
  1. 他慢慢地走者,好象他不会走路似地。

    He person who walk slowly , seem like he can walk .

  2. 保持平衡的人表演平衡技巧的人,如走钢丝者。

    A person who performs feats of balance , such as tightrope walking .

  3. 当走迷宫者在迷宫中移动的时候,“墙”随着他移动。

    While the runner moves through the labyrinth , the wall moves with the runner .

  4. 在那位走钢丝者安全到达另一边前,我们都一直提心吊胆。

    The tightrope walker had us on tenterhooks until her reached the safety of the other side .

  5. 一个亚美尼亚的走钢丝者用他的平衡杆保持平衡,准备玩一场把戏。

    An Armenian tightrope walker steadies himself with his balance pole as he prepared to perform a trick .

  6. 教区牧师走到旅游者跟前,请他别在教堂内抽烟。

    The vicar want up to the tourist and ask him to restrain from smoking in the House of God .

  7. 通过理论推导和国外实践,本文指出中国保险公司治理发展只能走利益相关者内部治理主导模式。

    Finally , the paper points out that Chinese insurance corporate governance should orient toward the model of interested parties internal governance .

  8. 首先,一名阻挡者扒手走在受骗者(目标)前面,然后突然停下来,与目标撞个满怀。

    First , a ' blocker ', walks in front of the victim ( or ' mark ') and suddenly stops so that the mark bumps into them .

  9. 首先,一名“阻挡者”扒手走在受骗者(“目标”)前面,然后突然停下来,与“目标”撞个满怀。

    First , a ' blocker , " walks in front of the victim ( or ' mark " ) and suddenly stops so that the mark bumps into them .

  10. 夏尔巴人经常走在冒险者前面,为他们设置绳索和梯子,只有这样,这些攀登者才有机会登上陡峭的悬崖。

    Amazingly , Sherpas often travel ahead of the adventurers to set ropes and ladders , just so the other climbers have a chance of making it up the steep cliffs .

  11. 复康的路本就不容易走,康复者和他们的家人在为此付出极大努力的同时,亦迫切需要社会的接纳与支持。

    The road of recovery has never been smooth , and while such discharged patients and their families are trying their very best , acceptance and support from the community is imperative .

  12. 结论对有间歇性或发作性腹痛史,腹部触及腊肠状压痛性肿块,X线显示肠梗阻征,选择性动脉造影提示小肠动脉弓走行移位者,应考虑腹内疝的诊断并及时剖腹探查。

    Conclusion As to patients with intermittence or episode of stomachache , touched painful sausage like mass , intestinal obstruction by X ray , and displacement of aortic arch of small intestines shown by selective arteriography , diagnosis of intra abdominal hernia and immediate operation should be considered .

  13. 被潮流牵着鼻子走的赶时髦者

    fashionistas who are slaves to the latest trends

  14. 确实很难看出你目前正做的事与你想走的路二者之间的真实联系。

    It 's hard to see the real connection between what you are currently doing and where you want to go .

  15. 当读者走在现代校订者精心铺设的路面上时,他甚至没去猜测在几乎每一块砖板下所掩盖的稀世精美。

    As the reader steps securely over the carefully-fitted pavement laid for him by modern revisers , he does not even guess at the rare and beautiful things lying beneath almost every separate block .

  16. 所以他们是“走着吃着的梦游者”对“吃着走着的梦游者”

    so they are sleepwalkereaters , so sleepeaterwalkers

  17. 我只读到他们是梦中食者但是他们应该是“走着吃着的梦游者”所以“吃着走着的梦游者”们

    I just read they are sleepeaters , but they must be sleepwalkereaters , so sleepeaterwalkers

  18. 不管什么时候小鸡向训练者想让其走的方向随意地走去,训练者立刻给鸡一点饲料作为鼓励。

    Whenever it naturally moves in the direction they want , they immediately reinforce it with a bit of food .

  19. 即载MB冠状动脉走行迂曲成角时,舒张期MCA狭窄程度较走行正常者严重。

    That is contained MB tortuous coronary Traveling into the corner when the diastolic MCA stenosis is higher than normal Traveling serious .