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  1. 本文从不同侧面证析这三人的创作特点及其对赋史的贡献。

    This article is intended to expound and analyze their writing characteristics and their contributions to the history of rhyme-prose writing from different aspects .

  2. 西晋是赋学批评史上一个重要的时期。

    West Jin is an important period in the history of Fu Criticism .

  3. 毫无疑问,屈原赋是中国文学史上一座不朽的丰碑。

    There is no doubt that Qu Yuan has become an everlasting monument in the history of Chinese literature .

  4. 在赋体文学发展史上,南北朝是一个题材空前多样广阔,内容空前丰富充实,艺术空前精湛优美的时代。

    In the history of ode-style literature , the Northern and Southern Dynasties is the era of unprecedented wide variety of subjects , enriched contents and exquisite fine art .

  5. 历代论文赋既是辞赋创作史上的一个突出现象,也是古代文学理论的重要内涵。

    Literature-criticizing fu is not only an outstanding phenomenon in the history of fu ( or ci ) - writing , but an important part itself in our ancient literary theory .

  6. 诗与赋是中国文学史上两大重要文体,而诗赋两体之间相互影响、相互渗透的关系更是文学发展过程中一个重要现象。

    The poetry and ode are both the important literary forms in the history of Chinese literature . In the development of literature , there is an important phenomenon , i.e. poetry and ode are influenced and infiltrated with each other .