
  • 网络Hittite Empire
  1. 为了争夺如今叙利亚所在的那片土地,古埃及和赫梯帝国展开了长达两个世纪的战争。

    For over two centuries the Egyptians fought against the Hittite Empire for control of lands in modern day Syria .

  2. 居纳伊也督促德国政府归还1917年他们从青铜时代的赫梯帝国之都哈图沙拿走的一个巨型狮身人面像(见文章附图)。

    Mr Gunay also forced the German government to return a massive sphinx ( pictured ) that had been removed in 1917 from Hattusa , the Bronze-Age capital of the Hittite empire .