stepping of frequency is 1 Hz .

  16. 超声波电动机位置伺服系统的模糊终端滑模控制

    Fuzzy Terminal Sliding-mode Control for Position Servo Systems of Ultrasonic Motor

  17. 环形超声波电动机制作过程中的几点分析

    Some Analysis of Ring Type Ultrasonic Motor in the Manufacturing Process

  18. 行波型超声波电动机驱动和控制技术的现状与发展

    Development of Driving and Control Technique for Traveling Wave Ultrasonic Motors

  19. 小型柱体超声波电动机结构及其驱动电路研究

    Research on Structure of Miniature Cylindrical Ultrasonic Motor and Drive Circuit

  20. 行波类环形超声波电动机及其变频控制

    Travelling wave type ring ultrasonic motors and the frequency-modulated control

  21. 驱动与控制是超声波电动机性能提高和工程应用的关键技术之一。

    Driving and control techniques are important for applications of ultrasonic motor .

  22. 行波超声波电动机性能分析及其优化设计

    Characteristics Estimation and Optimal Design of Traveling-wave Type Ultrasonic Motor

  23. 环形行波超声波电动机的研制

    Research and Manufacture of Rotary Ultrasonic Motors Actuated By Traveling Flexural Waves

  24. 基于粘弹性接触模型的行波型超声波电动机特性模拟

    Performance simulation of traveling wave ultrasonic motor based on visco-elastic contact model

  25. 直线超声波电动机半实物仿真系统平台设计

    The Design of Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation Platform for Linear Ultrasonic Motor

  26. 纵扭复合型驻波超声波电动机的回顾与展望

    The Review and Expectation of Hybrid Stationary Wave Ultrasonic Motor

  27. 对发展我国超声波电动机技术的若干建议

    Some Proposals for Development of Ultrasonic Motor Techniques in China

  28. 行波型超声波电动机定子振动解析

    Analysis on Stator Vibration of Travelling Wave Type Ultrasonic Motor

  29. 2自由度球形行波型超声波电动机的特性计算模型

    Mechanical Characteristics Calculation of 2-DOF Spherical Traveling-wave Type Ultrasonic Motor

  30. 一种双转子模态转换型超声波电动机的设计

    A New Type of Double Rotors Modal Transformation Ultrasonic Motor