
  • capitalism
  1. 三是生产和资本的集中正在形成全球寡头垄断市场;

    The concentration of production and capital forms global monopoly market ;

  2. 公司制度实现了社会资本的集中,为市场经济和生产力的发展创造了基础。

    Company system realizes the centralization of social capitals , laying the basis for market system and productivity progress .

  3. 这种剥夺是通过资本主义生产本身的内在规律的作用,即通过资本的集中进行的。

    This expropriation is accomplished by the action of the immanent laws of capitalistic production itself , by the centralization of capital .

  4. 从全球传播的视角来分析其对本土文化的影响。媒介资本的集中、传播新技术的聚合和传播的全球化形成了新的图像空间,改变了人们传统的时空概念。

    On the basis of the idea that the capital of media monopoly is the material foundation for this global phenomenon , this paper analyses the impacts of global communication on the local culture .

  5. 监管机构拟将增加资本的要求集中于这些业务领域,并可能迫使那些被视为具有系统重要性的保险公司出售这些业务。

    Regulators plan to focus capital requirement increases on these operations and may force insurers deemed systemically important to sell them .

  6. 目前,对组织资本的研究多数集中在组织资本的解释、评估及其与人力资源开发的关系上,对于企业组织资本信息披露的相关研究非常少。

    There is little research on the organizational capital information disclosure .

  7. 价格竞争的长期发展,优胜劣汰的持续演变,必然会导致资本的积累和集中,造成垄断。

    During its long term development , some win and others fail , price competition will lead to monopoly through capital accumulation and centralization .

  8. 在市场经济高度发展的当代,垄断行为大量存在,资本的积累和集中,已将垄断推向了更高的程度。

    In present age of the highly-developed market economy , monopoly behavior massive existences , capital accumulation and centralism has pushed monopoly to a higher degree .

  9. 提出了以个人资本为主的资本集中,促进农业经济发展呈螺旋式上升的良性循环等有关实施对策。

    It also puts forward the countermeasures such as the centralization of capital with personal capital as its principal part , the sound circle of the economic development in a spiral way .

  10. 过去,国内社会资本的研究主要集中在社会学与经济学领域,主要研究社会资本在宏观层面的功能,比如说促进就业、人员流动和经济增长等;

    In the past , the domestic social capital research mainly focused on the sociology and economics areas , and pay attention on the functions of social capital at the macro level , for example : promote employment and people mobility , economic growth , etc ;

  11. 目前对上市公司资本结构的研究主要集中在两方面:一是以MM理论为基础的资本结构主流理论,着重研究资本结构与企业价值的关系;

    At present , the study on capital structure of listed company mainly is concentrated on two respects : First , the mainstream theory of capital structure , which is based on MM theory , studies the relation between the capital structure and enterprises ' value emphatically ;

  12. 资本向体育产业的集中

    The Concent ratio n of the Capital Towards The Physical Industry

  13. 但是,目前关于国际资本流动的研究主要集中于一些政策环境因素。

    But , mainly concentrates at present about the international capital movement research in some policy environmental factors .

  14. 进入20世纪以后,上海发展成为中国的工商业中心,招徕资本和劳动力的高度集中。

    Upon the 20th century , Shanghai had become the industrial and commercial center of China , which amassed capital and labor force to an intensive degree .

  15. 建立具有激励作用的薪酬制度是人力资本的有效管理的集中体现,薪酬在吸引、保留和激励员工方面有着无可替代的基础性作用。

    The establishment of an incentive payment management system reflects an effective management of the human resource , and salary plays an important role on attracting , retaining and motivating staff .

  16. 目前对社会资本测度的研究多集中在微观和中观层次,对社会资本宏观层次的测度研究还不多见,是一个亟待解决的理论问题。

    The current measure of social capital are more concentrated at the micro-and meso-level , while rarely on the macro-level , which is an urgent theoretical issue needed to be solved .

  17. 对冲基金的存在和发展,是资本逐利性的集中体现,是市场降低风险、提高效率的内在要求,对金融市场发展具有积极意义。

    The existence and development of hedge funds is the embodiment of capital chasing interest and the internal requirement of low market risk and to improve efficiency , which has positive significance on financial market development .

  18. 目前对社会资本的测度研究多集中在微观个人和中观社区或企业,专门做社会资本的宏观测度的研究还很少。

    The contents studied is novel-the macro-measure indicators of social capital . The current measure of social capital research concentrated in the micro-individual-and meso-level , no one has specifically done measure of social capital in the macro-level before .

  19. 国有企业过度负债、资本结构失衡的问题集中地发生在我国宏观经济从计划转向市场的转轨时期,笔者认为是国有企业的治理结构和外部社会投融资体系的变迁共同决定了国有企业资本结构。

    Since the problem of unbalanced capital structure occurred mainly in the transferring period , I think the capital structure of state-owned enterprises was the co-result of both corporate governance and the transference of social investment and financing system through the above analysis .

  20. 真正的道德论断不应该反对资本收益的存在,而应反对资本所有权的集中程度如此之高。

    The true ethical case is not against the existence of a return on capital but that capital ownership is so highly concentrated .

  21. 在完全资本市场条件下,尽管劳动力市场结构不同,资本和收入的集中总是存在。

    Under the conditions of perfect capital markets , there always exists convergence of capital and income per capita regardless of different labor market structures .