
shú huí
  • redeem;ransom;take sth. out of pledge;buy back/out
  • redemption;ransom
赎回 [shú huí]
  • [ransom] 用财物换回

  • 赎回抵押品

  1. 他得以从当铺赎回他的表。

    He was able to redeem his watch from the pawnshop .

  2. 务必弄清楚将来赎回物品时需要支付多少钱。

    Make sure you know exactly what you will be paying back when you plan to redeem the item .

  3. 相同的制度还应用于赎回或交换俘虏。

    The same system was used for ransoming or exchanging captives .

  4. 银行取消了他先前住房的抵押赎回权。

    The bank foreclosed on the mortgage for his previous home .

  5. 如果利率上调,抵押品赎回权取消的情况也会增多吗?

    If interest rates go up , won 't foreclosures rise ?

  6. 业主如果未能按时交房贷,就会面临丧失抵押品赎回权的危险。

    If homeowners can 't keep up the payments , they face foreclosure

  7. 并不是所有未按时还债的情形都会导致丧失抵押品的赎回权。

    Not all delinquencies lead to foreclosure .

  8. 他无法赎回典当的家具。

    He had no way to redeem his furniture out of pawn .

  9. 我希望在数月之后赎回我的抵押。

    I hope to clear off my mortgage in a few months'time .

  10. 所以,如果他的单位是丧失抵押品赎回权都是由个人购买,然后大楼将可保证。

    So , if all of his units are going into foreclosure are bought by individuals , then the building would be warrantable .

  11. 虽然华尔街高管利用收费高昂的律师来确保他们的团队不用对2008年金融危机所揭示的不当行为负责,但这些银行滥用我们的法律制度,取消抵押贷款的赎回权,驱逐房客,其中一些房客甚至并不欠钱。

    While Wall Street executives used their expensive lawyers to ensure that their ranks were not held accountable for the misdeeds that the crisis in 2008 so graphically revealed , the banks abused our legal system to foreclose on mortgages and eject tenants , some of whom did not even owe money .

  12. 他从当铺赎回手表。

    He redeemed his watch from the pawnbroker 's.

  13. 她赎回了当掉的珠宝

    She has redeemed her pawned jewellery .

  14. 福米加表示,去年11月份和12月份,newstar遭遇了大规模资金外流和赎回。

    In November and December new star saw significant outflows and redemptions , says Mr Formica .

  15. 本届政府组成了“希望在眼前”联盟(HOPENOW),帮助许多处境艰难的房主避免丧失房屋赎回权。

    My administration brought together the HOPE NOW alliance , which is helping many struggling homeowners avoid foreclosure .

  16. 从类型I到类型III,投资风格越来越激进,基金公司所面临的赎回压力也越来越大。

    From style one to style three , investment style becomes more radical , and redemption puzzle becomes bigger .

  17. 今年早些时候,SAC资产管理规模曾达150亿美元,如今面临外部投资者的巨额赎回。

    SAC , which managed $ 15bn earlier this year , has faced significant redemptions from outside investors .

  18. 鑫苑置业从纽约房地产投资者卡利科(RichardKalikow)手里收购了威廉斯堡那个项目,之前卡利科曾取消了该项目开发商的抵押赎回权。

    The company acquired the Williamsburg site from New York real-estate investor Richard Kalikow , who had foreclosed on the project 's developer .

  19. 场外代销机构直接将场外申购、赎回申报数据传送中国结算公司ta系统;

    Forthe curb selling Institute on a commission basis shall transmits all the subscription and redemption data to the CSDCC TA system directly ;

  20. 因此密歇根大学(universityofmichigan)的安妮杰斐逊(annejefferson)数年前开展了一项研究项目,分析抵押贷款赎回权丧失现象。

    And so , a couple of years ago , Anne Jefferson of the University of Michigan began a research project that analyses how mortgage foreclosures are unfolding .

  21. 尽管回报率十分可观,但从今年年初到10月底,投资者已经从AMGDataServices跟踪的三只中国ETF中赎回了约1.62亿美元。

    Despite the impressive returns , investors have yanked about $ 162 million from three China ETFs tracked by AMG Data Services so far this year through the end of October .

  22. -为确保该财团能够达到掌握60%至75%股权的目标,GoldOne可能还需增发一次股票,这关键要看股东们对上述要约的接纳率,以及一项可转债的强制赎回结果。

    - Depending on the take up rate , and the result of a forced redemption of a convertible bond , Gold One might have to do another share issue to ensure that the consortium hits its target of securing 60-75 per cent of the company .

  23. 业内咨询机构KineticsPartners的一位主管克里斯隆巴德(ChrisLombardy)表示,降低费用是金融危机期间,当一些基金暂停赎回时开始的。

    Chris Lombardy , an executive at Kinetics Partners , an industry consultant , said the fee cuts started when some funds halted redemptions during the financial crisis .

  24. 估值专家表示,高盛(GoldmanSachs)和美国运通(AmericanExpress)赎回认股权证的价格接近或高于其估计价值,而摩根士丹利与这些竞争对手不同,其赎回价格较权证估值有很大的折扣。

    Unlike rivals Goldman Sachs and American Express , which repaid the warrants at prices close to or above their estimated value , Morgan Stanley redeemed them at a significant discount , according to valuation experts .

  25. 据Morningstar的数据,截止到今年2月的12个月里,富达投资(Fidelity)的净赎回额为320亿美元(不包括货币市场基金)。

    Fidelity , for one , had net redemptions of $ 32bn ( excluding money market funds ) in the 12 months to February , according to Morningstar .

  26. 我们可以配售费用方式,向分销商支付不多于单一「可赎回」ELI面值3%之佣金。

    We may pay commission by way of a placement fee of up to3 % of the Nominal Value of a Single Callable ELI to the Distributors .

  27. 作为一位长线机构投资者,utahretirementsystems的文件辩称,“基金经理应在长时期内抚平允许进行的最大赎回压力,以确保长线投资者不会使流动性风险溢价下降”。

    As a long-term institutional investor , the Utah retirement systems document argues that " managers should smooth maximum allowable redemption pressure over a long period of time to ensure that the liquidity risk premium is not subsidised by long-term investors " .

  28. 跟踪丧失抵押品赎回权案例的realtytrac表示,在所有被收回的房产中,有大约一半重归银行所有。

    About half of all foreclosures overall return to the banks , says RealtyTrac , which tracks foreclosure filings .

  29. 大型学生公寓公司Opal在2013年破产,而另外两家学生公寓基金公司,由于无法出售足够的房屋来满足投资者的要求,于是被迫停止赎回。

    Opal , a major student housing company , went bankrupt in 2013 , and two other large student housing fund companies were forced to suspend redemptions when they could not sell property to meet the demands .

  30. 本文使用BDT模型对国家开发银行自2001年以来发行的可赎回债券和可回售债券定价,结果发现可赎回债券被高估,而可回售债券被低估。

    We use BDT model to price the callable and puttable bonds issued by China Development Bank since 2001 . It is found out that callable bonds are overvalued , while puttable bonds are undervalued .