
  • 网络resource dependency theory;resource dependence theory;RDT;resource dependence
  1. 其中,前者包括三个理论,即互惠理论、资源依赖理论,以及金融控制理论,它们是服务于组织之间的战略意图;

    The former , which consists of the reciprocity theory and the resource dependency theory and the finance control theory , serves inter-organization intention .

  2. 学者们已经发展出了委托代理理论、博弈论、资源依赖理论、现代管家理论、现代组织理论、替代性假说理论及经理层霸权理论等数种理论。

    Scholars have developed many theories , such as principal-agent theory , game theory , resource dependency theory , stewardship theory and so on .

  3. 运用中间组织理论、交易成本理论、资源依赖理论、动态能力理论和KBT理论、博弈论等剖析了联盟网络形成的原因以及它在稳定企业合作关系方面的作用。

    The forming cause of Alliance network is analyzed by using the middle organization theory , the transaction cost theory , resources-based theory , dynamic ability theory and knowledge-based theory , game theory etc. Meanwhile , the steady function of Alliance network is analyzed in the collaboration .

  4. 基于资源依赖理论的农业保险组织体系

    Comparative analysis of agricultural insurance organizational systems of America and Japan based on resources dependence theory

  5. 资源依赖理论视角下农民专业合作社发展研究

    Research on the Development of Farmers ' Specialized Cooperatives from the Perspective of Resource Dependence Theory

  6. 本文运用资源依赖理论的研究成果和分析框架,考察浙江政府与民间组织的互动机制。

    Based on resource dependence theory , this paper analyzes the interactive mechanism on the NPO and government .

  7. 本文应用的相关理论包括委托代理理论、现代管家理论、资源依赖理论。

    The theories related to applications including commissioned resources agency theory , modern stewardship theory , dependency theory .

  8. 为此,本文借鉴相关资源依赖理论,从东道国资源利用的角度,对服务业跨国公司非股权扩张模式问题进行进一步研究。

    We hereby put forward the non-equity entry mode research from the perspective of the usage of host country resources .

  9. 对相关理论进行检验,其结果证实了资源依赖理论,部分证实了金融控制理论和管理控制理论。

    The empirical results seem to consist with the resources dependency theory , and partly with the finance control theory and the management control theory .

  10. 首先建立一个基于核心竞争力理论和资源依赖理论思想的一般模型,用于分析高科技企业决策搜索的动因;

    A general model on the basis of core competitive theory and resources dependent theory is built to analyze the decision search of the high-tech enterprises .

  11. 群体生态学观点给予我们对整体环境的理解,而资源依赖理论则提供了企业如何在特定环境下竞争的线索。

    The population ecology of organizations helps us understand the overall environment and the resource dependence theory gives enterprises a clue to how to compete on a certain circumstances .

  12. 本研究认为,研究大学组织变革应该以同质异形理论为主,充分借鉴制度理论和资源依赖理论。

    This study suggests that the research on university changes should give priority to allomorphism theory , and draw references from the institutional theory and resource dependence theory fully .

  13. 综合介绍了利益相关者理论、资源依赖理论及组织生态学理论的核心思想,构筑了本文的理论基础。

    Synthetically introduces the core thought of the Stakeholder Theory , the Resource Dependence Theory , and the Organizational Ecology Theory so as to build the theory basement of the dissertation .

  14. 资源依赖理论认为组织总是容易受到控制着它们所需资源的组织的影响,这为我们提供了理论依据。

    The theory of resource dependence suggests that organizations always are influenced easily by the other organizations can control the resources they needed , which provides a theoretical basis for us .

  15. 关于董事长与总经理是否应当分离,理论界存在激烈争论,分别基于委托&代理理论、现代管家理论和资源依赖理论。

    Heated debate is existed in the theoretical circle about whether chairman and CEO should separate . These opinions are based on principal-agent theory , modern housekeeper theory and resources dependency theory .

  16. 对相关的理论做了简要的介绍,委托代理理论、管家理论以及资源依赖理论是董事会职责定位的三大主要理论。

    This part gives a brief introduction to some related theories , including Principal-agent theory , stewardship theory and resource dependence theory which are three basic theories to the board of directors .

  17. 本文主要对协作网络下的三种不同组织环境理论进行综述。这三种理论分别是种群生态理论、综合分析理论和资源依赖理论。

    This paper summarizes three organizational theories from the point view of collaborative network , which are the population ecology of organizations , the comprehensive analysis theory and the resource dependence theory .

  18. 并基于治理理论、组织资源依赖理论、公共物品供给等相关理论对医疗卫生服务的供给和病人流向的作用进行研究。

    Based on the management theory , organizational resource dependence theory , the theory of public goods supply , this part studies the supply of health services and the role of patient flow .

  19. 本文将社会交换理论和资源依赖理论与社会网络理论相结合,从网络的视角来研究渠道关系网络中渠道权力结构的确定及其影响因素。

    Based on the social exchange theory , resource dependence theory and social network theory , this dissertation studies the determinants and influence factors of channel power structure in channel network from a network perspective .

  20. 重点阐述国内外关系嵌入、项目绩效和环境不确定性等相关文献,同时回顾了关系交换理论和资源依赖理论等相关理论。

    Emphasis is put on relevant home and foreign literature on relational embeddedness , project performance and environment uncertainty . In addition , related theories such as relation exchange theory and resource dependence theory are reviewed .

  21. 本文从社会嵌入理论和资源依赖理论的观点出发,认为组织间个人层面非正式的跨组织私人关系是组织的一种重要的资源,与组织层面正式的组织间合作关系是紧密嵌入的。

    Based on the social embedded theory and resource dependence theory , the article thought informal inter-organizational guanxi of individual level is an important resource and is close embedded with the formal inter-organizational cooperative relationship of organizational level .

  22. 研究方法主要采用定性与定量相结合的方法:首先,基于不确定性,考虑交易成本理论、资源依赖理论、核心竞争力等理论,对研发决策进行定性的描述。

    The research method combines qualitative with quantitative methods : firstly , based on non-deterministic , the cost theory , resource dependence theory , core competence and other theories , making a qualitative description on R & D decision-making .

  23. 基于资源依赖理论,本文考察了我国企业非市场行为的影响因素,并通过175位企业高层的调查数据验证了可能影响我国企业非市场行为的企业和环境特征的13个假设。

    Based on the resource dependence theory , the paper examines the influence of Chinese corporate non-market action , and tests the hypotheses about the characteristics of corporate and environment which might influence corporate political non-market action through the data of 185 enterprises .

  24. 资源依赖理论认为公司想要成功,还必须需要建立与外部环境相匹配的组织机构,当外部环境变化时,公司内部的组织结构也必须作相应的调整。

    Resource dependence theory believes that the companies want to be successful , it must also need to establish organizations to match with the external environment . When the external environment changes , the organizational structure of the company must also adjust accordingly .

  25. 在对资源依赖理论研究的基础上,分析影响资源交换过程中议价能力的主要因素,并从经济学中合作均衡的角度研究资源配置的决策问题。

    Based on research of resource dependence theory , this essay analyses key factors to influence bargaining ability in the process of resource exchange and researches the decision-making problem of resource deploy from the angle of coordination equilibrium by virtue of economies . 8 .

  26. 本文对散见于国内外的连锁董事文献进行了梳理,将之归纳为四种理论体系,即互惠理论、资源依赖理论、金融控制理论和管理控制理论,并依据每一种理论提出了相关假定。

    Firstly , the authors summarize the four typical theories of interlocking directorates , which have been covered up and scattered in historical literatures , and then propose four hypotheses respectively on the reciprocity theory , resources dependency theory , finance control theory and the management control theory .

  27. 无论是社会资本理论还是资源依赖理论都强调政治关系作为一种高级的社会资源,其不仅能帮助企业获取到更多的资源,还能优化企业的资源配置。

    No matter the social capital theory or the resource dependence theory , which all emphasize the political relations can be regarded as a senior social resources that not only can help the company to gain more resources , but also optimize allocation of resources of the company .

  28. 从资源相互依赖理论的视角出发,分析了政府与非政府组织在资源上的相互依赖关系以及不同的政府&非政府组织关系类型,认为:非政府组织在获得资源的途径方面具有结构性的差异;

    This article analyzes the relationship of resource-inter-dependence between NGOs and governments , and concludes : there is structural difference in the way NGOs and governments get resources ;

  29. 第二章首先对产学研联盟和产学研联盟动因的概念进行了界定,接着从交易成本理论和资源依赖、资源基础理论的角度对产学研联盟的动因进行了分析。

    Chapter two firstly defines the concept of industry university institute alliance and its motivations , then analysis these motivations from the perspectives of transaction cost theory , resources dependence theory and resources based theory .

  30. 本文在资源基础理论和资源依赖理论两大理论背景中,把社会资本与渠道权力与依赖衔接起来,并提出待检验的假设。

    On the background of resource-based theory and resource dependence theory , this paper connects social capital with channel power and dependence , and proposes the hypothesis to be tested .