
  1. 很贵的酒啊我已经开始喜欢你了很高兴受到邀请

    Oh , the expensive stuff . I like you already.Just happy to be invited .

  2. 奥地利的贵腐酒

    The Famous Wine in Austria

  3. 但我要多加一点酱,再要一瓶你们这里最贵的酒。

    But I 'd like some extra sauce , and a bottle of your most expensive wine .

  4. 店员并不把她当回事,并且建议她买两瓶很贵的酒。

    The assistant did not take her seriously , and advised her to buy two bottles of very expensive wine .

  5. 如果我带一瓶很贵的酒,可能没人领情&要么因为别人不会欣赏,要么是没有人注意到我带的是什么酒。

    If I take an expensive bottle , it may go unappreciated – either through lack of appreciation or people not seeing what I 've brought .