
  1. 通过引入管理咨询、加强项目培训工作以及加强实施团队的假设,降低企业实施ERP项目的人力资源风险。

    Through introducing management consulting , strengthens the project training and strengthens construct of the group , to reduce the human resources risk that enterprises implement ERP project .

  2. 在经过对实施流程的详尽后,识别出企业实施ERP项目的四类风险:技术风险、变革风险、项目监控风险以及人力资源风险。

    To analyse implement procedure exhaustively , combine domestic enterprise implement ERP project 's reality , we recognize four kinds of risks of enterprises implement ERP project : Technological risk , transform risk , control project risk and human resources risk .

  3. 人力资源风险的分析、评价与对策研究

    On the Analysis , Evaluation and Countermeasures of Human Resource Risk

  4. 第三,走技术链条化道路,规避资源风险;

    Thirdly , realizing technological chain to avoid resource risk ;

  5. 商业银行存量资源风险转化研究

    Analyzes How to Transform the Existing Resource Risk in the Commercial Banks

  6. 基于信息不对称的企业人力资源风险分析

    To Analyse on Risk of Enterprise Human Resources Based on Information Asymmetry

  7. 丰水地区水资源风险管理研究

    Research on water resources risk management in water sufficient area

  8. 人才内部流动风险是人力资源风险的重要组成部分。

    Talent internal flow risk plays an important role in human resource management .

  9. 家族企业人力资源风险分析

    Risk Analysis on Manpower Resources in Clan Enterprises

  10. 论企业人力资源风险防范

    On Risk Avoidance of Human Resources in Enterprises

  11. 基于云模型的供电企业人力资源风险评价

    The Risk Evaluation of Human Resources for Power Supplying Company Based on Cloud Model

  12. 高新技术企业人力资源风险的成因及防范

    Analysis of Human Resource Risk in High Technology Enterprise and the Study on the Precaution

  13. 基于灰色关联理论和熵权法的企业人力资源风险评价

    To Evaluate on Enterprise Human Resources Risks Based on Grey Relevance Theory and Entropy-weighted Method

  14. 对金山公司的人力资源风险管理进行实证分析。

    ( 5 ) the empirical study on human resource risk management in Kingsun soft company .

  15. 运用未确知数学理论对地下水资源风险分析问题进行了初步研究。

    The unascertained mathematics theory is applied to calculate the groundwater supply and evaluate the groundwater allowable withdrawal .

  16. 潜在的风险:产业风险,环境和资源风险,国内资本流失的风险。

    The potential risks : industry risks ; environment and resources risks ; lost risks of domestic capital .

  17. 研究工作从两方面展开:第一、企业人力资源风险的理论研究;

    The paper mainly contains two aspects : one is the theory research on human resource risk management in enterprise ;

  18. 人力资源风险主要表现为缺乏有效的实施顾问指导、企业缺乏具有实施能力的员工的风险。

    Humanresources risk show as lack effective consultant of implementation , lack the risk with staff of the implementing ability mainly .

  19. 最后,水资源风险以及日趋严重的生态系统失衡引起的各种风险将会构成中国的主要环境挑战。

    Finally , risks to water resources and risks emanating from an increasingly unbalanced ecosystem are major environmental challenges for china .

  20. 高等学校学科创新引智基地人力资源风险管理研究市场主导的高等院校引进外国智力:属性、机制和取向

    Human Resources Risk Management of Scheme of Intelligence Introduction for Innovation at Chinese Universities Market-orientated IFI in university : elements , mechanism and values

  21. 采用风险理论、心理学、管理学、组织领导学,从风险管理的角度,提出了人力资源风险管理策略。

    Based on risk theory , psychology , management , we suggest the strategy of human resource risk management from the point of risk management .

  22. 其中结合经济学家帕累托的80/20理论及查恩斯的数据包络分析方法重点讨论了针对企业员工的人力资源风险防范。

    We place emphasis on how to prevent human resource risk on employee , which apply the80 / 20 theory of Pereto and DEA of Charnes .

  23. 但是企业在生存发展的过程中,人力资源风险管理的重要性往往受到忽视,而企业又不可避免地面临各种人力资源经营风险。

    But as the enterprise progressing , the importance of human resource management often easily be forgotten , and force to face the risks it causes inevitably .

  24. 后者是通过模糊数学方法建立本企业的人力资源风险数学模型,借以分析人力资源风险带来的不良后果。

    The latter establishes human resource risk mathematics model which relying on the misty mathematics method , to analyze the bad results human resource risk may cause .

  25. 引入智慧资本指标的上市公司财务危机预警实证研究高等学校学科创新引智基地人力资源风险管理研究

    An Empirical Study on Financial Crisis Prediction of Listed Corporations Include Intellectual Capital Variables ; Human Resources Risk Management of Scheme of Intelligence Introduction for Innovation at Chinese Universities

  26. 迄今为止,国内外学术界和实务界对人力资源风险展开过许多的研究和探讨,并取得了一定的研究成果。

    So far , there have been many researches and discussions carried out in both the theoretical circle and the practical circle home and abroad and achieve a lot .

  27. 论文以企业风险管理理论为基础,重新定义了企业人力资源风险的概念和人力资源风险管理的内涵,设计了企业人力资源风险管理的流程;

    The thesis is based on enterprise 's risk management theory , redefine the concept of enterprise 's human resources risk , design the course of risk management of human resources ;

  28. 随后从系统设计的角度,完整介绍了基于模糊神经网络的企业人力资源风险评估系统的研发过程。

    Then , from the aspect of system design , this thesis gives a complete introduction of the R & D process of HR evaluation system based on fuzzy neural network .

  29. 要获得高层领导的支持,以避免可能出现的人力资源风险,另外要在项目小组人员的构成上要兼顾各方面的利益。

    To get top management support in order to avoid possible risk of human resources , the other in the composition of project team personnel to take into account interests of all parties .

  30. 人力资源风险是家族企业成长的重要制约因素,因此,分析和研究家族企业人力资源风险具有重要的现实意义。

    The risk of human resource is an important factor that restricts family firm to grow up , therefore analyzing and studying the risk of human resource in family firm have important realistic meaning .